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Douglas Kirby

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Everything posted by Douglas Kirby

  1. I liked it - sounded like a bit of surf rock to me - very enjoyable. No crits on the mix - sounded good to me.
  2. emeraldsoul - Thanks for you comments - I think the bass is alright, after listening to it again - I did another remix. It was the electric piano that was out of tune - I tried to fix it again - I think I got it right this time. I recently pickup up a couple of Super Snarks - which has more precise tuning, so I'll be using them from now on. Thanks again for listening. sven450 - Thanks for listening. I took off some more reverb on the drums per your suggestion. kakku - Thank you very much for giving my song a listen. JohnBee58 - I'm glad you liked the song - thanks for listening. I like the piano parts, so I'm going to leave them in - we can agree to differ in opinion there?
  3. That's another good song from you Bjorn - you definitely have your own style. Lynn did quite a nice job on the vocal. I enjoyed the lyrics - very funny. Nice job on this collaboration.
  4. I enjoyed the listen John - that Vocalsynth was very interesting. I thought the song had a bit of a lounge vibe to me - pretty cool. The mix sounded fine to me.
  5. Douglas Kirby

    Dance Tryout

    That's a cool tune Kakku - it has some giddy-up to it - a pleasant tempo. It drives along quite nicely. The mix sounds quite polished to me - nice job.
  6. I agree with DeeringAmps - I thought the bass was a little light in the mix as well. Nice job on the vocal -and I really enjoyed your lyrics in the song. I did think your vocal could have used a bit more reverb - maybe that's why someone mentioned it not feeling like it belonged to the music. It's a catchy tune - the type you sing along too.
  7. Another impressive composition from you - nicely done.
  8. I thought you did a nice job on this cover - I enjoyed the listen, and I thought your vocal was quite good. The french horn sounded close to the original.
  9. Thanks Freddy - I appreciate your comments. Thanks for lending your ears to my song.
  10. An interesting composition - a bit macabre as emeraldsoul mentioned - I thought the brass sounded excellent.
  11. Nice job Larry - you could have been on Hee Haw? My favorite one was "Dear One" - made me think a bit of Waylon Jennings for some reason, but I did enjoy them all.
  12. Thanks David - I'll give the flute another listen.
  13. DeeringAmps - Thanks Tom - I appreciate your comments. On the lead vocal - I used the Waves Reel ADT plug - I thought it gave my vocal a bit of a psychedelic vibe. Thanks again for listening. garybrun - Thanks for your comments. Per your critiques, I decreased by a bit the guitar in the left channel and the keys. I took a bit of reverb off the drums. Regarding the tuning issue, it's the keys - I keep trying to get the keys in tune - it's EZKeys - I hope it sounds alright now. Wookiee - Thank you very much for lending your ears to my song. bjornpdx - Hey Bjorn - thanks for the compliments - I'm glad you liked it. Maybe I will send the song to the town's website - good idea. By the way, the flute is the Mellotoon EZKeys vst - it's pretty cool. Lynn - Thank you very much for your kind comments. I'll look at the panning of the flute for my next remix - good suggestion.
  14. Maybe it's the new Waves OVox vocal plug - see it here: https://www.waves.com/plugins/ovox-vocal-resynthesis?gclid=Cj0KCQjwjcfzBRCHARIsAO-1_Or_GNWsc3sHhqz155W4xyEunulOB6U4fGIr16WXLL6tbteceoDSfdYaAtJmEALw_wcB#ovox-next-generation-voice-controlled-synth
  15. Very cool - I enjoyed the listen - it's a good song - catchy. You have the right vocal for this type of song. The mix sounded quite nice to my ears - it sounded professional.
  16. Another cool rocker from you - of course the guitar playing is excellent - but I always enjoy your vocals as well. Loved that breakdown in there - very nice. I always get an 80's rock vibe from your music.
  17. I get the same message as Bjorn mentioned.
  18. Nice - this is quite a journey musically - very cool. You utilized quite a wide palette of sounds in this wild cosmic composition. It definitely kept my interest because I never knew what was coming next - well done - very creative.
  19. Douglas Kirby


    Hi Everybody, Here's another track off of my album "A Gray Colored Sky" It's a song about my hometown - any comment or critiques are welcome. Here it is: https://www.soundclick.com/music/songInfo.cfm?songID=13967959
  20. This is the type of composition that puts one in a good mood. Very nice - the lead violin was impressive.
  21. Cheers Bjorn - I just gave it another listen - that was a lot of fun working on this one.
  22. I enjoyed the listen - especially your vocal - nice job there. I liked that synth in the background as well. A pleasant song - nice job.
  23. That's a really cool ballad Jesse - it's been awhile since I heard her voice - she has a good one. I liked the violins in the background - they sounded quite good to me. I really liked that ending as well - well done.
  24. Very cool vibe and groove - the synths sounded excellent and so did the brass. The mix sounded quite nice to my ears. This could be a lounge classic - nicely done.
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