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Imported audio tracks don't align

Barry Nitikman


Hi, new user here.....What I want to do is import audio tracks into Bandlab, then adjust levels, then export as a .wav or mp3. That's it. I work in Finale where I export audio tracks of my work just to listen to them, send to others, etc. I start a new project, import the tracks, they play fine separately. However when I play more than one track, they are slightly off; the piano is a fraction of a beat behind/ahead of the bass, etc. How do I "add tracks" (import audio files) so that they align and playback properly? 

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When exporting multiple audio clips with the intent of loading them into another piece of software it is best to export as broadcast waves.

Broadcast wave files have their position on the timeline written into the files.

By default, CbB imports broadcast waves using their timestamp.

If the source cannot export broadcast waves, the next best option is export all the tracks starting at 0 on the timeline.


If neither of these are possible consider saving as a MIDI file and use File > Open to bring the file into CbB.

With no MIDI output device specified in preferences, CbB opens MIDI files ready to play with TTS-1.

Then add additional synths to replace TTS-1 if desired.



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16 hours ago, Will_Kaydo said:

You need to make sure that the tempo of the samples you import, are of the same BPM with that on the DAW and each other. 

 I realized that right away when a piano part slowed down, so I eliminated the tempo markings inside the Finale file, and just set the tempo with bandlab. Both tracks play exactly right now at tempo, but not together. 

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16 hours ago, scook said:

When exporting multiple audio clips with the intent of loading them into another piece of software it is best to export as broadcast waves.

Broadcast wave files have their position on the timeline written into the files.

By default, CbB imports broadcast waves using their timestamp.

If the source cannot export broadcast waves, the next best option is export all the tracks starting at 0 on the timeline.


How do I do this? I'm working in Finale, not sure how to do this....I'll ask Finale Forum as well, see what they say, but I really appreciate any advice on this. 




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I've found , Some audio files you import may not line up perfectly even if they're the same bpm  until you line up the actual notes in the clip instead of the very beginning of the clip. The original authors of the clips may have trimmed the start in different positions. Some with some silence first , some dead on the first note.    

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First off welcome to the forum. I was assuming these files were just downloaded samples. If they were you just slide the tracks left or right until the notes you can see in the waveforms line up. If these clips were lined up and sounded right in Finale you should be able keep them lined up in CbB. Always be sure your bpm is set the same in both projects.  If the Cakewalk/Sonar  Guru "scook" ever responds to one of your questions , take his advice .  If it gets confusing someone will usually clear it up.     ms

On 11/8/2020 at 6:05 PM, scook said:

If the source cannot export broadcast waves, the next best option is export all the tracks starting at 0 on the timeline.


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