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We Are Better Than This!

freddy j

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I have been watching too much TV news.  The pictures of the continuing shootings are more than extremely disturbing.  This song is not political but for me was cathartic.  I don't care about the politics but I align with an overwhelming majority of American citizens who simply want a solution to this problem.  We are supposed to be the intelligent species not a bunch of animals wantonly killing each other.  Actually in scientific nomenclature we are animals (Kingdom: Animalia) but I digress.  The point I am trying to make is that we are better than this   --- aren't we?

Now that I have that out of my system -- I am not sure in what genre this song would fall but it is a wee bit different for me.  I did it a bit rapidly, ---  so, it probably needs a bit more work.  For example, the vocals/harmony in the choruses probably need a little tightening-up and synch'ing.    Any comments, suggestions, crit's, etc. would be much appreciated.





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Hi Freddy - agree wholeheartedly with the sentiment of the song - living in South Africa for part of the year, I know all about easy availability of guns and gun crime - our murder rate as just been announced for the first quarter of 2022 - murder has risen to over 67 PER day which probably puts us in the top three countries in the world with the highest murder rates......its so sad

Good track my friend with an excellent message



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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the delay in responding.  We have been enjoying a visit from our son.

Hi Bjorn.  I am afraid that you are right ..."it would apply to future videos..."  I appreciate your taking the time to listen and comment.

Hey Douglas.  I am very glad that you liked it.  Thanks very much for the kind comments!

Hello Wookiee!  I guess that we can attribute that trait to some serious cognitive dissonance.  Thanks very much for the listening and the comments.

Hi tom.  Heart wrenching indeed!  I always appreciate your comments and kind encouragement!!

Thank you Nigel.  I have never understood the logic in the idea that we need more guns because there are too many people out there with guns.  Ah well, silly me?  Thanks for the kind words and for taking the time to listen!


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