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Wojtek Stecyszyn

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Everything posted by Wojtek Stecyszyn

  1. Will I be really first to tell you, dear @JT music that we have Softube Saturation among stock plugins in Cakewalk ? It's one of the ProChanel modules to choose from. It's a very nice saturator indeed but again - Heatwave has bit (or much) more under the hood.
  2. Thanks for the recommendation - I tried them all. BPB Saturator is very simple - too simple I would say. And its just a saturator whereas Heatwave is much more - transient shaping, compression, saturation, EQ with clipper - this is why it it produce this amazing sound. IVGI - same -only saturation and distortion and very subtle - there are tons of great saturation/distortion plugins that does similar job. And Heatwave - I still could not find anything similar (at least for free). Chow Tape is the most versatile from these three and really impressive, however again I was unable to reproduce same results as Heatwave. The search continues
  3. Great plugin - I love what id does to my bass guitar. However, Im not a iLok fan. I often work disconnected from internet. I can't take that risk. Does anybody know similar plugin that does same job as Heatwave but free from iLok? I tested many saturation plugins, but none from those I tried gave me similar results.
  4. I'm just one of these guys that keeps endlessly perfecting things so If I tune a vocal in Melodyne then I usually copy it and render the copy to work further but keep the original Melodyne region in a case that I want to go back and change, do it better (a backup file with still RFX Region ) Very convenient and safe way but I was not aware that this will cause this folder to grow so big!! Ok, from today I will change my approach. Thanks guys for info @Bristol_Jonesey and @mettelus Very helpful. Cheers
  5. I have a over 5GB of Melodyne files in Celemony\Separations folder!!! I'm not confident in deleting these files - won't it result in regions missing in my projects? Some of the files are old - from last year. I would have to go thru every single of my project since last year and look among hundreds of clips in each to see if there is any RFX Region and render? Is that the only way? 1TB seemed like a lot for me when switching from 250 GB disk space but It gets crowdy eventually and Im now trying to fing places where I can deleta some files and make free some space.
  6. Exporting Audio clips only. Example: One clips are short. One is 1 sec long. This length is selected on time ruler when I press on the clip and this is exactly the length that I want CbB to export, however it exports a clip of 10sec length . I proceed exactly as indicated here: https://legacy.cakewalk.com/Documentation... However each time I try to export selected clips the clips are not the length of the original clips in the project. BUT when I export clip using "Entire Mix" and have the same time selection as before I get the clip of same exact length as in the project. WAY ROUND that I have found is to simply drag them clips out of CbB. Done.
  7. Great trick. Unfortunately it does the job ONLY if you have clean project without any automation lines or arranger section created cause when the clips will move after tempo change all web of automation and arranger sections will stay untouched and these options here: will not save you. So remember to take care of this at the very beginning of the session, on clean project. And one more important thing to remember: all clips must be in ABSOLUTE time base mode. Set that in clip properties when all clips ar selected. I wish Cakewalk could just simply zoom out with no trick and way around needed.
  8. Hi guys. New question (I don't want to open new topic for this) in Cakewalk Documentation we read: However in my case Scrub Tool IS AFFECTED by Mute/Solo of a track. I cant scrub z clip on a muted track, or scrub a track when other is soloed. How it it in your case?
  9. Nope. This VST instrument does not respond to CC events. I tried it on other instrument (Cakewalks electric piano) and it worked on both: CC7 and CC123 so Im doing it right. Its just this Looptrack. Anyway, thanks. I learned something today
  10. Ahh it is this then. Ok, I see now Thank you Well, I did exactly this and no, this instrument (Looptrack from Gospel Producers) do not respond to this command. But I have found a trick that can kill the samples - changing presets or sounds/instrument within one VST. In case of Looptrack its just changing the sample bank - super easy. Its not a great solution, but it works. Nevertheless I wish Cakewalk had a global and permanent kill button build in
  11. Thank you for this info. I still don't understand how to "insert CC123" and other CC. Its totally new topic for me. I need to google it out.
  12. Can you please direct me to a place where I can learn what CC123 is and how to use it in Cakewalk?
  13. Hello everyone The "Reset MIDI and Audio" button will kill the MIDI or a sample or a reverb/delay only for a moment - or I would say it rather only PAUSE the sound and as soon hit PLAY or press "Run the Audio Engine" button - the sound is back. SITUATION 1: I have nice long delay at the end of my song but I don't always want to hear its long tail and wait till the delay will naturally die. I want just hit STOP, go to any other part of the song hit PLAY and have clean playback BUT as soon as I hit the PLAY i can hear again the tail of that delay and do I want it or not - I have to wait till it dies to have clean playback again. SITUATION nr2: When auditioning very long samples not during playback but playing the samples on their own triggered by MIDI controller (or inside the sampler) I have to wait till the whole sample will play. The RESET MIDI button only pause them and as soon as I start the audio engine back - the sample continue. I TRiED: Pressing Reset MIDI button (and Stop Audio Engine button) on their own and with CTRL/ALT/Shift in every combination. In Preferences - File - Initialization File (Advanced) add the option PanicStrength=1 but no luck I just need a one simple and permanent KILL'em ALL button with no coming back from the dead.
  14. Thanks for trying. I guess I will create a new post about this. But maybe you can try this - find a sample that is long. Could be from any sampler, or just load a long sample to any sampler and trigger it (so it plays on its own and NOT when the playback is ON) then while its still playing hit MIDI panic (kills the sample) and then hit PLAY or press button 'Run the Audio Engine' and se if this sample is back.
