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Izotope Users: how to convert to Mono in RX8? SOLVED


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I posted this in the general forum, then saw the question about isotope users, so I’m posting here. Here is my situation:

I brought in a stereo guitar track to RX 8. The Mixing module allows you to convert to Mono. I select that and Render. It says file created successfully, but when drag it in (or go the Import Audio route), it's still in stereo. Am I missing something? Yes, I know I can convert to Mono in CW, but I'm doing a few other things in RX8 with hiss and hum and would like to take care of all of it in one session.  Thanks for any help.

Edited by Billy86
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Thank you, thank you. Sarcasm alert: it would be helpful zotope put anything about that in the Mixing module. Here's what the online manual gives: 


Provides specific control over both left and right signal and balance levels. This simple operation can be used to downmix stereo material into mono, invert waveforms, transcode left/right stereo into mid/side, subtract a center channel, and much more. 

There's nothing about HOW to perform any of those tasks.

Thanks again! 


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