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  1. Excuse me if this has been covered before... I know the difference between setting a 'default' synth icon, in that it will always load the same icon with the synth when another instance is loaded. I also know that if several instances of the same synth are loaded in the synth rack, each with different icons, and saved in the project, they will return on next open with the saved icons. I would like to propose some discussion on having different synth icons saved when exporting a track template and how difficult that would be for the Bakers. Let us assume this is my preferred BBCSO string setup (in a folder) to be saved as a Track Template: ...and this is my Synth Rack Layout for above tracks: It would be really nice if the icons pasted into the Synth Rack could be saved and recalled in a Track Template. Thoughts anyone?
  2. Sonar X3: Knob "rosette" conforms to knob shape SPlat & CbB: Knob "rosette" elongated
  3. When the Synth Rack is docked in the Browser there is no "collapsed" tab indicating it's presence when the Browser is collapsed. The graphic is available in Theme Editor but is apparently not being used. Also, the collapsed tabs have 3 states but only 2 are used.
  4. Some time ago the main Synth Rack screen and Name Text colors were made to follow the default Track View colors by adding a colored area over the Synth Name Bezel image. While the Focused track stays true to whatever color you make the Track View color, the Unfocused BLACK track color cannot be changed. This causes some frustration for themers using dark text. I'd like to request removal of the overlays and maybe add a second full screen image for the Focused track. Thanks
  5. Hello, Edit: 23 March 2019 I decided it could be helpful to include a list of upcoming tutorial videos and their links. The video below is the first video in the playlist, but if you are interested in a specific topic, check the following list for quick navigation. If there is no link for it yet, it means I haven't uploaded it. I can take requests, but keep in mind that I run another business on top of my actual Chernobyl Studios audio work, so if I like the idea, it'll get put on the list and I'll get to it when I get to it. Cakewalk by Bandlab Tutorial #00 - What is Cakewalk by Bandlab? Cakewalk by Bandlab Tutorial #01 - Skylight Interface Introduction Cakewalk by Bandlab Tutorial #02 - The Control Bar Cakewalk by Bandlab Tutorial #03 - The Inspector Pane Cakewalk by Bandlab Tutorial #04 - The Browser Pane Cakewalk by Bandlab Tutorial #05 - The MultiDock Pane Cakewalk by Bandlab Tutorial #06 - The ProChannel Strip Cakewalk by Bandlab Tutorial #07 - The Console View Cakewalk by Bandlab Tutorial #08 - The Piano Roll View Cakewalk by Bandlab Tutorial #09 - The Track & Clips Pane Cakewalk by Bandlab Tutorial #10 - Lenses & Screensets | What's the difference? Cakewalk by Bandlab Tutorial #11 - Set Up Guitars for Recording Cakewalk by Bandlab Tutorial #12 - Multiple Output Routing Instruments | Perfect Drums 1.5, Kontakt (Newest, Uploaded 05 April) Cakewalk by Bandlab Tutorial #13 - Organization & Color Coding Your Tracks Cakewalk by Bandlab Tutorial #14 - Customizing Your Layout & Settings Cakewalk by Bandlab Tutorial #15 - The Zoom Tool Cakewalk by Bandlab Tutorial #16 - MIDI Drum Velocity Editing | Making Drums Sound Real Cakewalk by Bandlab Tutorial #17 - FX Chains | Building, Saving, and Recalling FX Chains Cakewalk by Bandlab Tutorial #18 - Drum Maps | How to create, save, and use Drum Maps Cakewalk by Bandlab Tutorial #19 - Automation Lanes Cakewalk by Bandlab Tutorial #20 - Shortcuts & Setting Custom Key Bindings Cakewalk by Bandlab Tutorial #21 - Bounce to Clip, Bounce to Track, Freeze Track Original Post: Many of you will probably remember me. I have a channel on YouTube that I created many years ago for creating Cakewalk SONAR Platinum tutorials. I constantly get questions, comments, and requests on those old videos I did years ago. I'm updating all of the Cakewalk videos I did for SONAR Platinum to Cakewalk by Bandlab. There are three videos currently online, with 4 more already scheduled to come out this week. Please share this playlist with anybody who is getting started with Cakewalk by Bandlab. I am starting from the very basics and will work all the way through mixing an entire song. It will take a few weeks, but it will be worth it. 😎
  6. So I was searching for free VST plugins when I found Native Instruments. This is what I have installed (I have installed all in my :D, not :C and in the Cakewalk VST folder - if this should matter): Blocks Base, Controller Editor, Expansions Selection, Guitar 6 Player, Kinetic Treats, Komplete Kontrol, Kontakt 6 Player, Kontakt Factory Selection, Mikro Prism, Play Series Selection, Reaktor 6 Player, Reaktor Factory Selection R2, Supercharger, Traktor DJ, Traktor DJ2, TRK-01 Bass. (Phew turned out to be longer list than I first thought lol). I have seen Guy Michelmore using Kontakt as an instrument track, similar to Spitfire LABS. What I understand is, Kontakt is basically where you can put all your VST plugins, and then you can put Kontakt in the DAW and use several instruments from only one instance. It is basically a manager so you don't have to look for each VST separately. Correct? Like similar to LABS - there is only ONE synth "LABS" but inside the LABS are various installed instruments. I also understand that before Cakewalk recognizing these, they have to be run separately first, which I did. But what I don't understand is how to add Kontakt and basically just like how to use Native Instruments for Cakewalk it is so confusing!!? I saw several videos saying you add it through the synth rack, but when I press the add button it does not say "Kontakt" anywhere in the dropdown! I am confused please help... Thanks in Advance.
