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Re: Addictive Drums/Keys File for Plugin Manager
TedPiano replied to TedPiano's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Thanks Jon - very much appreciated Best Ed -
Hi All, Re: Addictive Drums/Keys File for Plugin Manager Pretty much says it all - i.e. which file do I add to the Plugin Manager to install/open ADD Drums/Keys Thanks Best Ed
Hi Mark - brilliant - pretty much where I thought it had to go - but your explanation is brilliant Thanks very much Very Best Ed
Hi Wookie, Thanks very much - was just experimenting and yup FX additions do seem to work - just one thing - say I've got a Waves C1 Gate and then Waves Real Tune but then want the CBB Quadcurve do I have to start a separate FX chain after QCurve or is there a way of importing it into the FX Chain - Hope that makes sense - Best - Thanks again Ed
Hi All, Re: Pro Channel - Individual Choices Quick Q - if for example I want to use a chain of FX for Vox in a regular order eg Waves Real Time, Compressor, EQ, DeEsser etc how do I create that in the ProChannel? I've heard of saving FX chains and then importing (I think) but it would be really great to use the great things in Sonar/CBB e.g. Quadcurve EQ in conjunction with external Plugins - any suggestions? Thanks Ed
Hi All, Re: Splat CBB & Waves Plugins Just wondering if anyone has had the following issues 1. Splat has no problems with Waves Plugins i.e. no opening problems or audio dropouts 2. CBB has all the above problems i.e. opening problems e.g. WavesShell 4 & 6 repeatedly stated "opening is risky" and a short time into the session audio dropouts occur For workflow I think I will go back to Splat but I do prefer CBB overall Any thoughts - by the way I have fully reinstalled CBB with great help from CBB Tech and Scook but the above problems are still occurring - also have checked recommended Plugin Manager VST files for Waves and everything is correct Thanks Best Ed
Hi All, Re: CBB Splat & External Hard Drives Have started to think about moving some things like Audio Library from Sonar Content to an external hard drive - my computer needs a real clean up So just wondering how others are using external hard drives with CBB or Splat and what they are moving to the HD Re: Acer Computers (Laptop): (Sorry just another quick Q) Something I came across the other day on my Acer computer was a program called Clear Fi - which seemed to have over 4Gb's of Dim Pro which I had to delete a couple of days ago i.e. there seems to be some kind of doubling up on the storage (not got round to fixing the DimPro problem yet) - anybody come across this program and what did they do with it i.e. delete/keep Thanks for any advice/opinions Best Ed
CBB Reinstall CBB Advice & Second Opinion
TedPiano replied to TedPiano's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Hi Scook - once again you are the star - can't thank you enough Very best Ed -
Hi All, Re: CBB Reinstall - & Deleting Cakewalk Core - Sorry for Being Expansive - but please any advice would be greatly greatly appreciated Appears I need to fully reinstall CBB - However, fortunately Splat and previous Sonar X1 to 3 are working fine with all plugins e.g. Waves and Addictive Drums/Keys etc I received the following advice from CBB Tech - which involved Registry Deletions and Backups - (See Below) including Deleting Cakewalk/Core Please do not think I am criticising CBB Tech - I'm just being very very cautious because despite all these years of using Cakewalk I've never become a Tech person with confidence I'll paste the advice from CBB below with my responses but would really appreciate a simple "Don't or Sounds Ok" - Please take the time to see the advice given by CBB and my actual situation - I really like CBB and would like to get it running again BUT if I'm moving into dangerous irreparable waters/dangers I'll stay with Splat and maybe get up to speed with Reaper Thanks for any opinion and guidance - especially regarding my initial steps in following the advice/guidance I can attached 3 screen shots regarding Deleting Registry Keys if that would help CBB ADVICE - My Response 5) Delete the following Registry keys: If you do not have one of the Registry keys below, simply proceed to the next one on the list. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\ Core HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\ Core HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\ Core As you will see from the screen shots only screen shot one shows the relevant file/folder as stated in your advice i.e. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\ Core Is it your advice to delete the whole Cakewalk/Core folder or is there a registry key inside the folder to delete? Obviously my concern is that deleting the Cakewalk/Core file will affect all the previous versions of Sonar including Sonar Platinum Is it also relevant that the HKEY_LOCAL_ MACHINE Files/Folders are not present? thanks for the help Best Ed CBB ADVICE 1) Uninstall Cakewalk by BandLab. This is normally done within the BandLab Assistant app. Go to BandLab Assistant > Apps > Cakewalk by BandLab, click on the arrow on the right side of the tab and select Uninstall. This will not remove any of your plug-ins, project files or audio data. 2) After the uninstallation completes, open the Run Prompt. In Windows 7, 8, and 10, open the Run Prompt by holding down the “Windows” key and pressing “R” on the keyboard. 3) At the Prompt, type regedit and click [OK]. 4) Click [Yes] if asked to allow the program to make changes to your computer. Important: When you access the Registry Editor, create a backup by going to File > Export. In the Export Registry File window that comes up, make sure “Export range” is set to “All” and that “Save as type” is set to “Registration Files (*.reg)”. It is very important to create a backup of your registry because if you accidentally delete a registry key there is no undo function. You can, however, double-click on the Registry backup you made above to re-import your registry keys if you make any mistakes. You must re-import your backup (if needed) before restarting your computer. 5) Delete the following Registry keys: If you do not have one of the Registry keys below, simply proceed to the next one on the list. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\ Core HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\ Core HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\ Core 6) Open the Run Prompt again. 7) Copy and paste %appdata%\Cakewalk into the prompt and click [OK]. On Windows 7, 8, and 10, the “AppData\Roaming\Cakewalk” folder will open. ? Right-click on the Cakewalk Core folder and choose “Delete.” 9) Delete the contents of the following directory: C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core 10) At this point, you can reinstall Cakewalk by BandLab from BandLab Assistant. Be sure to use the latest version of BandLab Assistant by clicking the gear at the top left and choose Check for Updates, then go to Apps > Cakewalk by BandLab, and click [Install].
