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Customize virtual controller key bindings


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Reading the manual I cannot find how to customize the virtual controller - PC keyboard (activated by Alt+0).

I need to map PC keyboard keys to notes different of default (e.g "key A" is mapped to "note C", "key W" is mapped to "note C#", etc). Instead I need to map, e.g. "key Q" to "note C3", "key W" to "note C3#", ..., "key P" to "note B3", etc. Actually every note on a 36 keys toy keyboard modified as in this video 

Can you help please?


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That is not how the program works.

It seems to me one could wire the keyboard as they choose rather than remap the data in software.

That said, there are a couple of ways to translate MIDI note data in CbB.


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Thnk you again.

I think I need to try another solution. Testing I discovered a critical limitation on the PC keyboard controllers chip. It recognise only 5 (sometimes 6) keys press togheter, but a standard cord on a piano keyboard usually as more. Also with the built in virtual controller. I will try to produce MIDI output with Arduino or somthing similiar.

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