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Screaming For Attention

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Everything posted by Screaming For Attention

  1. You can see them here in the track lane, one of them is even highlighted in the original screenshot.
  2. So there it is, $100 goes to Sock Monkey for his idea that it is the plugins. Thank you all for helping and I hope this one day helps someone else who finds the same problem. Nothing like finding the answer all lies in a forum post just waiting for you to fix and get back on the road to recording.
  3. Saved project as TEST in C drive Saved project as TEST in D drive Started with C drive version 1. First. So it is NOT the Nomad Factory EQs. Deleted, closed project, open back up, exactly the same issues 2. Second. Deleted all Arturia Analog Lab V synth tracks. 99% reduction in the issue. Recorded a vocal track, which would always cause an audio drop out and message, no issues at all. So it is ALMOST all the Arturia Analog Lab V plug in, but not completely as there was one blip after 15 minutes of continuous play and adding vocal tracks. 3. Third. Trying to review the settings for the computer as Sock suggested. My guess now is that there is some setting or adjustment that has to be made to allow Analog lab to be used and to eliminate the sound drop spots. I have to go back and implement the suggestions for tuning the computer that Sock mentions.
  4. It is old, the only reason have NF is because it use to come with cakewalk, so I used them. Now if i open an old project, and they are not on the vst list, the project gets weird about it.
  5. The UAD was my first guess but I am changing it to the eq from Nomad Factory because the more I think about it, I realize they had another plugin that i had to stop using because one day randomly it just crashed cakewalk everytime I would select it to use. It would just close cakewalk right down and give me an error message.
  6. I think it is going to be this one because when i open it to make changes, it is the only one that is very slow to open up, and the audio slightly slows for the second that it opens up. So we may both with the $50 on this one.
  7. You know, my first guess is the UAD Top Line Vocals plugin, but second guess for me is All Tec Eqs. Have you had issues with them or are you in the random guess department?
  8. Yes, I was more just thinking of someone just guessing at one of the plugins, just to make it a little more interesting. I didn't think to send the file to someone to figure it out. Just a random pick to see if the guess was right. I think I am going to delete the plugin one at a time off the project in each of the areas where it is used on a track and then restart the program and play to see if the silent spots stop entirely. I hope it is as easy and this process of elimination but from my 20 years of cakewalk (my first program was Pro Tracks Plus that came with the Digitech GNX4 guitar pedal) I have this feeling that it is going to be a case where it is a plug in, or the brand of plugins, that cause something to happen, but only under certain conditions, such as if you use to plugins together with say a synth plugin, so combination of things.
  9. As a bonus, and because it is the holidays, I will give an extra $50 to anyone who guesses which plugin it is that causes the trouble, if it is indeed the case. Now I know you can't see the full name of the plugin, you will just have to guess which one based on what you can see. I looked to see if there was a way to have the list of all the plugins being used on a project but i cant find where to make that list. Here is every plugin used on every track, and yes so are used twice on several tracks.
  10. Thank you both for jumping in on this. I am going to save this song as in a file called "test" and I am going to start deleting the plugins one at a time and then closing out and restarting to see if i can figure out which one it is. I also am then going to see what Sock was saying about the other audio running somewhere is not an issue. I feel like I have to figure out if it is something going on INSIDE cakewalk that is causing it, or something outside cakewalk that is causing it, but only happens when cakwalk is on. The other question I have is would a plugin cause this silence spots to happen, even with no tracks playing? for the $100, i think it goes to whomever finds what it is or sugguests what lead to it being solved. and if two people at the same time post the same thing that fixes it, you both get a $100. 😄
  11. This is all good stuff, thank you for putting the time in to help. I don't use the tape his preset with the hiss in any songs, and I am not sure why the plugin comes with a preset that is so fuzzy. In fact, I am getting ready to spend a lot of money to make it stop.😄 I just chose the tape his preset to increase the hiss to the fullest amount so that it could be heard on my video. I needed the loud hiss so that you could tell more clearly when the drop outs came along. I am not a techy so I have to read the comments here and then search online to see what that all means. I do understand something else running would also use the audio driver, I just don't know what that would be. I only have cakewalk open when i record as i am in the habit of turning everything off to save CPU. Those quick silent clips happen at irregular intervals and not on a specific timing, but always around 5 to 10 seconds apart, sometimes the song will play for 20 or 30 seconds with nothing but then it starts again. I think it is either one of the plugins, or it is the sample rate somewhere that is not in sync with something else. The 44.1 vs 48 sounds like something that is effecting my computer. I will have to check that out. It's looks like it is an audio engine thing going on.
  12. Awesome, yes, it sucked that I could not use the xbox recorder on windows for cakewalk. I just downloaded the OBS and i am watching a video on how to set it up to record. Thank you.
