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  1. I have a "I'm in Limbo" situation. I have both Cakewalk by BandLab and Sonar 8.5 Producer installed. However I need to finally make the transition to Windows 10. I am currently on Windows 7 Pro. My problem is this. I plan on "cloning" my current hard drive to another internal Hard drive for the sole purpose of "just in case"... I have projects i still work on in Sonar 8.5 because some of the plugins do not transfer to Cakewalk by BandLab ( which really stinks by the way )My problem is if i update to Windows 10 ( i still have an anytime 10 upgrade ) it may not recognize Sonar 8.5 if i have to do a re-install. ACtually it maybe registration codes and license etc that maybe the issue ion reality! If i do have to do a fresh install of a Sonar product that I (Paid 400 US dollars ) for by the way...I intend by gosh to still use it as needed! This is why I am cloning my disc so i have a Windows 7 Pro backup in case my license codes are "rendered useless." ...I will still have the "fix patch exe. files" however but will I be able to re-install Sonar 8.5 before installing Cakewalk by BandLab? ... I have read many articles that when jumping to BandLab version which is essentially "Sonar Platinum" you should first have former Cakewalk versions installed prior to recognize the .cwp project files. Last thing i wish to do is to have to render all my upteen hundred projects as an AIFF file and have to buy a new DAW to learn all over again! Any and all help is Greatly appreciated and thanks in advance! currently on Windows 7 Pro .... 64 bit Intel i5 3.2 ghz quad core 32gb DDR4
  2. Hello, I don't think this error is tied to a recent update, but from digging around the forums it appears it may have something to do with MIDI devices and how they're assigned? Anyway, I open up a project. I solo the synth instrument track and all it's related MIDI tracks are solo'd. Here you can see Kontakt 1 VI is solo'ed, with activates all the related Kontakt 1 MIDI tracks. This works fine with the next VI track(Omnisphere). I solo it and then all related Omnisphere MIDI tracks are solo'ed too. Here's where the fun starts. From here on out, my remaining VIs are not syncing up with their corresponding MIDI tracks (and indeed not playing the correct sounds if they are even mapped at all). What happened?!?!?! How is this occuring? The K 2-* MIDI tracks sohuld be highlighted, but instead it highlights the Omnisphere instruments again? How?! Likewise with the next set of Kontakt tracks. The Kontakt 3 - Choir VI should correspond with the CHOIR MIDI tracks, but instead they correspond to the Best Service Engine MIDI tracks?! How?! I don't know if this is a Cakewalk error, or if I changed something on my system to affect this. Irrespective of that, I can see no way to change the routing of the VI? Any help would be appreciated, the only way around this is to start from scratch and re-route, which is a horrendous waste of time and frankly soul-destroying, especially if this is going to apply to every single old/legacy project. Thankyou kindly.
  3. Hi there! I am new to using Cakewalk, I installed it for the first time two ago. I recently have followed a YouTube video on how to set up and start using Cakewalk. Here is the link to that video. After I followed the step of settinm up the vst plugins, my plugins don't start to work. Cake walk says that is ditects 44 plugins, but I'm not able to use any of them in the software. I've attched a photo to this post that shows that I have Instrument plugins installed in my plugins. (They are 32 bit however my friend says that it doesn't really matter) Neither of us could figure what was wrong. I am wondering if anyone here has had the same problem or can shade some light on what I need to do! Thank you!
  4. Okay, so I must've changed some setting to start making Cakewalk automatically trim the upper limit of a clip down to the midi content when moving a clip as shown in the supplied link. How can this be changed? As I know for sure that it wasn't always a thing. The issue in question:
  5. I use an HX STOMP to record my guitar into my laptop via USB. The tone is great monitoring through the HX stomp, but monitoring through cakewalk and on playback of recordings the audio is much lower quality. Any way to fix this? My driver mode is ASIO, my audio drivers bit depth is 24, my sampling is 4800, and my buffer size has been moved to the far right.
