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Everything posted by Anxiousmofo

  1. This is back on sale at PB. Same price as BF. https://www.pluginboutique.com/products/8661-SSL-Native-FlexVerb?nosto=frontpage-nosto-1
  2. I had licenses for Labs Lite 4 and the full Labs 5. I wanted 4 because I have some Ableton Push 2 preset racks for it (essentially browsing presets as racks from the controller). A lot of people also prefer the way the controller macros were assigned in 4.
  3. If you upgrade and need help with the symbolic link thing, PM and I’ll send you a link to decent instructions. I had my main Ableton vst2 folder populated with only shortcut links to other folders and I was showing no vst2 at all after the update. Working fine now.
  4. The shortcut trick doesn't work any longer since 11.1. It will supposedly be fixed. You can create symbolic links within the single vst2 folder to your various VST2 folders using HardLinkShell, however. That does work. And back on topic, I'm demoing this RC-20 and uh-oh. I like it.
  5. Anything this brings to the table that things like MRhythimizer or Timeshaper 2 can't cover? Nice price.
  6. I did so earlier and they gave me an NFR for 4. Pleasant experience.
  7. Anyone know if a v5 full license would also work for the v4 installer? I'd rather not install to find out. I got on the bus at v5 and I have some Push racks for v4 that I'd like to use.
  8. My Softube Central kept getting permanently stuck on "processing" during install and I ended up having to use the individual installers, which worked straight away. Thanks for the link to those.
  9. Hope they get it sorted. I dig their output and aesthetic.
  10. Can you use this thing with Digital Synsations? ;)
  11. Got it. Yeeha. It's been barely any time since I grabbed it. There were 570 left then and now it is a goner.
  12. Already have all three of these. Hope we see something not previously offered in the freebie zone before it is over.
  13. I was good and my only spend was to upgrade my Kilohearts toolbox to Ultimate for sub-$100.00. It would have been more, but I bought enough new LP's to keep the industry afloat for a long time. Good lord.
  14. Now they are offering a free t-shirt (today only) to people who move up to Ultimate. Hmmmm.
  15. Was thinking of picking up Unify but am underwhelmed by the sale. At least last year they bundled a library with it.
  16. Anyone used it? Not exactly hurting for verb, but it’s tempting.
  17. I thought even people who don't play music already have three copies of this.
  18. Looking forward to exploring the Generate update this weekend. Fun synth.
  19. Hot damn! Sure wish I was a well-monied individual.
  20. Anyone know if Kobe can do bundle upgrades? Not feeling my direct upgrade price, given everything I already have.
  21. I'd be in for an upgrade to Kilohearts Toolbox Ultimate on BF if it comes in at 50% off or more. I'd also buy Unify if it is at standard price or lower and bundled with a sound pack or two. Otherwise, likely nothing. I don't understand Melda's sale. All it is is a consolidated version of the standard Eternal Madness sale. Not really a draw when others have less standard, more time-limited deals.
  22. All purchasers should get another freebie if this hits 31,000 by the 31st. Sounds a treat, right?
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