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  1. Hi, This request is a pretty simple one (and possibly a nitpick-y one) — I would like to see a change to the current format of the clip colors which is, colored waveform/foreground and dark grey background. I admit, at first it looked good but after a while of actually working with the clips, I've came across situations where certain colors made it difficult to see what the waveform was showing. I'm hoping we can have the simple and consistent black/dark waveform again with actual colored clips instead of just the waveform.
  2. This is an edited/updated version of the edited/updated post. The Feature Request now includes a function for normalizing exported audio files, too. This is an edited/updated version of the original post. The following 4 posts refer to the original one. Hi bakers! I would really like to see a feature to normalize clips to a certain RMS/LUFS-level in an easy and fast way so that you don't have to do it separately (read: tediously) with a third-party plug-in. It should be simple enough as it only needs a few parameters. Normalize to: X Normalize by: peak/RMS/LU/K-system/whatever If overs: Reduce gain/clip/limit/cry for help There could be some advanced options as well. Normalize to (RMS only): Average/peak Normalize to (LUFS only): Momentary/integral RMS time window (RMS only): (default: 700ms) Merge clips on same track? Keep separate/Merge together Apply clip trimming before normalizing? (default: Yes) Do I love Cakewalk? Yes/Indeed This way you could easily set up a project with a schnizzleton of clips with audio levels all over the place to a relatively smooth starting point in no time. Now you need to do this manually and I still don't understand why you have to do it in Sonar since it really is no difficult feat to program and I'm sure many of us would appreciate this. PS. If normalizing is NOT your thing, feel free to keep it to yourself. This thread is NOT called "Normalizing – good or bad".
  3. Hi, I have a project with 8 tracks and about 16 different clips spread between them. During the recording around 30 takes were done in total, resulting in many audio files in the "audio" folder, with the name of project and track number. Obviously I have not decided to use all of those, therefore deleting them from the project (but remaining in folder). In the project I have renamed all of the clips to more suitable names for myself, however, these names are not changed in the audio folder. So, I now have many audio files with very similar names, that I can't easily distinguish between. I need to know what audio files I actually am using in my project. Is there a way I can change audio files names through the project? thanks
  4. Hello together , I edited my voice but somehow I changed the view and now I only see the waves in the image I attached. Its impossible to edit like that... Please help I don´t want to start again...
  5. Hi there I thought I'd seen this online but I cannot for the life of me find out how to do it ! So if you want to say cut out a section of a clip (say like the darker section below) and then automatically have the RHS slide over and meet the remaining LHS, thus closing up the gap, what is most efficient way to do it please? Is there a "automatic" way to have it close up the gap? or did I dream that?! Many thanks in advance.
  6. TV clips CC display seems convoluted to operate... 1. CC display options are found in 3 different menus and seem to counteract one another. Should be one menu. 2. Menu should also be multi-selectable so not reopening menu for each action. 3. In Clips mode all CCs are the same color and can't tell them apart. 4. MIDI > Show Controllers only affects Notes mode. Should also affect Clips mode. 5. Difficult to impossible to delete some CCs without also deleting notes. I don't use this feature but for these reasons.
  7. Hello, I'd like to move the groups in the arranger track but without moving the clips that are inside, just the group start and end range. Kinda like if you were moving the loop range or selection range. By default if you move the group (ex: the verse group) it moves everything that is currently included inside this group, which I don't want. Does anyone know how to do this? Thank you Ælleden
  8. Hi, so I been trying cakewalk for a while and all was good, but then I realized that all this time i've been doing things whithout watching the files like in a waveform, so, i also can't see when the midi notes start/end I saw that this problem would be fixed if I deleted the cache image project data. I did it but just do nothing. letting u an image of what do i see btw, there is also a weird thing about hw do clips amount together but i think it's just glueing clips and for last, track 2 & 3 are midi, the 1st one is a sampler reppited
  9. Hello This is my first post so hope I am in the right place. I am using Cakewalk ( Version: 2022.09 Build 027, 64 bit ) If I create a drum pattern using the Step Sequencer and the free Sitala drum synth, and then go into the track and create say a duplicate of 3 linked clips from the clip I just created ( using Copy Special and Paste Special ), I get the linked clips as expected, but as soon as I modify the initial clip, then all the Step Sequencer note events get duplicated, so one kick drum becomes 4 kick drum etc ( if that makes sense ). I also get the same problem if I use the Drag / Drop linked clip creation method. I'm hoping this is something I am doing wrong - I have looked in the docs but can't seem to find anything relating to it, but I could be looking or searching for the wrong doc content! If I create a drum pattern using the Piano Roll then the linked clips all work as expected with no note duplications. Thanks in advance - if the above is as clear as mud please tell me so and I will try to elaborate. D
  10. Hi, I’m accumulating drum samples from an assortment of real drums. I have some decent beats down already; I want to bring in a new drum sample, with a different sound, and set the existing beat using the new sound. There’s got to be an easy way to do this. Any ideas? Thanks, -Ken
  11. Is there a way to avoid this?: In PRV, copy 4 notes from track "A" and paste them in track "B". The 4 notes create a new clip in Track View that is as long as the original clip. I have to select the new clip and bounce it to get rid of the empty space.
