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Everything posted by RSMcGuitar

  1. I have the same problem everyone else seems to be having. There are no sounds. It's pointed to the right directory but I just continually get sent to the website.
  2. Dang... can't believe I spent more money on plugins but.... Ozone Standard 7 to Ozone Advanced 9 for $105 is pretty dang tasty!
  3. RSMcGuitar

    Soundtoys 5

    I've gone all in on them too, but I guess I'm just eager to see what they come out with next. I believe Little Plate was the last one. Two plus years ago!
  4. RSMcGuitar

    Soundtoys 5

    You guys think Soundtoys is alive and well? Haven't heard anything from them in a long time now.
  5. Yikes, put it in my cart for fun with the -20% code.... still $82.40 CAD
  6. Don't know if I need it... but I got it! Thanks!
  7. Ohh... Wanted this one. Still probably more than I wanna spend though.
  8. I think I've had a ADPak sitting in my account for about 2 years waiting for a new kit to drop. Same with Kit Pieces... I'm not sure they have ever released a new kit piece 🤣
  9. I dunno how he recorded all those impact sounds without ruining them with a "$#%&!!!" every time he dropped one.
  10. Never thought about that... How do I get the ones that already were released.
  11. I get what you're saying but .... This is YOUR forum my dude!
  12. No one told the company to give us the day off.
  13. 1000% agree... I want to play guitar not go shopping.
  14. Definitely skipping this. If they fixed a tuning issue that will just make my guitar playing sound worse.
  15. Yeah, it's SUPER annoying to have a million T-Racks plugins clogging up my plugins list. Then again... it's the IK Multimedia way... even Amplitube is clogged with ads for stuff I haven't purchased.
  16. I just unsubscribed from a bunch of stuff. I check here all the time so I was literally just deleting all the emails without reading them. What a waste of time. I recently signed up for a UA mailing list because it was a requirement for a contest they were having. They started sending 3 emails A DAY! It's like they want people to unsubscribe. Once a week at the most makes sense to me. Anything more is abusive.
  17. No Man? I guess I'll get my mom to buy it for me... 😂
  18. I love softube but $100 for a single amp is pretty steep.
  19. Delivered and it's pretty nice! Great interface, lots of cool presets. Diggin' it!
  20. 9lbs for me... Definitely going to get this. Pretty sure BitFlipper is correct about syncing each channel. Looks good.
  21. Dang, I actually had a lot of plugins that had updates.
  22. I'm really debating whether to get into UAD when I get a new interface. So expensive....
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