Hi All, Unfortunately I think it's time to leave Sonar i.e. Splat and CBB behind - I say it with total regret but the programmes are becoming unusable The latest scenario is that Vst's that were in the correct Categories sections i.e. Vocals, Synths, Guitars have been moved to Uncategorised and when I try to install them they crash both Splat & CBB - I've spent the last few weeks trying to isolate problems of CBB & Splat crashing i.e. from Uninstalling all Waves Plugins to starting projects in alternative ways i.e. AD2 after all the soft synths - Session Drummer instead of AD2 - etc etc etc etc etc - uninstalling/reinstalling CBB and nothing has worked The only solution I can see is to uninstall both Splat and CBB and start again - but I was using these programmes to make music not to spend days trying to stop them crashing I know the above is a frustration rant but I really have had enough - but the best bit is I'll have to spend probably the same and probably more amount of time in appreciating how Reaper works or maybe another DAW i.e. Abbleton If anyone can see a simple way to reset Splat & CBB i.e. the correct order of uninstalling/reinstalling - just to get the programmes to just allow for the recording of music I would be most grateful. Please don't take me the wrong way - I've always enjoyed the learning curve of using Splat & CBB in the honest attempt to create better music and learn production techniques but for the last few weeks I've really recorded nothing and spent the time trying to solve problems. Anyway sorry to appear negative but if you have any ideas please let me know Best to all Ed
Hi dscoyne and all I'm having the same problems with DimPro and Rapture in CBB - I was going to start a separate topic but the problem is so similar - and in my case also occurs in Splat I was going to ask the members if there was a way of uninstalling DimPro & Rapture and then reinstalling just to try something to solve the problem So it appears the problem is occurring in both Splat & CBB Anybody with any ideas? Thanks Best Ed
Hi All, Re: Uninstall/Reinstall CBB & Waves Plugins I'm having a few problems with CBB i.e. Track Duplicate and Track Instrument Open functions and also some problems with a few Waves Plugins e.g. Waves Real Time I'm considering uninstalling both and was going to uninstall Waves Plugins and then do the CBB Uninstall/Reinstall - Pain that All the Waves Plugins have to be removed but it is what it is. Anyway does that seem the best method or can anyone see some things I'm missing out. By the way I also have all the Sonar Xseries 1-3 and Splat installed. Any suggestions/advice most welcome Best Ed
Hi All, Is anybody getting or had the Duplicate Track function, either by Duplicate Icon or drop down list, bringing up a different instrument than that in the original track? Whenever I duplicate a track e.g. soft synth Addictive Drums 2 seems to have been assigned? to the soft synth If so was/is there a solution to correct the Duplicate Track error? Thanks Best Ed
Thanks Eve Ripper - you've saved me a lot of time Very best Ed
Hi All Sorry another Q - Trying to Programme Trap Beats in CBB I've been experimenting with Trap Beats and trying to get the HHat correct - AD2 doesn't really have a HHat Kit piece which sounds the way I want it so I got a HH sample and put it in Session Drummer. But Session Drummer seems a bit limited in that I don't think it has take lanes for adding Triplets & Rolls. (See Below for my workarounds). When using the Step Sequencer and say for example Kick and Snare are straight 4/4 but I want to put a HHat with Triplets can it be done or is the best solution the PRV & or Drum Pane? In the Drum Pane can a Drum Piece be duplicated so I can put the 4/4's on one instance and then put the Triplets & Rolls on the other new instance e.g. HH1 and HH2 i.e. for either Session Drummer or for that matter AD2 Whenever I use AD2 I put the backing 4/4 beat in Take Lane 1 and then add Take Lane 2 for the Triplets & Rolls. Does any of the above make sense or am I going about this all wrong and there is a much easier way? If anyone has any thoughts they would be most welcome because it's starting to drive me batty. Anyway best to all Ed
Hi All, Re: Addictive Drums and Adding Samples in the Flexi Pads I seem to remember it is possible to add external samples to AD2 but for the life of me I can't find where I saw it. Does anyone know how to do it or am I completely mistaken. Any help most welcome Best Ed
Thanks msmcleod - appreciate the tips - I'll investigate your signposts Best Ed
