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Everything posted by RSMcGuitar

  1. I should have known better... 🙇
  2. What a weird sale. Get this sale before our upcoming crapier sale, WTF
  3. https://www.solidstatelogic.com/sslupgrade This seems pretty good. Anyone using it?
  4. Don't temp me to get out the DOOM II disks!
  5. I thought she was more of a Hussey... ba dum tis
  6. RSMcGuitar

    SSL UF8

    Pretty pricey for no actual audio.
  7. Anyone else immediately think of this?
  8. Me too. They're a really nice company to deal with.
  9. That's one heck of a freebie!
  10. I'm holding out for $1000 guitar pedals
  11. 50% price cut on their interfaces would be the only thing to peak my interest
  12. How does NX compare to Sonarworks?
  13. Definitely information I wish was more readily available, in general. Not only how good the drivers are out of the gate, but how often they are updated and for how long. I feel like this is almost the most important tech spec, but it is also the hardest to figure out with the various companies.
  14. All of these unblockable deals never seem to actually work for me on the website. I go to the page, it says login. I login, it still says login. I login and go to the product page, it's the regular price. I don't get it.
  15. This one seems a bit odd to me, though I don't know the criteria. Musical Instrument Software: Celemony - Melodyne 5.
  16. Seems pretty badass. Wish it had more I/O though
  17. There are also some great youtube tutorial channels.
  18. Weird. I swear I checked two days ago and nothing.
  19. I'm no pro, but I really enjoy this software. I have all three. Best software bang for the buck I've ever gotten.
  20. I guess some people are impossible to please.
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