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  1. I recently purchased the A&H Zedi-10FX and ever since it has been a nightmare to work with. First of all I am very new to all of this music production jargon, routing, etc. but seeing that the Zedi-10fx could be an audio interface and a mixer as well as a streaming device, I decided to go with it. My first problem is even getting it to playback any tracking I record in Cakewalk. I play 4 chords and track it. Then when I play it back in order to record a lead guitar piece over it, it sounds so garbled over my headphones (monitor). I have used the following routing in cakewalk. Even if I change the output to 'Master', it doesn't make any difference. Secondly, I can't seem to understand how the drivers work. The Zedi has ASIO drivers which I have downloaded and installed but when I go to Cakewalk preferences and choose ASIO, i get the following error If i choose No and stay with ASIO, the laptop hangs like hell and I just can't do anything else. So i just kept it as WASAPI but still experience the aforementioned issue of garbled audio playback. Here's a snapshot of the Zedi Driver. Note the ASIO not active momentarily flips to ASIO active (PC mode) but switches back in less than a second. Does having a ASIO compliant audio interface mean that I don't need to choose ASIO from the Cakewalk driver menu and can just stay with WASAPI shared? Would there be any benefit in using ASIO4ALL? I am using a Dell laptop with Realtek ASIO which I've heard causes issues and have produced tracks with this before but not using a standalone audio interface. Now that i have an audio interface, I expected the workflow to be more seamless (if I can get it to work). My laptop specs are Dell latitude 5310 i7-10610U CPU @ 1.80GHz 2.30 GHz, , 16 GM RAM, Windows 11 Pro. Heres what my PC audio looks like: I know that this post is long winded but I'm getting pretty desperate at this point. I just wanna be able to start making music. Thanks
  2. Hi there, so I'm just setting up my Zoom L20 mixer https://zoomcorp.com/en/us/digital-mixer-multi-track-recorders/digital-mixer-recorder/livetrak-l-20/ with CakeWalk, and I think (!) that Cakewalk is "seeing" the L20 OK, (see attached photo) BUT try as I might I cannot get it to get any audio channels / sound from the mixer, and I'm really stuck as to what the issue is. I have the most up to date Firmware in the Mixer, and have the L20 drive installed on my PC laptop (Win10) too, which seems to be functioning fine. Any thoughts / insights on this would be greatly appreciated, or any images showing me what is should look like would be terrific. Many thanks in advance Edward
  3. Has anybody ever solved the problem of the M-Audio FastTrack Pro driver, that enables it's 4in/4out channels in Windows 7, but will only enable 2/2 in Windows 10? I have found no driver updates thus far. And secondly, would a Win 7 emulator work, (such as a vCenter converter)? Cheers, Pete.
  4. I'm trying to route my AV Bx series mixer through cakewalk to be able to use the compressors available. I can get as far as seeing the meters register the input. The compressor is working, but the output is unchanged. I have the left and right outs from the mixer going to the inputs to my audio box and the outputs from the interface going to the power amp and EQ on my rack. I don't know what I'm missing. Any ideas?
  5. Hi All, New to music recording and I'm thinking about which laptop or tablet to purchase to use Cakewalk. Leaning towards a tablet. I'm mainly an acoustic guitar player. What tablet would be recommended for a complete recording beginner? Laptop, tablet or doesn't matter? How easily does the tablet connect to an audio interface? Is there a particular tablet favoured over others to get the most from the software? TIA for your advice.
  6. I'm new to Cakewalk, but not to creating music or using apps. My challenge is setting up virtual instruments in Cakewalk. I know it's not set up right, because Cakewalk tells me every time I open it (screen shot below), and I'm getting no sound at all. For the last couple of weeks, I've been following instructions on various videos, and I've read the cakewalk documentation and followed those directions, and nothing is working. I've used FL Studio, Sibelius and Mulab, but I don't remember having to do the type of settings as in Cakewalk, and I don't understand how this works. How do I know what resources on my laptop are available to Cakewalk? What's a "driver model" (first screen shot below)? Apparently, Cakewalk isn't seeing any audio devices (screenshot below). Does it have to, since I'm using only virtual instruments? I'm using EastWest Composer Cloud. I'm able to select instruments and open the instrument and click on the piano keyboard, but the keys don't move and there's no sound. It's hard to know what to ask, but I have several screen shots below. I think I just need to know how to set this up. Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions you can offer. I get this message every time I open Cakewalk Preferences/Audio/Devices Preferences/Audio/Driver Settings Preferences/Audio/Playback and Recording Preferences/Midi/Devices Preferences/Midi/Playback and Recording
  7. One of the features of my new Motu M4 is a Loopback feature. It seems to be a new trend with interfaces. I guess a common complaint was it being hard to copy audio directly from the internet. Probably copywrite law issues. I've been mucking about with screen capture with OBS and I would always have to use WASAPI shared to get OBS to record Cakewalks output. I noticed the Loopback channels as options in OBS and sure enough this works. So I can stay in ASIO mode for screen capture recording as well as using the interface to adjust the balance. And then today I found a second use which is what I think most people were after. A friend posted a song on Reverbnation but he is a paranoid so didn't allow downloads. I wanted the song file so I could analyze it with things like span and Youlean. Ha- just set an audio track in any DAW or wave editor to the Loopback channel and record in real time. Anyhow just thought I'd share as many people are always shopping for new interfaces and this just might be a feature worth having.