Hi All, Re: Headphone Mic I’m laid up with a back injury that looks as though it will take quite a long period of recuperation and physiotherapy. Obviously I still want to get ideas down even in a lying position so I thought maybe a Headphone Mic with an adaptor may be a solution (i.e. to1/4 jack) – and if the ideas are any good redo the vocals later when possible. So brilliant quality isn’t really necessary but it would be good to have the best that is available. So if anybody knows of any type of Headphone Mic that may be useable e.g. Gaming Headphones or something similar please let me know. Thanks Best Ed
Addictive Drums 2 Midi Pack Instalation
TedPiano replied to TedPiano's topic in Instruments & Effects
Oops Sorry, just found it in AD2 on the Beats activation page Best Ed -
Addictive Drums 2 Midi Pack Instalation Method
TedPiano replied to TedPiano's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Oops Sorry, just found it in AD2 where it's activated in the Beats page Best Ed -
Hi All, Very basic Q that I just can't find an answer to How do I add a Midi Pack to Addictive Drums 2 in CBB The Online Installer says "Midi Packs are installed with AD2 Engine" I won't tell you how many things I've tried - so would be very grateful if someone has the answer Best Ed
Hi All, Very basic Q that I just can't find an answer to How do I add a Midi Pack to Addictive Drums 2 The Online Installer says "Midi Packs are installed with AD2 Engine" I won't tell you how many things I've tried - so would be very grateful if someone has the answer Best Ed
Thanks Kurre, Thanks for the feedback - I may have a process you may want to use to get Waves Tune fully functional I've been having problems with Waves Real Time so was looking for a solution - the short version is I ran the Waves ReWire.exe which then became available in the CBB Insert Options - Uncategorised options. I created a new track with only stereo send and added the Rewire to that. Then put Waves Tune on the Vox Track. Scanned the vox - there was no error message - the timelines of the CBB and Waves Tune were in sync and the Waves Transport showed "Scanning" and there is a nice little pink box moving across the Waves Tune timeline show exactly where the scanning is - not really explaining it very well but it looked pretty impressive. Didn't help with the Waves Real Time problem ha ha but something positive at least Thanks again for the feedback - if you want any clarification of the procedure just let me know - I'll have to rework it out myself for complete clarity Best Ed
Hi All, Is anybody using Waves Realtime & or Waves Tune in CBB. Am I correct in thinking that these 2 plugins require ReWire activation in Waves and creation of a Vocal Aux Track for the ReWire plugin as in Pro Tools? Did you have any problems installing or inserting into tracks? Any help or advice most welcome Best Ed
Hi All, Re: DimPro White Out & Crashing CBB & Splat Sent the following to CBB Support who’ve been very good but was just wondering if anyone has any thoughts and help on what’s going on here Hi Mike, Thanks again for another quick reply Update in short form – which is positively fascinating and may help in analysing things from your end as the problem does not appear to be a Windows issue. 1. Went back and tested Sonar Platinum – same result white out and crash when trying to insert or open DimPro 2. Therefore went back to Sonar X3 and everything was working fine – i.e. made a quick template and track with several instances of Dim Pro – carried out repeated shutdowns and everything remained stable. 3. So went to Sonar Platinum and this time DimPro opened successfully by way of insert and track icon etc. And carried out repeated shutdowns and thankfully everything remained stable again. So made another template with several instances of Dim Pro to be opened in CBB. 4. Opened the template in CBB and DimPro worked as an insert but when I tried to open by the track icon Addictive Drums 2 seems to be loaded in the DimPro channel – weird I know. 5. I haven’t opened any previous songs in CBB or Sonar Platinum i.e. I’m hoping both programmes have a degree of intuitive learning or something like that. 6. So for the moment I’ll carry on with new ideas using the working template and try the previous songs at a later time. 7. I hope the information I have provided helps in determining the issue as it would be very helpful to have some expert opinion from yourselves before I attempt opening and previous songs and possibly starting the problem again. 8. So thanks again – let me know of any thoughts on the matter especially how Sonar X3 seems to have kick started DimPro recognition in both Splat and CBB and also the DimPro track icon opening Addictive Drums in DimPro. Best Ed