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Wojtek Stecyszyn

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  1. Thank you for clarifying -it makes sense to me now Im done Cheers
  2. My machine is: i7-8665U CPU @ 1.90GHz 2.11 GHz 16 GB RAM 1TB SSD Is it good idea to disable hyperthreading in my case? I want to ask before I will try to perform this manoeuvre in BIOS (that scares me). My situation is that my new audio interface UR44C from Strindberg does have some drop outs during playback and recording and I red on the Steinberg forum that disabling hyperthreading may help.
  3. Thank you @Glenn Stanton I made it! Realtek ASIO is gone from my registry and Cakewalk no longer see it Ok one mission done but other is still on. Lets go back to the main topic ot this thread: In Preferences>>Audio>>Sync ans Caching under Record Latency Adjustments where we can chose the driver. I cant chose anything else than my other interface (Tascam) that I don't use so often. Each time when I chose my main interface (Steinberg UR44C) and apply - it goes back to Tascam driver. Thank God not Realtek anymore, but still - shouldn't I be able to chose there Steinberg driver so I will have it matched to my Steinberg driver chosen in Devices I/O? I guess I could also remove Tascam from registry, but I would like to keep this option and use it when necessary with CbB.
  4. Sure I do. I have Steinberg UR44C and Tascam US-144mkll Both of them are seen in Device Manager and Registry editor (beside Realtek driver).
  5. Thanks Glenn, I've tried it just now and unfortunately it didn't work for me. When I disable Realtek driver (either from Windows Sound Settings or Device manager Realtek Audio Prosperities) and disconnect my interface - Windows is unable to play sound. "No output device found" It doesn't seem to find any other drivers to use. So in my case, when I need sometimes to use my laptop without audio interface am I condemned to the Realtek driver, or is there other solution for me? EDIT: I see that you also caught me on the other topic, so maybe lets keep it there and not double the action see you there:
  6. Unfortunately it didn't work for me. When I disable Realtek driver (either from Windows Sound Settings or Device manager Realtek Audio Prosperities) and disconnect my interface - Windows is unable to play sound. "No output device found" and cakewalk shows this (attachment). It doesn't seem to find any other drivers to use. So in my case, when I need sometimes to use my laptop without audio interface am I condemned to the Realtek driver, or is there other solution for me?
  7. @Bass Guitar "Didn't you read this old thread? What was the answer? " I read all there is available on this topic, nevertheless I didn't find the specific answer. Hence my question. Pardon if it bothers you - Im sure you also was at some point in the place where you simply didn't know these stuff Peace. And that is the information I was looking for. Clear and sweet, thank you
  8. Does it mean that I can get rid of Realtek ASIO from Registry and still have sound output from laptop even without any audio interface connected?
  9. Which one of these 3 is responsible for audio when your laptop operates without audio interface connected? Well the thing is that I CAN'T SET IT to anything else than Realtek, despite that I have two other entries on this list: my two audio interfaces.
  10. Please show us what do you have in Regisrty Editor under registry path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ASIO
  11. Hi I have similar problem. In Record Latency Adjustment it goes back and stays on Realtek ASIO and ignore my Yamaha Steinberg ASIO driver I could remove Realtek ASIO from registry BUT I have one concern: Often I am on the road and use my laptop without interface (film watching, YT etc) and then I don't use my interface drivers but default Windows 11 driver and this is I guess Realtek ASIO. So by removing it I wont be able to hear any sound from my laptop when interface is unplugged, right? hmm ...maybe change it for ASIO4All which is pure evil, but maybe less bad that Realtek?
  12. Hi I have same problem. In Record Latency Adjustment it goes back and stays on Realtek ASIO I could remove it from registry BUT I have one concern: Often I am on the road and use my laptop without interface (film watching, YT etc) and then I don't use my interface drivers but default Windows 11 driver and this is I guess Realtek ASIO. So by removing it I wont be able to hear any sound from my laptop when interface is unplugged, right?
  13. I put my laptop to sleep every day with no issue. It comes back ready to go. But @pearlie ng try this trick: It will reload the driver and you should have no need to close and reopen Cakewalk after sleep.
  14. When usually putting your PC or laptop to sleep when DAW is open is not a widely acceptable practice .... I was doing it ever since with no issues. One driver from TASCAM when I close my laptop lid (putting laptop to sleep) will also switch OFF Tascam interface and then switch it back ON when I wake laptop from sleep and the game is on (Cakewalk is redy to continue). Second interface UR44C from Steinberg has its own power supply, so putting laptop to sleep is not switching off interface ( I only loose USB connection, but it reconnect immediately when I open lid even before CbB is in focus. Sometimes when I go out from laptop for longer and put it to sleep I also manually switch off this interface and ONLY THEN when switched back and when laptop is brought to wake from sleep I will loose the driver from Cakewalk but then I can quickly reconnect it by genial trick shared by @Noel Borthwick few posts above that is CTRL and click on "Reset MIDI and Audio" icon. So bottom line - it all depends on audio driver and type of interface and your personal workflow. Try it yourself. I just leave it here maybe someone will find it useful Cheers
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