  13. Hey Sock, thank you for helping. Sorry for not clarifying, I mean that I have Cakewalk open, but not playing any tracks. The static is from some of the tape plugins that give off that old hiss sound. That is the Arturia Tape J-37, and one of the presets screams with static hiss. I also cranked the monitors up so it could be heard better for the cutting in and out. That is a great idea to start out with a fresh track and see. I have a new track open right now with just the J-37 on the fuzzy preset and it has not done it at all in the 5 minute since i opened it. I am going to keep adding the same plugins that i have been using to see if it is one of them. I think it might be a combination of a lot of plugins and the audio, but I don't know yet. If i bypass the effects it does not seem to stop it. I have hit the freeze on some of the tracks to see if that would work and it has not. I did what i knew to do from videos and the forum to optimize for audio and i downloaded LatencyMon to scan and it says it is fine. It says system should be running fine with no audio dropouts. I don't know if the audio engine has been disabled, i am checking now. I do get audio dropout messages and they have a 13 after them. Here is what it says. buffer set at 512
  14. Yes, that is Waves, they will have that for sure in demo mode, but no it is not Waves, and it happens when the DAW is on but not playing anything.
  15. I just got a new recording computer build just for recording, windows 10 home with an apollo 8x interface, and have updated versions of everything. As I am adding more plugins I am getting one second audio drop out more and more but it doesn't appear to be the CPU. Even when nothing is playing it still does it as you can hear the static of hiss from the signals drop in and out. If I shut Cakewalk down the hiss coming over ht the monitors long longer drops in and out. I will paypal anyone who solves this problem $100. Here is a fast video I made to show the issue. I cannot do screen grab recording on Cakewalk so I had to use a video camera, apologies. SOLVED. It was the Arturia Analog Lab V plugin, as well as other Waves synth plugins causing this issue. SOLUTION from Sock Monkey: Options are Freezing which then the synth is now an audio track and the synth is off line. The beauty of this is that you can still edit the midi by unfreezing and re freezing when done. Option 2 is Export the audio as Wave 48/ 32 which is what Cakewalk uses. To export the track as audio select the track then open the export advance dialogue and choose tracks Thank you, James
  16. If you start having problems RIGHT after an update, that never happened before, and you did not change anything at all to your computer, then it is relatively safe I believe to say that perhaps something during that update did something. I don't think it matters if it is a security or otherwise called something else update. For me there have been weird things that never happened before until I did the update.
  17. You are awesome, I knew it had to be there on the VST preference page but I didn't know where it was. THank you.
  18. Happy holidays to everyone. I just uploaded Cakewalk and for some reason it will only allow me to open one plugnins at one time. Does anyone know where the setting is for allowing multiple plugin screens at one time? Thank you, James
  19. Yes, I do save my own presets in a folder. In this case it is a new install of a computer and the plugins. The factory ones are not showing up but the plugin itself is there, just has no presets. I would think they would be there with the plugin itself but obviously they can get separated somehow.
  20. Happy holidays everyone. I recently got a new computer running Windows 10 and uploaded all my plugins. When I open Cakewalk, I can open the plugins but all of the different ones I have all don't have the presets to scroll through in them. At first I thought it was all the downloads went to the wrong folders but now I am wondering if there is something wrong with Cakewalk. I uninstalled and reinstalled both the plugins and Cakewalk about 5 times so far and nothing has changed. Anyone else have this issue and a solution? Many thanks, James
  21. I thought if I paid the $71 dollars to get the CW membership, that little orange thing would stop. It doesn't. I came on to find out how to turn it off, now we are saying it doesn't go off? It says "black Friday sale". Well it's Wednesday now.
  22. Thank you for pitching in here, yes, I uninstalled and reinstalled both UA Connect and Cakewalk two times each. Did you have them visible but they were gray and you could not select them? Did the uninstall fix your issue? This is what I currently have. There are there, I just can't check the boxes.
  23. Thank you both for helping. I did set it for ASIO and I see them now in the driver settings but I am unable to check the boxes, the letters are light gray. I am so close but yet still so far away. I unchecked the top box but it still does not ungray the others. Any ideas? That this the thing, I can't find where to download anything from Universal Audio. All they have is their "UA Connect". There is no where that I can find on their site or online in general to download anything for the apollo 8. I am trying to find them on my old computer and transfer them to the new computer. I don't know what to search for on the computer because I don't know the file name.
  24. Happy holidays everyone, I set up a new computer (windows 10) and I am using Cakewalk. My other computer I was able to select the inputs and outputs on Cakewalk for each track such as this on my other computer. I have an Apollo 8 and I just did the update on it this morning and downloaded the most recent update. But now I don't have that option, I only have this for the options. I also notice that the Apollo is not showing up as "Apollo", it is showing up as "Microphone". Is there a way to get it to see all the channels to select again or registering as the Apollo 8 and not just a microphone? Thank you, James
  25. Happy holidays everyone. I just got a new computer, windows 10, and i downloaded Cakewalk, but I dont see my apollo 8 interface in the "Drivers "menu. I have no sound on Cakewalk but I do on Studio One. I uninstalled and reinstalled Cakewalk and it still does not show the drivers for the apollo 8. Does anyone know how to get Cakewalk to inport or recognize the apollo 8 device? Thank you, James
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