  15. Nope, Im pressing the Reset MIDI and Audio button. Actually tried them both - on their own, with CTRL/ALT/Shift in every combination So these long samples (from LOOPTRACK sampler) will STOP when I press Reset MIDI and Audio button but will come back (continue where they left) after I bring the Audio Engine back to work and they will lats util the end of the sample. They are only paused. Btw this is the same situation like with long tails of reverbs or delays - when I stop the playback they will stop too, but as soon as I hit PLAY again their tails are continuing to ring until they naturally die (depending on the time set in delay/reverb plugin setting). This is also quite annoying as I need to wait sometimes long time before I can resume playback without these delays and reverbs. I did this in the Cakewalk>>Settings>>File>>Initialization File It worked immediately but to be sure I did restart Cakewalk What it changed is only the time that MIDI reset takes to hit - its longer now, but nothing else. Kills (pause) all sound only for the time when Audio Engine is OFF.
  16. Have you found the way to do it? In my case its very long samples triggered by my MIDI controller and I just wish that I could kill it and don't have to wait till the end of the sample. The RESET MIDI button only pause them and as soon as I start the audio engine back - the sample continue. Does not work Does not work
  17. Hi Im trying to select one part of a project by selectin the arranger section and then move everything. Selecting arranger section will select all tracks with its clips (and their automation lanes and bus automation lanes) under the section but will leave two tracks that are not selected. Even when after selecting the arranger section I add manually these two unselected tracks or clips (by ctrl and click on them) and finally have EVERY track and clip selected - when I move the arranger section this two clips that were manually added won't move. I have no clip locks, no Melodyne, no Revire Synths, no active RegionFX clips on taht clips Checkbox "Arranger Exclude in preferences is unchecked. I applied trimming then rendered them, closed and reopen the project - no help. Tried to move them left right on their own- they move. I don't want to move everything without this two clips because its a live recording and I have som bleeding on other micks - so I might get ino phase troubles. I don't want to move them by just by lasso selection clips and move because this way I won't move automation lanes on buses.
  18. No, no locking. Sorry I forgot to mention that. I applied trimming then rendered them, closed and reopen the project - no help. Tried to move them left right - they move.
  19. Same issue. But I have no Melodyne, no Revire Synths, no active RegionFX clips. Checkbox "Arranger Exclude i preferences is unchecked. Im trying to select a part of a project by selectin the arranger section and then move everything. Selecting arranger section will select all clips on tracks (and their automation lanes) under the section but I have two clips that are not selected. Even when after selecting the arranger section I add manually these two unselected clips (by ctrl and click on them) and finally have EVERY clip selected - when I move the arranger section this two clips that were manually added won't move. I don't want to move them without the rest because its a live recording and I have som bleeding on other micks - so I might get ino phase troubles.
  20. Ripple Edit is OFF Yes, Im good in comping and working on take lanes. I spend there a lot of time during editing. I know this function well enough to know that THIS is a bug. A terrible one because it can't be undone. When I press CRTL+Z Cakewalk will udo every step that I've made but not THIS change. Like it's not on the undo/redo list. If anyone would like to recreate similar situation please do some regular comping and then select all clips on all take lanes copy and paste into other project that has slower tempo. Actually this is exactly what I did for the purpose of this post. But it does happen once in a while on its own, within one project without copying and changing tempo. The difference then is only that not all clips are affected and those that are affected are longer only in one direction - further. I have found no info about this anywhere. I don't have much hope that anyone could help. It's only making me want to make more backup copies of projects A good side in the end.
  21. Hello Have anyone seen this? Sometimes when working on take lanes the clips will become bigger, and start to overlap each other - please watch the video. It can mess up all comping. Before it looks like a regular nice and clean comping with precise cuts and everything and one moment and it's all a mess. I would not bother with it if it could be undone with ctrl+Z but IT DOES NOT RESPOND TO CTRL+Z When it hapens it stays. I had already many situations like this. When it happens it's a nightmare to clean this up. Only hope left is that this coming work before corruption is saved in backup copy. CbB clips take lanes mess.mp4
  22. Write Caching (as well as Read Caching) is disabled as it always was. Im doing it regularly each day after every change and tweak in my settings. LatencyMon usually shows well known ACPI.sys (ACPI Driver for NT) spiking about 1300μs in DCP and 147.5 μs in ISR in a span of several minutes (very rarely go red) but yesterday first time I saw i green (below 1000) for more than 9min - that's the best score I aver had so far. Second app DCP Latency Checker two day ago I managed to bring down to around 500μs when laptop is idle.
  23. I say its sometimes even 2 seconds gap of total silence. Why this is happening? Great question. My first assumption might be my recent upgrade from win 10 to 11. I had long years of successful uninterrupted playback and recording on win 10 and recently I decided to do the leap nad go up to win 11. This is first thing that comes to my head and perhaps (Im not dure though) only change I made to my studio recently. I read that win 11 especially on Dell's laptops (which I have) do have issues with DPC latency and so I can see on both LetancyMon and DCP Latency Checker apps that I have some spikes that might be the cause. Last weeks I was doing what I could to help it and reduce it and now its gone down to much lower values. This with many other tweaks (Windows settings, BIOS, Registry, many drivers update, CbB tweaks) I guess I managed to improve the situation. At the span of 3 days I had only one audio cut - today during recording test - it was very short. Maybe half of a second.
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