  6. New to the forums, I have an issue with audio samples folder in cakewalk. Upon creating a shortcut folder for my samples located in an External SSD and placing them in the cakewalk samples folder, I discover that these samples do not appear in the content browser. I tried searching for this issue on these forums but couldn't find any related material. Any assistance is valuable. Thanks
  7. When i start cakewalk, the "Project Templates" is empty, somebody knows how to fix it? ty
  8. Hi all, I have a brief question about working with MIDI in the Matrix View. I tried to do some hours research before bothering other people, but I can't find a firm answer. Found this question from 2020 on the forums: https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/19738-step-sequencer-in-matrix-view (Also read the Matrix section in the User Guide PDF & watched several YouTube videos.) ----------------- Question: Are you not able to modify MIDI clips/Step Clips during playback in the Matrix view and hear the updates? I seem to have to stop and then re-start playback of the clip to hear any changes made -- which I think either might be unintended, or I'm doing something wrong. Here's a YouTube video demoing the problem in case I'm not explaining it well (also attached it, not sure if you can play embeds directly on the forums here) https://youtu.be/Ji7J4Av-1LY ----------------- Build Info: Version: 2021.04 (Build 144, 64bit) cakewalk-matrix-view-issue.mp4
  9. There shouldn't be any noise when no audio is present/playing. This only seems to be occurring on this one session, so I have no idea what's going on. The video is noisy to begin with with dogs in the background etc, but I think it still shows what I'm trying to explain. Those busses output to my mixer and are always outputting that noise for some reason, when it should normally be dead silent. Anyone have any ideas what's wrong? Or is there a good way to start a new session and transfer over the files/settings? link to video if it doesn't show up: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rvbOwI13f1ltbqlq_iB1pezo8WbdE5wE/view?usp=sharing
  10. Hey guys! I would realy like to use this feature: It's a easy and fast way of of creating a costum plugins browser layout. Which can also be saved and imported for future Cakewlak installs. I would like to see the changes that I make reflect in the plugins browser Any chance this works in BandLab's CakeWalk version?
  11. Dan Irving

    Synth not recording

    Hi So I have CBB - M-Audio Oxygen 25 plugged in via USB for Soft Synths etc. I can play fine using this using Soft Synths eg SI Electric Piano / SI Bass etc. sounds come through speakers etc when played ... However - none of the sounds record even with the tracks armed etc as usual... It's really got me stuck. Any advice? A few pics below for reference... Dan
  12. Hello! I am beginner in making music, and I think that the hardest thing in song creation process is finding good samples or VST. Recently I used bandlab's browser mix-editior, and I've seen some nice vst to use (I've already downloaded some loops from there). Is it possible to export VST's from Bandlab into the Cakewalk? I'd be glad if someone helped me.
  13. Out of nowhere my music isn't producing the same sound anymore. I previously had this experienced but I spent like an hour messing around with the driver mode and found the MME 32 bit worked really well for my laptop. But suddenly when I didn't change any of the preferences at all my music sounds terrible again like its coming out of a really messed up speaker and its cracking and popping. Even when I'm not playing audio at all and just editing my clips there's a sound in my headphones of crackling and occasional popping. I've changed it back to Wasapi shared and then becake to ASIO and then back to MME 32 bit but in every driver mode it now sounds terrible. Even my voice sounds like its suddenly out of tune for some reason along with the background sounding like its coming through a broken speaker. I have no idea what happened. How do I fix this?
  14. Hello! So I'll try to make this short. I was using the windowed version of cakewalk with little to no issues for a few months. I eventually bought a new pc, and now both my new and old pc are giving me tons of issues with both the full Cakewalk, and the windowed version. I am only doing vocals I'm not computer or tech savvy, so I apologize if this is simple stuff. I'm not going to use the windowed version anymore, as it lacks tons of features and is giving me issues, its not worth the hassle, but for the full Cakewalk Bandlab: In WASAPI shared I get a constant crackling and popping sound, and on my old pc no sound at all, in MME I get sound, but there's like what sounds to be an electrical noise that's either constant or loud when I hit play or record, and it only comes out on ear. I can see on the track it's only recording the top of it and not the bottom, also in MME it doesn't give me the option to choose any output besides the audio box, my speakers don't show up. (Keep in mind I barely know what WASAPI or MME even really are) I've tried making sure all my drivers are up to date, I've made sure, as far as I can tell, that all my audio is set to the same sample rate (44100), I've tried using usb mics directly into PC, I've tried using an Audio box to plug an actual mic into, and still the issues persist. I've also tried using different headphones, headphone ports, usb ports, monitors and speakers, and even 2 different pcs, but the issues are always the same. Any ideas? From searching the forums and web it seems most people fix the issue going MME, but MME again has electrical noise and only one ear (by electrical noise I mean like a BZZZT sound). It sounds like WASAPI shared is the best one to use, but I get no sound, or I get extreme crackling and popping which makes it impossible to listen to or sing to. I have no clue what to do. I was supposed to have all my vocals done by March, and it's basically April. The annoying part is I can get everything done in very few takes, but the actual program issues are using up a tremendous amount of my time. I dont know if you need my new pc's specs, but this is it: https://www.bestbuy.ca/en-ca/product/asus-rog-strix-gaming-pc-black-amd-ryzen-5-3600x-1tb-hdd-512gb-ssd-16gb-ram-geforce-rtx-2060-super/14431177?icmp=Recos_3across_tp_sllng_prdcts&referrer=PLP_Reco Thanks in advance, this is driving me insane. Any help is GREATLY appreciated!