  12. This is either a feature request or if I have missed something and someone knows how to do this, I'd love to hear. When recording (particularly vocal) takes to many lanes for comping, I like to leave some headroom, so often I need to manually drag up the zoom factor to see the clip with a decent waveform height for precise editing. This is easy enough on the compiled clip to do with take lanes collapsed, but when take lanes are exposed it seems necessary to drag up the zoom factor by the same amount on each individual lane , which is tedious and time consuming. I have searched for an option where you could drag up the zoom factor of one lane within a clip, and when holding down a modifier key this would drag up the zoom factor of all lanes within the track by the same amount but this doesn't seem to exist. Furthermore, if you do manually drag the zoom factors 'lane-by' lane' to where you want them, saving, closing then reopening the project appears to revert them to their original zoom state, so dragging up the clip zoom lane by lane needs to be repeated. Apologies in advance if I have missed something here and there is an existing solution. If not, this would be a helpful feature to have considered for future versions. Anton
  13. Unless there is a way to do so (which I searched for but cannot find), I would like to submit a request to use the duplicate (CTRL+D) feature but also LINK the clips so when I make changes in one, they apply to all of them. Is there a way to do this as of now even if it is more than 1 step? As you can see, I did it with the Tambourine track but the only way to do it is to copy and paste manually, which is not as easy to do as the easy CTRL+D option.
  14. Simple. I'm selecting multiple clips and want to rename them all at the same time, to the same name. Can't do it today. The reason? I'm working with an AAF for film and the editor provided a bunch of FX split up into multiple clips and I want to name them all at once instead of one by one. Thanks!
  15. Is there an option to reverse the clip colors, so the background of the clip is colored, rather than the contents? See this screenshot with Cubase on the left and Cakewalk on the right, both using the same color coding for the clips. I find the Cubase screen much easier to work with.
  16. Hi there, I'm wondering how I can edit multiple midi clips at the same time. Say I have a 4 bar MIDI clip and copy it multiple times, I want when I edit something such as a note in the original clip for it to copy these edits in the subsequent clips. Is such a thing possible in Cakewalk? Cheers
  17. Thought of an idea that many others may think could be interesting and helpful within the Cakewalk DAW. The ability to throw in comments at either the session , track and\or clip level... or possibly inserted at certain times of the session. For example when tracking or mixing you could right click a clip and create a comment about it. It could be some notes you took when listening to the track in regards to what you used to record it, maybe elaborating on something you want to add to this track (composition-wise or whatever comes to mind!). Then you can view you comments and iterate through them and either leave them there or close them out if you've solved an issue you took notes on. Particularly when mixing this may be helpful to mark things up as you are listening, then go back and deal with those things you commented on inside the track\clip. If they were time-stamped comments, having them dump to a txt file would be real neat. This would possibly increase the efficiency of creating and improving recorded or mix material instead of decoupling it with your own manual process of notating your sessions.
  18. Hi, I was wondering if there is a way to change the background color of a clip. I wanted to experiment and try making a bunch of different stuff, like a transparent background clip. Or, is there a way to make the clip the color you made the track instead of the midi? That would be great to know!
  19. Cakewalk has this annoying habit of moving a converted clip from its existing take lane to another take lane. In fact, it typically places the now-converted clip on top of another existing loop. Is there a setting to stop this from happening? If not, please stop this from occurring. Keep the clip I'm working with in its current take lane.
  20. As gain and pan envelopes, I would like to change the pitch via envelope (no changing the whole pitch for the entire clip). With this we'll be able to make "a kind" of tape stop effect (for example). I think there is no other way to do it, right?
  21. As title says, I'm trying to invert a clip and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but the phase invert button on the audio track strip does nothing I notice, and using the 3rd party VST RS Phase Reverse has also done nothing.
  22. Simple. Just like how the Clip FX bin icon is always in the upper right of a clip, I'd like the clip title to always be visible on the upper left. Example: I have zoomed in and am missing the clip title: If I scroll a little left: I shouldn't have to scroll to the start of a clip to see its name. In my workflows (film) I do a LOT of clip naming as there are tons of tracks and samples split all over the place. thanks!
  23. Hello BandLabers. I'm goofing around with the REMOVE SILCENCE function and I thought we had a way to just had it SPLIT CLIPS (retaining audio data in order to adjust the clip's borders and fades afterwards...). But is seems that it is not the case. When trying to "roll out" clip borders, there is just ... silence... Is there something I am missing here? The only work-around I can think of currently, is to set some kind of "forgiving" strip silence parameters first (still keeping some "to cut out" stuff) and afterwards complete the cleaning process manually... I also tried apply a EXP / GATE prior to removing silence, but I have not been able to set it up correctly in a way that I would not need to edit like hell anyway afterwards yet... so no proper "improvement" here... Regards.
  24. When you attempt to split a clip via alt+click or the split tool, it won't split if a crossfade exists in the area you are attempting to split. This requires you to move the fade first. Example: I have a single clip with a longer fadeout and I want to split it at now time to move a transient around. But the X-fade is preventing the split.
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