  8. Hi there, (I posted this to support, but I thought a member might be able to help me as well.) When I set up my new computer late last month, I installed my RME Fireface UFX+ audio interface via USB 2.0, which gave me a limited number of tracks. I recently switched it over to USB 3.2. My Fireface GUI can now see the tracks that are coming in via my RME Octamic XTC MADI interface, and I can hear them as well, but these tracks aren't visible within Cakewalk. (They were previously, when I was connecting the audio interface via Thunderbolt on my previous computer) Is there a way to get Cakewalk to search the audio interface options again without having reinstall Cakewalk from scratch, much like it does a VST scan, or some other approach to resolve this? Thanks, Ed
  9. Hello everyone. I bought recently Komplete Audio 2 and I am not sure if set it up correctly. In the FIRST PHOTO I've got checked ASIO4ALL KA2 input and output. Shouldn't it be the one below? This ,,Komplete Audio ASIO Driver''? I can't even choose it. Don't know why. Ok now take a look at SECOND PHOTO. Every audio track must be KA2 1 + KA2 2 as input and output to master, am I right? Also could you check if input and output in the THIRD PHOTO is ok? It's a MIDI track. And please tell me is everything okay on the FOURTH PHOTO. ps one last question for people who got maschine sampler. did you also had problem with maschine crashing the whole time? like cpu is suddenly rising up and the sound is just crashing
  10. Hi chaps , I bought this audio interface over two years ago after almost after two- three months it was imposible switch between cakewalk and youtube channel without having to re-boot there were constant ``audio fall outs ´´ and it would function properly once again for months and then the same problems would re-surface, I was never really sure if it was the interface or my computer so I continude to use in the hope it would either explode ar stop altogether so that i cpuld send it back and get a replacement unit (three year waranty) .......so has anyone used one of these ? are they happy , or had simular problems , I´m now thinkng of buying a new interface any recomendations would help .... I`m not recording huge productions 12 - 14 tracks I mix to busses and i keep the effects to the minimum and sometimes even freeze tracks any comments help would be appriciated chers Paul B....
  11. mm

    Audio Quality/Performance

    I use Windows and have Realtek HD Audio Drivers. When I use Cakewalk by Bandlab, I have it set to ASIO. I mainly use Cakewalk by Bandlab to record audio from a midi keyboard connected via USB to the computer, or use midi within the DAW. I frequently get audio dropouts (usually code 0 or 1). I restart Cakewalk by Bandlab, and it resumes working, until I get another dropout (usually I get a dropout every 30 minutes of using the DAW, regardless of the driver setting I use). I want to know how to upgrade so I can eliminate dropouts, have great sound quality, and get best performance during DAW audio processing. I'm looking for advice to get me started (with respect to what I need to improve related to computer specifications and sound card). I am not very familiar with hardware/software aspect of things to get the best system for music production, and I am hoping someone can help me with this; while keeping in mind my goal is to eliminate audio drop-outs, get high sound quality, get high performance, for my use of recording via a midi keyboard and using midi/VSTs within DAW.
  12. I use a venerable ECHO Layla3G PCI card in my DAW. The ASIO drivers are version 8.6, released for Windows 7 "back in the day", but work fine in my Windows 10 system. Related to PCI cards, is the description of how I managed to install it into a new computer with only smaller PCIe slots.
  13. If you've encountered me in this forum you may know that I'm not somebody looking for the lowest possible latency in an audio inteface. For one thing, I'm always on a tight budget. I also seem to be comfortable using guitar amp sims at higher latency than many other CbB/SONAR users. So I'm just not into investing in a fancier interface than the one I already have. Except for one thing. I'm currently using a Focusrite Scarlett 6i6. It's a first generation model, and CbB reports round trip latency in the range of 10ms (I haven't looked lately). I like it -- the preamps and stuff. But I kind of hate the mixing software ("Mix Control") that comes with the Focusrite driver. I've never been comfortable using it to create headphone mixes. Mostly I work by myself as engineer, producer, player and singer, but I expect to be doing a few things with some other folks this year, and I'd like to be able to generate two or three different headphone mixes and I want something that's intuitive and easier to use. I've heard that the 2nd generation 6i6 comes with a vastly improved Mix Control, but I haven't seen it in action. So my two-part question is: Is 2nd gen Mix Control way better than 1st gen? And (part two) is there another interface in the 6i6 price range with significantly better (easier to use) mixing software? Thanks for reading!
