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Cakewalk Sonar inspired Boost 11 skin

Starship Krupa

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I finally sorted out what's going on with the graphics resources for the older Cakewalk plug-ins.

My confusion came from having the same plug-ins installed in two different locations.

These plug-ins just pull their bitmaps from the \resources folder inside the folder the plug-ins' .dll file resides in. You just have to take care that your plug-in is actually loading from that location.

Without further ado, here's a work in progress, Cakewalk Sonar-ized Boost 11:


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Most older Cakewalk plugins have Resource folders like that.  I count 36 folders here.

On 3/26/2024 at 10:22 AM, Starship Krupa said:

the same plug-ins installed in two different locations.

This is true of many included plugins... because different Cakewalk versions put them all over the place, which makes for a lot of extra unnecessary files.

One installation put the DX version of Dimension in C:\Shared DXi folder all by itself as well as in the normal Cakewalk\Shared DXi folder.


Too bad the dynamic graphics and text aren't changeable with these older plugins as some text are getting too small too see on newer screens.

Edited by sjoens
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  • 2 months later...

Looks very good. I downloaded Sonar. Found you can`t save files without signing up for £15 a month. Deleted Sonar....and now Boost 11 is missing from my plugins in Cakewalk.

Any idea how I get it back? I reinstalled Cakewalk...but it`s still missing.


Download links online look dodgy. Are they safe...?



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