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How the routing of midi signal from Track3 into VSTi


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How the routing of midi signal from "midi track" to "audio track"?
With the picture attached

The picture are shown with all the tracks
1) Track 3 is midi note track
2) The midi note is inserted into "SI-string" instrument(Track 2)
3) Track 1 is a Aux track of instrument(SI-string),
4) Whenever the Track2(Vsti track) is muted or not,
Sound of the midi note can be hear on the Master track.

But the mute is functional on Track3(midi track) and Track1(audio track).

How the routing of midi signal from Track3.png

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Based on the track icons

Track 1 is not an aux track (in the way Cakewalk uses aux tracks), it is a synth audio track, Its input is the audio from a synth plug-in. Aux tracks receive their audio from other audio tracks.

Track 2 is an instrument track

Track 3 is a MIDI track


WRT routing image showing Tracks 3 > Track 2 > Track 1 with track 2 muted 

Track 3 is routed to a synth according to the image

Track 2 has no output routing

Track 1 has its input set to a synth and its output goes to the Master bus.

IOW, it appears track 2 has nothing to do with track 1.

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Yes,  You are right

It checked with both situation on track2 (Instrument VSTi), the result are same.

Both result are, It can't mute on the track2(Vsti track)

1) set the Vsti open to a Aux track,

2) set the VSti open to a Audio track. 

Both situation, track2 has nothing change on track 1......?


Thank you

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