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  1. Hi, This request is a pretty simple one (and possibly a nitpick-y one) — I would like to see a change to the current format of the clip colors which is, colored waveform/foreground and dark grey background. I admit, at first it looked good but after a while of actually working with the clips, I've came across situations where certain colors made it difficult to see what the waveform was showing. I'm hoping we can have the simple and consistent black/dark waveform again with actual colored clips instead of just the waveform.
  2. If this already exists, please point me to where and how to enable it. Meanwhile, maybe a compressor or limiter would help me get my audio levels within a track better aligned. But my music frequently goes from quieter passages to louder ones and my current m.o. is to record a lot of takes within a track, then frequently, manually adjust gain (and pan) on individual clips or on the track itself . So it would be a useful, workflow enhancement to have an automation setting option, that a user could make a default, which displays a dB grid and pan grid within each of these scenarios: a take lane, for the whole track and on a selected clip. Then a user could click on a grid line and the level would snap to it vs. require the zooming in and out to see levels/settings selected or available, along with the up-and-down cursoring to try and find the desired level to try/apply.
  3. I think the requests below are pretty easy to do in comparison to, say, enhancements pertaining to audio or MIDI functionality. In my world, such 'enhancements' are well-named as Quick Hits. How about it? 1) Allow colors for marker names 2) Maybe even have the whole row of a marker vs. just the Name of the marker have a highlight color...but only when/if the user chooses that. Otherwise, at least allow the Name of the marker to be a color chosen by the user. Rationale: Let a a user see where certain sections start (Chorus, Verse, Solo). Meanwhile, I use markers not just for those low-hanging song sections, but also to remind myself what to work on, what to review or not forget about. e.g., Put solo here? Extend this part? Add background vocal This means I can have a lot markers in a project until I reach the final version. Until then, I need the Markers menu to be a more efficient assistant and note pad to guide me. I kinda think others do, too. 3) Please, let those of us users whose eyes aren't as great as they used to be, or as others, choose the font size of the Marker menu...separate from the font size(s) of any other menu.
  4. Why is there a Track Manager if it does not include some key, no-brainer features? a) Allow a user to quickly modify track order. Ideally by click on a track and dragging it like can be done in the Track View OR by simply changing the track # and automatically moving down the track that was at the track # selected - Yes, I'm aware I can click and drag a track up or down in the track view, but that's not efficient, especially when the project flow is a lot of tracks. b) How about letting a user click on multiple tracks and desiginate them as a group, let the user choose the track # for the 1st one selected, and then putting the remaining tracks selected in the track locations below the 1st track selected? Therefore, they are not just a group, but are physically located together.
  5. So, my eyes aren't as good as they were, but my compositions are more complex. That means I have more tracks in a project and more take lanes...which I want to see and need to tweak. Therefore, my monitor is larger AND at a higher resolution, which in turn reduces the size of everything. Meanwhile, years ago, Calkewak was so proud of itself to introduce a customizable GUI, the Skylight interface. However, please let me know if I'm missing how to select a setting to truly customize what I see. In particular, I would like the gain level setting and the pan setting on an individual clip to be much larger when I hover over a clip, like at least 3x the current default setting...without having everything else onscreen be affected. See bottom right of the screenshot for what Cakewalk shows today. Also, when I right click on an automation node and select properties, I'd love for that pop-up menu to display the values much larger.
  6. Cakewalk does not give a user the option to Duplicate the source track with the destination being a track in another open project. This means Calkewalk does not allow a user to paste the FX from the source track in project A to the track project B. This means a user has to manually add in all the FX in the destination track. Not cool and ineffecient. Need this feature to work at the speed of real time, not slow down time to kill creativity.
  7. Just installed Cakewalk, as a long time Sonar X3 and Music Creator 6 Touch user, figured I'd see what Cakewalk offered now that its gone free. So far its nice, however, the plugin window for Z3ta 2(which coincidentally is a soft synth made by Cakewalk), is too big and I cant figure out how to resize it. It cuts the bottom off by quite a bit. I think I could still use it but I cant even move the window up to see whats at the bottom if I wanted to. Is there a way to resize it? Z3ta is one of my favorite plugins, really would like to get it worked out.