  7. I would REALLY like to be able to rearrange the order of the loaded instruments in the rack synth! :)
  8. I mostly use Cakewalk for MIDI with VSTi's. I last used SONAR 9 about 10+ years ago, and just started with Bandlab's Cakewalk. Two things that bug me are (which may be me not knowing how to do it): 1. I can have 10+ vsti's in the synth rack, so I would like to manually order them. I cannot find anyway to change their order after they have been added. How do I change the VSTI's order in synth rack? For example, I may wish to keep all the string section next to each other, and away from the percussion synths. 2. I have a LOT of duplication in my synth rack where I have used the same VSTi more than once. An example would be SFZ to load a soundfont. For each part with a different soundfont, I have a separate VSTi. However, when I double click on one to open the config page for that VSTi, they ALL say "sfx". There is NO differentiation regarding the actual name I have assigned. So I have to make sure I remember which one I am editing/configuring. Gets confusing when they are all SFZ, and a number are a part of a string section.
  9. Get 10% off the EdgeSounds DrumMashines Sample Library at... http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/newsinfo.asp?NewsID=4098 And find more discounts at: http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/deals.asp
  10. Get 10% off all EdgeSounds products at DigiFreq... http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/deals.asp#EdgeSounds
  11. For those synths that don´t have front panel midi learn, a good workaround is creating knobs in the Synth Rack for the automatable parameters and adding remote control to those. CbB reloads the knobs whit the synth, but it would be great to be able to save different assignment presets, especially for programs like Reaktor, virtual modular synths, or others that can have completely different configurations, to map to controllers with limited number of knobs.
  12. Quick display buttons in the Console View. Since they will be on the already existing Console Menu Bar, they will not take any additional Console screen space. See pic below for reference. 1. Show/hide (expand/collapse) Browser Window (docked/undocked according to its default setting), for quick FX insert drag & drop onto Tracks. Saves the additional Workspace/window flipping necessary to access the Browser when you're in the Console view (pretty much most of time during mixing, for me), or the time consuming navigating through the right-click Insert FX menu - BUTTON 3. 2. Show/hide (expand/collapse) Buses. Avoids the manual dragging of the Buses pane to the right size, and then redragging it back to fit the initial size (minute, takes attention and time). This way we'll have the options of two clicks, faster, opening/closing instantly and exactly to size, instead of two precision drags across the screen - BUTTON 2. 3. Show/hide (expand/collapse) Master Bus. Does the exact same thing for the Master Bus. Again, avoids precisely and carefully dragging and aligning to the exact size - BUTTON 3. 4. Show/hide (expand/collapse) Sends/Bank/Patch modules. Shortcut to open the Sends without going though through the contextual menu - BUTTON 4. To clarify, I'm not suggesting that any existing options be removed, just the open/close to size simplification buttons added. No feature lost, just some additional options for quicker access. Looking forward to your votes.
  13. 10% off ALL EdgeSounds music products --- discount code: EDSDGFRQ http://www.edgesounds.com/ And find more discounts at: http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/deals.asp
  14. Hi, I've got a problem which is probably a bug. The synth rack view, when detached from the main window, is closing each time I'm adding a new synth. Have you got this problem ? Could you fix it please ? Thanks David
  15. Get 10% off EdgeSounds DrumMashines sound sample library --- discount code: EDSDGFRQ http://www.edgesounds.com/Products/SoundLibraries/MultiFormat/DrumMashines.aspx "170 classic drum modules and synthesizers"
  16. One of the thing I would love to see in near future development, is synth rack enhancement. 1. Ability to re-arrange the synths / drag up or down. 2. Ability to assign color to the synth (eg. to match tracks connected) like any other track. and if possible 3. Master Mute / Solo for the synth rack. That's all I can think right now. Hope it can make it to the upcoming release. Thanks and warm regards! James Argo
  17. Hi guys, I have some serious latency problems when recording audio from my hardware synth in cakewalk. I tried to record audio from my monologue and prophet 08, and both times the audio was delayed. I tried to play the audio directly and also via midi signal from daw to synth, but with the same results. i played with the latency settings in cakewalk, but it didn`t really do anything . I have a PC running Win7 and a Steinberg UR22 Interface.
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