  15. I'm a new user of Cakewalk by Bandlab I have a MIDI keyboard (C. Aemon LP-6108A) connected to my PC with a MIDI-USB cable (only MIDI in is plugged in, if that changes something), and it works fine. However, when I'm recording using the keyboard, recorded notes' sustain lasts until I stop recording. I have no other MIDI keyboard or DAW, so I can't test if it's fault of my keyboard or Cakewalk. However, when I'm recording on my PC's keyboard, everything works fine. I think it's good to mention that I don't have a sustain pedal. I've been searching throught entire internet for the answer to my question, however found nothing that helped me I would be very grateful for any help, I also put the screenshot of how recorded notes look like
  16. For some reason, cakewalk is extremely laggy and I can't even click on anything. When I am able to click on things, it is delayed by about 12 seconds. It also doesn't let me click on the tab sometimes. The strange thing, I'm on a good computer (Asus TUF FX705DY). What is this, and has anyone else experienced this problem?
  17. I have been trying to fix this for hours. I am at my wits end, you have to help me. Amongst other random problems, I haven't been able to hear my project when I click play, and I can't hear the drums when I tap on them. The demo project used to not sound, then it gave me a few errors, now I can hear it upon changing my driver mode to 32 bit. I also reinstalled Cakewalk and updated my computer, deleted the 5 hidden audio devices, etc. I need some help now, please, I've tried everything I found online! System info: Computer: Alienware Aurora R6 Windows: Windows 10 Home latest update Audio interface: It's integrated, I put my headphones in the headphone port at the top of the computer. (don't know too much about this) Driver Mode: Currently MME, because it made my physical devices appear. I tried the other modes too, and not much changed. Processor is Intel Core something, 8 gb ram, 64 bit I'm not sure if this matters, but I have an AMD Radeon graphics card with the driver a few versions behind (on purpose, for gaming). I also have many random audio drivers, because I use VR on this PC. And this computer is known for having completely random and unconnected problems. Edit: I've tried pretty much everything, at this point I have wasted so much time and inspiration on a program that my computer just won't tolerate. It's really a shame that Cakewalk refuses to work, because the Bandlab online mixer works but I want to do more than what it offers. Anyways thanks for the help guys I'm probably gonna have to use another DAW but it's fine.
  18. Hello, cakewalk noob here trying to map the drum pads on my AKAI MPK mini for the drums built in to Cakewalk. I created this mapping based on the numbers that pop up on the controller screen (in) and the numbers visible when you left click the instruments in the user interface (out). I'm pretty sure the numbers I've selected from my drum pad are correct, since one of them claims to be 22, which is natively mapped to one of the hi-hat sounds, and that is the only pad which is producing any output. However, making this drum mapping has had no effect. I'm guessing I need to somehow select this drum map, but I just can't figure out out how to do it. I'd really appreciate it if anyone knowledgeable about the software could help me out! Bonus screenshot of the main track screen.
  19. Hi all, I'm a complete rookie with cakewalk and cannot get my keyboard to play through my bandlab digital duo. Digital duo shows up as audio device and not a midi device. I can connect my keyboard directly via usb to my laptop and it shows up as a midi device but there are major latency issues. Here's my setup: Casio Privia L&R stereo output to single mono input into Bandlab Link Digital Duo. Digital Duo connected to laptop via USB. Using latest cakewalk. Can anyone help? Happy to send an Amazon giftcard!!!!!
  20. If drum replacer has an update, is it included already with the new cakewalk updates or do you have to download it separately? Thanks.
  21. Hello i've been trying to install bandlab cakewalk for a while now, but everytime i've installed it the login button always ends up being unresponsive ie. it doesnt do jack shit once i click on it. Its hella *****ing frustrating please help me... Ive allowed it access through the firewall and have tried disabling all antivirus with no effect. Whats happening? And yes, my mouse works!
  22. Rudransh

    How to do this?

    I have a audio sample and I want to increase its pitch with time. I not find any pitch automation in cakewalk please help
  23. Anyone know of a good easy to use CHM editor? Be nice to convert some of them to "working" PDFs. If you can open the CHM file in Win10, you can Print to PDF but you loose hyperlinks. Using this method some CHMs open with missing data or not at all.
  24. I want to use KORG nanoKONTROL 2 in CC mode instead of Sonar/Cakewalk mode. I wanted to assign MIDI CC #1, #3, #11, etc. like modulation, expression to sliders. I had set them in KORG KONTROL Editor and wrote the data. However, nanoKONTROL 2 doesn't work at all in Cakewalk by Bandlab. I also can't use MIDI learning features in plugins. I tried that in Native Instruments' Kontakt, Spitfire Audio's BBCSO, Orchestral Tools' SINE Player, etc. Would you help me solve this problem?
  25. I'm able to create drum map presets and save them, the file shows up in the designated folder after I've named and saved it. \ The problem comes in when I attempt to view/select it in the 'Presets' tab of the Drum Map Manager. None of the drum map files that were saved (nor the ones that come with Cakewalk by default) show up in the dropdown as selectable/clickable options, despite being in the designated folder and the manager being able to save presets without any problem to that folder. What could be the cause of this?
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