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  1. I sometimes collapse and expand track folders, but I never use the hide tracks function. Until I unknowingly did so by clicking the folder's numerical display under the column headers (C). Click the number under Hidden. All the tracks are now hidden and the number changes. Click the number under Audio and only the audio tracks are hidden. Click again and they're unhidden. And so on. Track Folder documentation only says you can hide tracks but doesn't explain how - while it does for muting, soloing, archiving, etc.
  2. The Help Module text for Utilities->Consolidate Project Audio says that it copies all the audio used by the current project into a subfolder of the project's audio folder. What is this subfolder called?
  3. Please add the feature of adding audio effects as it will make workflow faster. Using busses can be often a really confusing and tedious task. Adding effects to folders will help applying an effect on multiple tracks without having to use it on every track which will also save some CPU.
  4. ^What the title says... Seems like a pretty simple feature that got overlooked when track folders were initially implemented. Being able to place track folders inside of other track folders would help immensely with keeping projects clean.
  5. Dear Bakers, I have an idea for a TOTALLY COOL New Feature for 'Console View'! Let's say I've created several Folders in Track View, each Folder contains it's own corresponding audio tracks like the ones listed below. FOLDERS: DRUMS (contains all drum tracks) INSTRUMENTS (contains all the instrument tracks) MAIN VOX (contains all the main vocals) BACK VOCALS (contains all the background vocals) Wouldn't it be cool if once I'm done with all my tracking, I could switch over to 'Console View' to start mixing, but still have the ability to quickly control all Track Folders without having to leave Console View. Just by adding simple Mix Module controls for each Folder at the top of the Console View title bar. Please see my illustration below for more details (We probably wouldn't want to include the 'Record' button for this view, so please disregard that in the picture). How cool and efficient would it be during mixing to be able to solo all the DRUMS in the drum Folder from within Console View, without having to highlight all drum tracks or flip back over to Track view to do it. Whatever Folders are created in Track View, Cakewalk automatically creates listings for them on the title bar of Console View; each with their own mix module controls - See Figure 1. I hope others love this idea as much as I do 🙂! Figure 1.
  6. I would like also to see in "folder" option to route it to a specific BUS. Instead of routing many synth tracks to one bus I would like just to do one click for folder and auto-route it to selected bus.
  7. Hello-- This seems like a small thing, but I would like to see the option to move a track to a folder even when it's already in a different folder. Right now to move a track from one folder to another, you have to remove the track from the first folder, locate the track, then move it to a new folder. Thanks, Stephen
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