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Feature Request: Actual Track Name Only Exporting


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When exporting a slew of tracks, I want Cakewalk to name those tracks solely as my tracks are named. But when exporting, I can't just leave a blank field, I have to put something in the field like a dash or or a letter. Cakewalk also add a dash and number at the end of the track name.

This requires me to take a lot of time to remove the letter and dash from all the front of the track names, as well as the dash and numbers at the end of the file name.

I would love the option to not have to add something to the file name field, and the creation of a checkbox:  "Only name exported tracks with actual track names". And since it's unlikely that we can leave the field blank, maybe some control+shift+P type signal that Cakewalk will understand, oh, it's Chamlin and his friends who are so fussy they want their clean and proper names...


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Thanks. That could work well when I've bounced everything on a track, right? I often leave all the individual clips because I've edited some parts that may need rethinking later.

Hmm...but I suppose, within each track, I could copy all the clips to another take lane to save for my above-stated purposes, then bounce the clips, et voila! Will give it a try!

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9 minutes ago, chamlin said:

I could copy all the clips to another take lane to save for my above-stated purposes, then bounce the clips, et voila!

Yes, kind of..

You still have to name the clip. There is an option in the Tracks tab (In Track View) to copy track names to clip names. However this also adds a number to the clip name (which is what you are trying to avoid). So this is not a perfect solution for the problem.

What I do when exporting mixes, stems or individual tracks (that contain more than one clip) is first create a new track and name it. Then I bounce whatever I want to export to that track. The rendered clip will have the same name as the track. After verifying that the clip sounds as it should I export the clip.

FWIW I like your idea. It would make exported files of multiple tracks much easier to organize.

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