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  1. In soar 8, the movement of notes is very simple. But BandLab seems to be hard to operate the movement of notes by drag and drop. Even I use select tool with shift button to move the notes, but I cannot click the confirm and cancel button in the drag and drop option window. My OS is traditional-Chinese.
  2. rob

    Live MIDI Transpose

    Is it possible to alter the incoming MIDI note in a MIDI track, similar to the Vel+ bar on a MIDI track which alters the incoming note's velocity by +/- 127 ??? I'd like to play one note on my MIDI instrument and route that through multiple MIDI tracks to produce a chord. For example, I play C5 and the following tracks alter the note: 1: No alteration resulting in C5 heard live 2: Note -= 12 resulting in C4 heard live 3: Note -= 24 resulting in C3 heard live 4: Note += 4 resulting in E5 heard live 5: Note += 7 resulting in G5 heard live 6: Note += 12 resulting in C6 heard live I think the MIDI FX Transpose would do this, but I get a missing plug-in error... :( Thanks much!
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