  8. Hi, I am here in the hope I will get this sorted asap. Please help. Issue: While working on a Cakewalk project (referred to as project A below), VST instrument (in my case TTS-1) track's keyboard icon or the one on the Synth Rack has stopped showing the instrument UI. The instrument is sounding ok from what I have already recorded on the track, but the instrument itself is not showing so I am not able to work with the instrument interface. When I click on the keyboard icon, simply nothing happens. I have tried: Creating another project in the same Cakewalk instance. The same issue shows with the new project. Closing the current instance and creating a new instance. When I create a new project in this instance, then the problem is resolved. When I open project A first, then the problem persists, even if I create a new project. Create a copy of the project and open it in a new instance. Does not work. Creating a new project and copying my tracks from A to this new project. Does not work. So, basically, project A has some setting that makes the cakewalk instance not show the instrument UIs. It is perhaps important to note that prior to experiencing this issue (I can't recall the exact event that triggered this), I was trying to load default Cakewalk instruments into the instruments window on the right panel. I ultimately succeeded in showing them there, but editing VST Settings from Preferences, by Resetting and probably tweaking some other settings (if any) there (that I do not fully recall). I have attached a pic for the Dialog Box state here. Has someone experienced a similar issue and did you find a solution? I have already wasted several hours on solving this but can not find a way out. Happy to provide more info. Thanks in advance.
  9. suggesting here for an option for clip background colors to be altered by bus. As of now setting a color for a bus will affect the foreground color only, and all tracks will also use the bus's foreground color as the waveform. I personally like to have black waveforms with clip color backgrounds (easier for my eyes anyway). This seems like a simple thing to build in. Hoping the bakers see this
  10. Not a big deal but... the small Transport Module would look much better if the display data was centered better in their respective areas.
  11. Has anyone had an issue with Unify Plugin by PluginGuru and Bandlab GUI freezing, inability to navigate within libraries and patches?
  12. Often I want to see if a part is enhanced by adding a note an octave lower or higher than an existing one AND having the the same start time. Depending on the note's location and length, this involves many steps. But what if Cakewalk let a user right click on a note and choose a Duplicate Note and choose how it's transposed? What if that function allowed a user to choose a default setting. e.g., Octave Up? What if Cakewalk offered multiple default options? Octave Up, Octave Down, Make a major chord with this note as the root, Transpose 1/3, Transpose Down a 1/3, etc.
  13. Marc Thom


    Hello. I'm trying to get started with Cakewalk but cannot figure out how to solve this font issue. I've reset Windows fonts to default, I think, and reinstalled Cakewalk a couple of times. I'm using W10 laptop @ 1920x1080 at 150% scale, but i've tried 100% This is what I see when trying to pick an instrument for example. I have searched for a solution a lot without success. Any help appreciated. Thanks
  14. Please give users an an option to hover over an existing note to show its pitch, start time and duration. That way, if a user wants to determine whether to modify it or duplicate its duration or start time, the user knows what is needed for a new or additional note.
  15. So Cakewalk has the Staff View, the Piano Roll View and Step Sequencer View...beacause a user wants to work on just that aspect of a composition. Yay. Now how about allowing a user to solo just what's in that tab...via right clicking on the tab and selecting....Solo this Tab!
  16. How would this show onscreen? A track currently named by Cakewalk as Staff - Choir would default instead to 43 - Staff - Choir. A small change can make a big difference. Why is this helpful? What if you are a user who is doing some editing in staff view or piano roll view for a track that has multiple take lanes, which means the master row of the track is not visible? - It means you don't know the track number you are in. Now what if you want to copy some notes from the staff view or piano roll row view and paste them back into the same staff view and you don't know the track number? - You have to interrupt your thought process to look for the track number. Not cool. Not efficient.
  17. Make the track manager a click a drag menu so track order can quickly be rearranged. Or let a user right click a track there and type in a number to move the track from one location to another. Like from track 10 to track 3.
  18. The Track Manager has a smaller footprint, so that makes it easier to see MIDI channel information together in one area.
  19. Hi guys , i have a problem and question , Is it possible to change the color of the vertical line of the playlist? For example, if the vertical line is almost lost when I turn the background white , It's weird, I can even change the color of aim assist line , but not this ruler
  20. So say my project is at measure 40, and that measure and what is after it appears onscreen in the track view. Meanwhile, off screen is measure 30, due to how zoomed in I am. Now say I click a marker that is at measure 30. The Now time does show 30, but the onscreen view of the Track View does not refresh to go to measure 30. I don't know if this is truly an issue with this release or it has always been this way, but the bottom line is it would be nice if the GUI would move to the new location. Instead, what is happening is the app is correctly going to measure 30, but the user has to scroll over to measure 30 to see where the marker now resides. This essens the effectiveness of having the Markers feature. In other words, it is not intuitive nor user-friendly.
