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Yamaha MODX Ins. Definitions

Mr. Me

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The best ways I have found for finding *.ins files are to search on line and to ask user groups for specific gear. Usually, though, I would have to find something close and edit it with a basic editor like Notepad.  

I see that the artist known as deepsonic has the reference manual on line.  A few decades ago deepsonic was kind enough to share with me some personal presets for the Casio VZ.  Not sure that deepsonic uses CbB, but sending an e-mail couldn't hurt.

25 minutes ago, Mr. Me said:

 . . . if there's any ins. definition for the Yamaha MODX or we are confined to use it as a VST3?  

  By the way, what is the correlation between not having an *.ins file and being confined to using a VST3?

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54 minutes ago, Mr. Me said:

i would like . . . to use it as a MIDI device not a VST.

Thanks for the clarification.  There's an *.ins file posted here: https://yamahamusicians.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=13827 .  I have crossed paths online with the writer of that file many times.  I would encourage you to reach out to him if you have questions about the *.ins file. 

The file seems to contain  MODX ROM Performance Names.  Not being familiar with the MODX, I have no idea if that's everything or just what Royce needed for his purposes.  In any case, I hope this helps.

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