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Brian Cadoret

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Everything posted by Brian Cadoret

  1. There is a trial which might help your decision, although I think it leaves a watermark on render. https://www.movavi.com/video-editor-plus/?gclid=CjwKCAjw-sqKBhBjEiwAVaQ9a3WATVq8jikdyh7D-77UUVIyT75H7o9Ibxg7u5FP6Lf5gMrEKvneUxoCZb8QAvD_BwE
  2. https://www.humblebundle.com/software/convert-edit-record-photos-videos-gameplay-software?hmb_source=&hmb_medium=product_tile&hmb_campaign=mosaic_section_1_layout_index_2_layout_type_threes_tile_index_1_c_converteditrecordphotosvideosgameplay_softwarebundle
  3. What's with the duelling pistols on a Vox style amp. :)
  4. Thanks for that have now downloaded and giving it a whirl.
  5. Tried to purchase with code and getting this.... Coupon usage limit has been reached. Please try again after some time, or contact us for help.
  6. Looks interesting will give it a whirl tonight thanks.
  7. Any idea when the English version of the Beat magazine will be out. Thanks
  8. So what would be the most suited IK cabinet to use with this beast, I've got various 4x12 metal cabs just wondering what users think. Brian
  9. The April edition of Sound on Sound is now available. https://www.soundonsound.com/magazine/2021-04
  10. Yes that was the reason the presets were not showing thanks.
  11. Any one had luck with the presets showing up in AT5, I've unzipped and put in the AT5 presets folder refreshed etc nothing showing.
  12. quote - Amplitude still has an annoying quirk with the spring reverb in amps, where they have too much reverb, not behaving at all like the real thing. All your reverb amounts are between 1 and 3. Either that is wrong scaling on that knob or something else. IK knows about this and have not done anything about it. quote This 'bug' feature has really frustrated me for a long time, and then you get the Vibro-King and the reverb is barely audible at full mix. Did send a ticket the reply was "well I can hear it alright"
  13. Thanks for your help guys, the Screensets were not locked so I set the Workspace to None and saved. All good now. Cheers
  14. I like having the control bar locked to the bottom of the workspace. So after setting this as required with the control/transport bar I save the song and a template. When opening the song or template the control/transport bar is back at the top of the workspace. Is there any way to keep the control bar locked to the bottom when opening CB. Thanks Brian
  15. The Solo and 2i2 use the same drivers. Definitely use the ASIO drivers not WASAPI If you have the Driver and Playback mode set to ASIO then the Mixing Latency should not be greyed out. Set it to at least 128 buffer size otherwise you will get recording latency.
  16. No problem installing here, have you tried re downloading the BitTorrent link and running as administrator. Good luck
  17. Thanks for that fitzroy never thought to use that link, all good.
  18. Hi Does anybody know where to download the Pinnacle Studio 24 Ultimate installer. Humble Bundle just links to the Pinnacle buy page, no separate installer that I can find. Thanks Brian
  19. Another $50 gets you the excellent DrumForge which is a zillion times more value, as already mentioned on these threads. https://drumforge.com/products/drumforge-classic
  20. No crash cymbals or toms in case your considering.
  21. I managed to acquire Samplitude Pro X4 Suite including the Independence 70gb library, full version of Vandal and other add ons from a very active member of this forum, made my year with this upgrade. Kudo's to the very active member.
  22. Other than all the bells and whistles in AT5 does it actually sound any better than AT4. I've got the Fender packs which I've compared in AT5 and don't notice any sonic difference. To be honest I'm not struck on the new GUI so unless there are hidden benefits I'm in no hurry to move over. What say you.
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