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Everything posted by fret_man

  1. That creature has stolen the Q-36 Space Modulator!
  2. Be careful. There are lots of numbers floating around. 7.3% is the mortality rate for those who already have the disease. The mortality rate for the entire population is much, much less.
  3. Wow! That's pretty amazing. Any news on how well it works with guitar rather than voice?
  4. So, is the GS1 VB3-II no longer in vogue? It used to be the gold standard.
  5. Or wait and upgrade Total Studio Max to version 3.
  6. Just received Total Studio Max 2 and have lots of individual plugins to sell off. I assume I cannot do that here, right? Where do you suggest I go to advertise and sell these? Also, how do you figure the going rates for these? Thanks,
  7. You will also notice there are SampleTank3 and SampleTank3 Total Studio Max 2 products. The former has Steel Drums Content that has a larger file size than the latter. This is because it contains installers for both Mac and Windows while the latter has separate Mac and Windows installers. As best I can tell, the sound content is the same. There's no need to touch the SampleTank3 downloads. Basically, you now have 2 serial #s for SampleTank3. You will not need the v3.5 Sound Update available for SampleTank3, either.
  8. It appears when downloading Miroslav sound files you do NOT need to download the 5 Sound Updater files located in Miroslav's Download Resources (where the manuals are). It looks like the sounds in the normal download section have already been updated.
  9. Total Studio 2 Max ! I answered a question on Friday's IK Live Instagram feed ("What is a product included in Total Studio Max 2?" I answered "Syntronik"). What a productive 30 minutes for me.
  10. Yep! That was me! I think it was the 2nd time I've ever won anything. The 1st was a nifty paperweight. This was much better. Thanks again!
  11. The main advantage of a MEMS mic is their low part-part variation and stability with time and environment . A condenser mic has a charged mylar diaphragm that dissipates over time and humidity while a MEMS mic has a built-in regulated power supply that doesn't degrade over time. Also, the MEMS mechanics are set by integrated circuit lithography which is very consistent across different builds. Condenser mics have much more variability across different builds. The big disadvantage of MEMS mics are their reduced dynamic range. The highest SPL they can tolerate is 120-130dB (depending on the mic model) and they have low SNR (65dB is GREAT for a MEMS mic) due to their tiny silicon diaphragm. Neither of these are issues when used as a reference mic in our studios. So are there significant improvements? Yes there are to IK. To you, maybe not so much unless your existing mic is "old".
  12. No Coupon here, either. Please report back what support said. Thanks!
  13. ST2 sounds need to be imported into ST3 in order to be accessible to ST4 which cannot directly read ST2 files. Is there a way for ST3 or ST4 to export those ST2 files into the more modern format so I don't have to go thru that again when I rebuild/reformat/reset my DAW?
  14. only 30sec of violations, though.
  15. The 2.0.13 zip file is dated 2016 (as is the embedded dll) but the 1.04 dll is dated 2017. Which version should I be using?
  16. Just got a coupon in my email to get the Micbus32C for $79 when upgrading to v6. I don't know if it's a personalized code or if we all get the same code, but keep your eyes open for your email.
  17. I contacted them and gave them my Paypal transaction ID and their Invoice # but have not yet heard back. I have yet to get any magazine or codes. Glad I only lost $2, I guess.
  18. Paypal shows I paid 1.99 Euro but falkemedia shop still shows I have not purchased any downloadable media. How long do I have to wait for the funds to transfer to them overseas? Note: when making an account there was no option to select the USA, so I selected Germany but I used my Texas address. Think that makes any difference? I received the email saying I setup the account (I think that's what it says).
  19. fret_man

    XLN midipaks

    Check JRR again. They now have XLN paks on sale. https://www.jrrshop.com/xln-audio?dir=asc&order=name
  20. Just to close the loop, I WAS able to get this crossgrade to work even tho I paid $0 for all my previous Izotope stuff. Thanks everyone.
  21. Yes, I paid $0 due to coupons, etc for DDLY and all the different Elements, as well as a few others. My only issue is that when I registered my products at Izotope they all show up as $0 paid. How do they know that? It must be built into the serial #.
  22. And where can I find Phoenix for $10? I have 6 Izotope products but they were each free, so I don't qualify for the deal.
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