  21. Way back before Bandlab acquired Cakewalk, there was company-created hoopla about the Skylight interface that allowed users to customize what they saw where. However, one aspect of this customization remains a glaring omission: Allowing users to determine custom font sizes of certain tools w/o impacting the whole display. Currently, Cakewalk offers only a Big Time option, but doesn't do this for other frequently-used viewed items like Clip Properties to see a clip's start time. Nor does it do this for user-input values in pop-up menus like Transpose. What about giving us the option to temporarily hide part of an on-screen menu like Clip Properties by pushing up on it to show what is currently partially obscured? (the Console faders for the current track and the Master? So, how about offering true customization of font size for anything that can be seen onscreen?
  22. Hi! The following s a small thing, and hopefully easy to fix, but it always irritates the beejeezus out of me. Not sure if it's a bug or by design, but in the second case I'd ask to review the design 🙂 I am pretty sure it's been the behavior from Sonar times, but hopefully it's a simple fix. I use a two-monitors setup, and I have CW on the left monitor and undocked windows on the right one: typically for the console or the tempo map (full screen) or sequencer (typically a fit-size window). Of course a new project starts with the various windows docked, so I undock the interesting window (say the console), move it to the right monitor and maximize it. When saving the project, CW remembers this which is great. So far so good. However, I often compose ideas switching between a demo I build piece by piece in CW and some other application. Typically that's a text editor where I am writing the lyrics and updating them to find the best flow with the music, or a browser, whatever. In doing so, I often close the undocked window (not CW) on the right while it is maximized full screen. After a few minutes, I reopen the same window (say the console) using the keyboard shortcut (or the "Views" menu).. CW opens the window undocked, but immediately resizes it to whatever not-full screen size it had before being maximized. So I have to go and click to maximize it again. 😭 This thing can repeat itself dozens of times in a writing or mixing session, and its mightily annoying. It seems that the menu is opening the window and then for some reason issuing it a request to toggle its size from maximized to not maximized. Which makes no sense, no other program I use insists in returning a window in non-maximized state if it had been closed as maximized (within the same runtime session, of course, I would understand if I were closing Cakewalk), So, the request: would it be possible to fix that behavior, and re-open an undocked window in exactly the same state it was when it was closed? (if it was closed maximized, keep it maximized, if it was closed not maximized, keep it not maximized) I love CW to bits, but this would really make me love it more! Every single unnecessary click is incredibly frustrating when you're balancing a guitar in front of the desk and trying to focus on the music or the mix. If there's already a way to change that behavior, happy to be told of course! Thanks! -Cris
  23. Hi, I'm a longtime time Cake user and like the new Bandlab version a lot. But one thing drives me crazy and seriously impacts my workflow: can I open only one soft synth or FX plugin at a time? For a project I use several soft synths and they all show up in the synth rack. Assigning tracks or channels, MIDI recording and editing, all no problem. But when I edit e.g. a sound patch on synth A and now want to adjust Synth B or an FX plugin accordingly, I can't. When I open the GUI for synth B via double click in the synth rack then synth A's GUI disappears. I use a multi-monitor DAW with one screen dedicated to plugin editing. In old Sonar versions I could have as many plugins open as I wanted to. How can I do this now with Cakewalk by Bandlab? I can't find any parameter or preference setting relating to this issue.
  24. Hello, I found a slightly annoying "bug" if you will, but since the arranger was added, the area to click on for the Prochannel is extremely small and harder to get to. Hoping this can be the same size as the others somehow.
  25. I'm using the Cakewalk Shared Instruments inside of Reason 10 and I noticed that the GUI for the instruments and the effects will not show. I've tried several trouble shooting and also saving the GUI images to the native VST folder. Reason has a system folder that saves all information about the Vst/Vsti and I also saved the files there. Nothing has worked so far and I don't know exactly how to reach technical support for Cakewalk directly to get an answer. Who can I contact to help with this issue please?
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