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Yan Filiatrault

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Everything posted by Yan Filiatrault

  1. I'm upgrading from MPS 4.1, so I get also RX9 Advanced and MPS 5 for 179$
  2. https://www.izotope.com/en/shop/paid-loyalty-deals-2.html?fbclid=IwAR2GgyoF1_apUWrPwMC91S3l2Kup5EvhGToOY-xBipT16mGUO-qLfzTDUOQ code Fret10 from 199$ to 179$ confirmed working from many buyers, only through this link. Larry, you should have waited… source: https://vi-control.net/community/threads/izotope-unbelievable-whats-happening.126519/
  3. You can buy both, adding the forever29, then cancel
  4. Pay the same amount for a month of Forever29 and get one month of their Mega-sampler, or buy for the same amount here without it
  5. I think I read that Forever29 subscribers also get it every month they pay for that subscription
  6. Don't need those, Larry will post before the emails as usual
  7. I bought it for 249$ on a limited time sale some months ago edit: if you mean full release, yes, me I paid for the upgrade
  8. My price now, will wait for a better deal.
  9. I guess that’s a great price to use it as a VST inside of another DAW, so at this price you probably won’t regret it
  10. If you buy it from a reseller, then register later in the grace period, it should work
  11. Most probably. I may buy it and wait for Reason 13 to register it.
  12. Worth the upgrade for Reason 11 users?
  13. Playing bass for 53 years!. That’s a lot of payments you should have received! Thus explaining why you can afford to buy the whole vst market.. Mystery solved!
  14. Is that a gossip or something real? They are releasing a ton of Soundpaint products for a while, so I guess that could also be an explanation …
  15. Paying bass for 53 years? That’s a lot of payments!
  16. Someone, somewhere, will soon have it installed…
  17. I got it too. Nothing left to buy from them. Feels like Bapu.
  18. Anything to buy for someone owning the latest Anthology bundle?
  19. Repost https://vi-control.net/community/threads/dave-smith-1950-2022.125859/
  20. Hourly rate or fixed price?
  21. Let’s all click in a frenzy on bloated stuff we’ll never use! C’mon everybody!
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