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I'm Not Sure How I Speel.....


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Witch of these spelling jokes is your favorite?

Q: What is a witch’s favorite school subject?
A: Spelling!

Q: How does a witch spell mousetrap?
A: C-a-t!

Q: How do you know a witch invented the alphabet?
A: Because you have to spell it.

Q: Can you spell a word for pretty witch with two letters?
A: QT!

Q: What’s the difference between a ground witch and round witch?
A: The letter G!

Q: What happen to the short witch when she added the letter E, R to her spell?
A: She got a shorter!

Q: How do you make seven witches into three even pairs?
A: They ate the witch whose name starts with S!

Q: Why was the witch given a letter with X written on it?
A: Because she was X-communicated!

Q: Why did the witch name her two sons ED?
A: Because two Eds are better than one!

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