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  1. I installed plugins from every version of Sonar/CbB I have. Now there's several BREVER2's on my system yet only one instance* shows up in Plug-in Manager. 64 bit: C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\VstPlugins\BREVERB SONAR - BREVERB 2 Cakewalk.dll ( - 9/26/2012) <original Sonar version? - *BREVERB 2 Cakewalk-64.dll. ( - 11/28/2012) <plug-in manager C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Utilities\Internal - BREVERB 2_64.dll. ( - 9/26/2012)<original Sonar version? 32 bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\Cakewalk\VstPlugins\BREVERB SONAR - *BREVERB 2 Cakewalk.dll. ( - 11/28/2012) <plug-in manager C:\Program Files (x86)\Cakewalk\Shared Utilities\Internal - BREVERB 2_32.dll. ( - 9/26/2012)<original Sonar version? Some projects with BREVERB2 will crash Sonar/CbB if they contain a different version than what's installed. Is there a way to separate them so CbB isn't confused or do all but one need to be removed?
  2. Hey - quick question. I have a project with a bus where I had inserted Breverb2 Cakewalk, prior to discovering the Breverb2 module that is part of the ProChannel. SO - I notice that a preset that I had saved in the Breverb2 Cakewalk (from the FX Bin), does not appear in the presets available to the ProChannel's Breverb module. Further, there doesn't seem a way to save presets from settings in the ProChannel's Breverb2 module. It would appear that there are two separate save paths for presets, and that is further complicated by the ones I DO save, in the Breverb2 Cakewalk VST, not being able to be selected if I try to access them in the ProChannel's Breverb2, and lastly, not being able to save presets from settings I like from the ProChannel's Breverb2 is a bit of a pain. Any solutions to the above? Bob Bone
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