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Screaming For Attention

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Everything posted by Screaming For Attention

  1. I had the same thing happen, same version, I updated it last night.
  2. With my old Sonar x3, I could record a vocal track over the top of an existing clip on the same track at the same spot. Now when I record over it, the first clip is silent during the recording, and then it is muted there after. Does anyone know how to get it back to hearing it and not muting it? Thanks.
  3. I think my Sonar x3 was a download, I didn't get the cds. Is it still possible now that it's bandlab? And after I read your reply, I realized that I am using the bandlab version. So I went and opened up Sonar x3 and the Blue Tubes are still there but it's still the old version of EZ mix. Should I just reinstall bandlab?
  4. Yesterday I had to delete the file path for Toontrack EZ mixer so I could update the newer version. Ez mix now works but for some reason a message came up and said it could not find any of the BT plugins, such as their eqs and others. Does anyone know of a way to get them back other than a system restore? My windows 7 will not do a system restore for some reason. Thanks.
  5. It's a Microsoft Expression video, it can be converted but the quality is horrible.
  6. I am wondering if it is possible to load Microsoft Expression video into a video lane on Bandlab/Sonar ? Is there a video track or lane I guess is what I am asking. Thanks, Amy
  7. I just want to take a moment to say thank you to everyone on this forum (from the old forum) who has helped me and countless others work out our Cakewalk techincal issues over the years. ? I think about you guys and gals taking time away from family and recording to come on here and help others keep on track with recording (no pun intended). ? Every single problem I have ever encountered with Sonar, someone on here has had the solution. I think of you all like the EMT of recording, there day and night with answers and solutions for all of us. So a big warm hug from this recording guy going out to all of you. ? Some of my favorite peeps ? chuckebaby bitflipper microapp robert_e_bone promidi sharke scook msmcleod Larry Jones Bristol_Jonesey
  8. Yes, I should of clarified, I MOVED a ton of files to an external hard drive. I had about 1000 projects in my project folder and that seemed like a bit much so I decided to go through and open each and every project, then click the "save as" to a folder on the external drive. I made the mistake of starting off without saving projects to a folder so all my audio files started to get mixed up somehow. I asked back on the old forum what to do and the main suggestion was to manually go and save each on in a folder with separate audio files in the folder.
  9. Thanks, I am going to do it. I was holding off because every time I change anything, things stop working and I hate down time. But my system is not working now really anyway so I am going to pull the trigger now.
  10. I have been considering it but I held off waiting to see what was going to happen with the new Bandlab situation. I got away from recording since the buy out and I am now just coming back to it. I spent the morning reading and trying to figure out what the best thing to do is.
  11. Wow, I have JUST do that a few weeks ago. Like totally moved every file from my C drive to an external drive. I also shut down all abilities to get any updates. Do you mean updating windows or Sonarx3?
  12. Yes, using AISO. I am messing around now with the settings to see it anything changes. Thanks for the help in a direction.
  13. After a few hours of using Sonar x3, when I click the mouse on certain buttons, such as the recording arm button, I hear on audio pop come over the monitors. After that happens a few times, I find there is no longer sound coming when I play back. I can see the meters showing sound but I can't hear it. There would always be an audio pop sound before I lost sound on the monitors. Sometimes if I keep clicking the play button, there would not be a pop and it would play sound out the monitors. Eventually I have to shut Sonar down and reopen it to get the sound playing again and no pops and sound through the monitors. I thought it was my interface so I got a new one and it is doing exactly the same thing with the new interface. Does anyone know if this is a Sonar thing or a computer thing? Thanks in advance, Amy
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