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  1. Is there a way to avoid this?: In PRV, copy 4 notes from track "A" and paste them in track "B". The 4 notes create a new clip in Track View that is as long as the original clip. I have to select the new clip and bounce it to get rid of the empty space.
  2. Hi basically I want to copy and paste midi data to another track but assign a different channel number so I can have 2 different instruments or devices playing an identical melody which I can then individually edit. For example if I create a melody in say track 5 piano (midi channel 5) and copy it to track 6 organ (midi channel 6) all the note values, and data is copied correctly to track 6 but the midi channel assignment doesn't automatically change to 6 so I have to manually edit each individual midi item in the event viewer to change the midi channel from 5 to 6. Is there a simple way of doing this? Am I missing a simple method to define what channel to assign the pasted data or am I missing a concept here? Thanks as you will save me hours! Andy
  3. I want to copy several midi tracks and paste into a single consolidated track but without changing the start time of each copied track https://prnt.sc/s5sy57 With the old version of cakewalk you could stick without changing the starting time of the tracks https://prnt.sc/s5t4om is it possible to do with this version?
  4. First, I do have snap to grid off. If I want to copy a passage to another track, I select the target track, then use goto for where I want data placed. For example, Goto 3.1.480. I then paste it, but it always seems to go beats or ticks forward.. I'm sure it's something simple that I'm missing for such a simple procedure. I've used the regular copy choice, and Copy special. In copy special I choose the time to insert 3.01.480 and 1 repetition, replace old data with new. Do not slide, and still it may not come in as expected. I'm choosing the time to insert looking at the first note in the midi clip. If the note starts on the 3rd beat, should I choose the 1st beat of that bar to paste the material I've copied? I'm now spending more time sliding copied material by ticks or beats then actually spending time on the composition part. Any ideas? Again, I know it's probably something I'm doing wrong because no one else seems to have that problem. Thanks in advance,
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