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  1. Hello This is my first post so hope I am in the right place. I am using Cakewalk ( Version: 2022.09 Build 027, 64 bit ) If I create a drum pattern using the Step Sequencer and the free Sitala drum synth, and then go into the track and create say a duplicate of 3 linked clips from the clip I just created ( using Copy Special and Paste Special ), I get the linked clips as expected, but as soon as I modify the initial clip, then all the Step Sequencer note events get duplicated, so one kick drum becomes 4 kick drum etc ( if that makes sense ). I also get the same problem if I use the Drag / Drop linked clip creation method. I'm hoping this is something I am doing wrong - I have looked in the docs but can't seem to find anything relating to it, but I could be looking or searching for the wrong doc content! If I create a drum pattern using the Piano Roll then the linked clips all work as expected with no note duplications. Thanks in advance - if the above is as clear as mud please tell me so and I will try to elaborate. D
  2. Linked clips with both tracks selected in the PRV Track list. 1. Notes disappear when lasso-selected note(s) to the left of them are edited or moved, even if moved farther to the left of the disappearing notes. This sounds like Preferences > Editing > Drag and Drop > Replace Old with New-Delete Whole Measures is checked. But it's not! 2. Notes are duplicated when Velocity controllers for lasso-selected note(s) are adjusted in the Controller Pane. #1 also occurs. Sometimes it copies the note once for each controller adjustment. Sometimes it copies the note & moves it to the left of the original note. Undo does not work here. Sometimes split notes can't be separated. Linked clips can make editing content easier over multiple tracks, but is more difficult in the current state. Sonar has similar behaviors. My workaround is to 1. avoid selecting both tracks in the PRV, or 2. avoid using linked clips. Selecting both linked tracks in the Track list allows you to see them in the main window. Edited for clarity
  3. 1. Duplicate a MIDI track with Events & Link checked 2. Lasso select note(s) in PRV (right-click & drag) 3. Move or edit note(s) Notes immediately to the right disappear even if notes don't touch or overlap. Notes also disappear when moving or adjusting the CC's of a lassoed note when Controllers > Select Controllers Along with Notes is checked. You don't need to lasso linked track notes but it's the quickest way to select multiple notes at once so I don't think this should be happening. To avoid this behavior you can only select notes using left-click, shift+click, or ctrl+click. EDITED for clarity
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