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Hertz so Bad


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All my Cbb projects are set to 48/24 bu I opened an older project that was 44.1 / 24bit.
....I did not notice the hardware adjust to accommodate this and I only noticed after tracking all the guitars! (when it was time to tune the guitar again)
Do I change the Hardware to match the project or the project to match the hardware?
Is there a way to salvage all the newly recorded audio?

In the project I discovered an archived Audio that is 44.1 / 24bit and The project is 44.1 / 24 and I've been recording with the MOTU set to 48Hz.

I double checked with  external tuners are correct A 440 and the Guitar is indeed in tune.
The Cbb tuners are all off by a step, kinda.

Hardware: MOTU = 48Hz / 24bit
DAW: Cbb Project = 44.1Hz / 24bit



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The interface and the project must be set to the same sample rate.


Project sample rate is determined by the audio in the project.

All the audio in a project must be the same sample rate.

When a project has no audio clips, the sample rate is read from preferences


If the interface is set to a different sample rate than the project, the DAW will record the audio at the interface sample rate but it will write the project sample rate in the file headers. Playback in the DAW uses the sample rate in the file header resulting in the audio having a different speed and pitch.

This may be fixed by correcting the sample rate in the file headers. 

Because the clips are not at the project sample rate and there are other clips in the project, it may be necessary to import the fixed clips into the project. Changing clip sample rates inside a project can cause the clips to be misaligned on the timeline. That said, I have not experimented with this particular scenario.

If I encountered this situation, to repair the clips I would -

  • Copy the clips from the project audio folder.
  • Correct the sample rate in the file headers. There are a few tools that can perform this task. Sox is one of them. I describe how to use sox in this post
  • Import the new clips into a new track
  • Delete the original clips from the project
  • Great Idea 1
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Something that happened is the Visual wav of the Track Audio is not correct. The beats do not match the actual Audio.
I did a "recalculate Pictures" but in this case did not fix it. Is there another option?
visually the beat is earlier than the actual sound.

Bounce to Clip(s) will fix it.


Edited by sadicus
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