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David Sprouse

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Everything posted by David Sprouse

  1. Here's the new version. https://davidsprouse.bandcamp.com/track/we-the-living-2
  2. Thanks jesse. That means alot coming from you.
  3. This is just so good. Did you do that painting? I like your style of painting as well as your music.
  4. I studied classical guitar for years but never got around to this one. Honestly, I like ithow you arranged it morethan for solo guitar.
  5. Thanks jesse. That means alot coming from you.
  6. Thanks bjorn for listening. I'm in the process of sequencing it again, and having some obsessive fun.
  7. David Sprouse


    This is just what I needed this morning. Very meditative at first, almost like a singing bowl. You always keep things interesting throughout.
  8. More woodblock! (snl joke).Loved it much better with the words. Can you list the lyrics somewhere? You have a cool voice.
  9. These are so great. Never get tired of them. You did an admirable job of assemblage.
  10. Great driving tune. I like how you kept all the elements simple, but as a whole they came together nicely.
  11. Is this your arrangement? It's really fun, reminds me of a les paul or chet atkins arrangement .
  12. Wookie, thanks for furry ears and furry paws.
  13. Tom, there's a sample library that I've been wanting to get that has as it's theme 70's b-movies. I love to hear from you . Thanks for listening.
  14. Oh, zappa? Interesting. I'm not really sure where the song fits in. Thanks for listening!
  15. Thank you for listening and your knowledge bajan blue.
  16. Lynn, Thanks for the superlatives. It's a pretty messy recording...did it along time ago in sonar 7. Thanks for your ears.
  17. amiller: movies make money and musicals lose money (often) so good advice there.! I just like live drama. I prefer live music as well.
  18. You have a great imagination.
  19. It's a colloquialism, means *trendy* or *cool*
  20. Loved this! So much interesting stuff going on Who played guitar? Really great on headphones for the complete experience.
  21. Loved your voice. Nice one.
  22. nice playing. Jams aren't really in my wheelhouse; I'm too much of a control freak , but I love your virtuosity.
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