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  1. Dear all When exporting my offline activation request, whatever username (@rick_hardy) or email address I enter, I then get an error when processing this request (*.crq) thru the Product Center: "User name in request (@rick_hardy) does not match currently logged in user". Can someone give me a clue ? I think it has to do with changing my email address a few month ago... But cannot get rid of it. Help !
  2. Hi, here we go again with this nonsense activation/reactivation scheme. I have activated CbB only 14 days ago and now I have the "beautiful" activation reminder popup at every start of CbB: Activation required Cakewalk must be reactivated within 13 day(s). Update activation status before time runs out. So at least we know that NOW the activation last only 30 days. Worse, 14 days in reality because after these there is again a popup to close at every start of CbB if you don't reactivate soon. From many months before reactivation was required to...14 days...
  3. hello guys the activation system in cakewalk a single key file must be made . and I was wondering if I dont refresh activation after 6 months in my cakewalk will I still be able to use it it's a bit odd ones activation must be used
  4. Introduction This article only relates to legacy versions of SONAR distributed via the Steam platform. As of 2023 Sept, changes to the Steam platform and Cakewalk's website have caused compatibility problems with activation. Some symptoms of this are the SONAR app being in demo mode after installation from Steam or "communication problem with the server" error messages when trying to register the application. PS: These instructions are provided as a courtesy to users using legacy versions of Cakewalk that are no longer supported or maintained by us. No support or fixes are provided for these products. This article discusses how to resolve these and reactivate your software if necessary. Activation Steps: Open the Steam client and copy the serial number of the software you wish to activate. (Go to Manage | CD Keys to find it) Download and unzip SteamReg.zip which contains the latest version of SteamReg.exe for both 32 and 64 bit installations. Copy the appropriate flavor of SteamReg.exe to your Steam application's program folder. e.g for 64 bit SONAR it typically is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Cakewalk\x64\SONAR Note: The path may be different from above if you have installed Steam to a different folder. This will replace the existing file in that location. For Instruments (Rapture Pro/Z3TA+ 2), you'll want to place these in the folder with the microhost, the default for x64 Rapture Pro: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Cakewalk\x64\VstPlugins\Rapture Pro\ Open a command prompt (Start | Command Prompt) Type the following command, replacing <serialnumber> with your serial number as obtained in step 1. "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Cakewalk\x64\SONAR\SteamReg.exe" /SN <serialnumber> For Instruments, you would use the appropriate equivalent path. Here's how a successful entry for Rapture Pro would appear in Command Prompt: If step 5 succeeded with no errors, you may now open the application from the Steam client. When the app launches you should see the registration dialog prompting you for your e-mail address. NOTE: If you have previously registered the product with Cakewalk, its very important to enter the SAME email address you used before, otherwise the registration will fail. Your PC must be online for this step. The app should now be activated! The same steps may also be used to activate plugins from Steam such as Rapture. Note that if you reinstall the application, you will have to redo the above steps since Steam will restore the SteamReg file to the original version.
  5. Hi to all, I have my CbB installed on a pc that is not connected to internet and I can't install the last update because you suddenly removed the option to activate offline. from the last releases notes: "If you wish to continue to use CbB, you must update to the 2023.09 version. Earlier versions will cease to activate in the future." "Version 2023.09 currently does not support offline activation, so your computer must be online to activate it. Offline activation will be available soon." You can agree that we have a weird situation here...I "must" update but I can't really update because you removed the option...so? You stated "Offline activation will be available soon." but weeks are passed from the update 2023.09 and the offline activation is still disabled, I have invested lot of time and resources for setup and configure my DAW, as I think many others, and now not only I'm forced to stay with 2022.11 version as you don't let me update it but probably soon even this one will stop working. WHEN offline activation will be available again? I think you can agree with me that there is a problem when you release a "last or near last" update to a software that can be activated offline and JUST with this update (after five years the people are using it...) you remove the option to activate it. What can we do? Sorry, but since you decided to announce a new payware Sonar and dismiss CbB it wasn't more easy to remove the activation at all from CbB last updates since you decided to retire it and it was a free (in any sense) and will remain (as it is) a free product anyway? It's simpler than what you have done. Again I don't want to be rude but just remind that there are also people with machines not connected to the net and that we are suddenly left alone without any options. Thanks to all
  6. I ve been using bandlab for years and found message which says "you need to activate in 13 days" when I launched bandlab yesterday. I googled it, also searched article about it in this forum, and found that I need to login by the Bandlab assistant. I did it, and re-launched bandlab, but the message didn't dissapear. Some web site vaguely said that there is some "activation" menu or something in the bandlab assistant, which I couldn't find. I uninstalled bandlab assistant , and reinstalled, but the result was the same. Also, there was a message "there're available updates" with link button "アップデート", when I launched bandlab, but what happened when I pushed the button was just flying to bandlab website. Is there any problem about my bandlab assistant or bandlab ? Especially about activation, I appreciate immediate help. Thank you.
  7. If you own Melodyne like me and you installed it before installing CbB, maybe you find problem with activating license. This is what is helped me: Uninstall Melodyne and install the new version of melodyne and then is no problem to activate the license. Maybe this little thing help you.
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