  14. You guys probably heard of TC Helicon Guitar Pro, Orange Omec Teleport, and the Hotone Jogg. All of these are audio interfaces that specializes on the guitar, giving the players the ability to tweak the tone, record, and return the signal to be played on an amp or headphones. So here's the thing, how are your experiences with these products (or interfaces that do the same - return the sound from a plugin/DAW in an unbalanced output i.e. guitar amp). Are these advisable for serious recording situations, and can these be used live (as an alternative to pedalboards)?
  15. Cakewalk is set up using my interface's asio driver, but I can't get any meters to move. In Control Panel Sound I can see the meters move for guitar and mic. Tried setting the first track in Cakewalk to Solo but no indication it's receiving sound. Doing something similar in Audacity showed monitoring meter movement right off the bat, but Audacity can only use one pair of inputs from the interface. Roland HS5 session mixer which has two output or playback channels and numerous input channels
  16. Hey everybody, I'm completely new when it comes to working a DAW and making digital music. I have no idea what are the necessesary components to make this all work or not. I know how to use a lot of the Adobe Suite of softwares (like premiere, photoshop, illustrator, etc. but DAWs are a completely different animal. I decided to use Cakewalk because it seemed somewhat easy for a newcomer; however, I am having several problems and questions as I start trying to use Cakewalk: 1. Do I need an input device? I am only planning on making instrumental beats using midi or sampled sounds. I see on every online tutorial to link an input device, which seems unnecessary to me as I am willing to just use the digital akeyboard displayed inside Cakewalk. Any guidance on this subject would be appreciated. 2. Do I need an audio interface? All tutorials seem to talk about an audio interface and I am unaware of its importance to what I specifically want to do with Cakewalk. I would prefer to not have to buy a 100 dollar interface, especially since I am just starting out. 3. What driver mode should I be in? I keep hearing that ASIO is the way to go, so should I download ASIO4All and switch over from MME (32 bit)? 4. I receive an error saying 'Silent Buses Detected' followed by 'master'. What do I do? Again, I have no familiarity with the common lingo of DAWs, so I have no idea what this error message wants me to do, nor do I understand what's wrong. Any help or insight would be appreciated. This whole setup has been incredibly confusing and I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do. Thank you!
  17. Sometimes I open up CbB before I turn on my audio interface. So when I I look in my preferences, my AI doens't show. Is there any way to refresh this so that it shows up after I turn on my AI without closing down CbB and reopening it? Never had this problem with other DAWs.
  18. Hello. I'm using the Yamaha Ag06 Audio Interface. I'm also using a voice meter virtual program to calibrate. This time I installed it for cakewalk recording, but I can't choose my ag06. I tried reinstalling the Cake Walk, reinstalling the Amaha driver, and setting Yamaha as my default audio device, but I still couldn't catch it. Let me know if you know how to catch it. It's very urgent.
  19. Solid State Logic is launching two new audio interfaces the SSL 2 and SSL 2+. Because its Solid State Logic people thought it was going to be expensive, but the pricing, starting at $229, is quite affordable imo. I am not affiliated with them, I am just an audio enthusiast.
  20. Hi all, a newbie here! Apologies if this is the wrong forum to ask ... and this may be a daft question but as a new starter setting up my desktop for basic home producing on Cakewalk do I need an audio interface, or can I simply use my PC's soundcard? I don't record any instruments - just a midi controller connecting by USB with all VSTs. Forgive my naivety but I'm an ol' guy just getting into a new hobby! 😀 Thanks
  21. Well, the road can throw you some curves and I am navigating through one at the moment. These unplanned adventures can go in so many ways so I am hoping this one results in a good outcome. I normally travel with my PreSonus Studio 6|8 which is a built like a tank interface. On a recent trip, however, it looks as if the Main Output control was bent somehow during handling. There have been some unusual audio problems I am not absolutely sure to trace back to the Studio 6|8 but could not take any chances so I had to find some type of backup plan. I had been very interested in the new 3rd Gen Scarlett series from Focusrite and the Guitar Center closest to where I am staying had them in stock. I needed at least 2 additional audio inputs and MIDI support and the 4i4 seemed to be right for the job. I have not had a chance to go to the venue to troubleshoot the Presonus but I can tell you already that I am VERY impressed with the 4i4! It is BUS Powered using a USB C connector to standard USB 2.0/3 adapter and has MIDI In and Out on the rear panel which is great. The form factor is a little over 1/3 the size of the Studio 6|8 which is great to pack it into my carry on and not worry about things getting mishandled. My road computer is a mid-2013 MacBook Pro (sorry 🙈)I mainly use it to run HALionSonic 3, Omnisphere and Kontakt 6. I can't wait to see how it works not only on the MacBook but also when I have it working with my Windows setup at home. I will definitely follow up with more of my experiences. Please let me know if any of you have worked with the Scarlett 3rd Gens as well; I would love to hear your feedback.
  22. I am getting a new PC Win 10 i7 and will no longer be able to use my Echo Mia audio interface. Can you recommend alternatives under $500? Thanks.
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