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David Sprouse

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Everything posted by David Sprouse

  1. Kept me on the edge of my seat for 3'38" Bravo! Bravo!
  2. This is more likely (the cosmic brain)than the idea that we're in a virtual reality. Chemistry is key. This was outta sight.
  3. Beautiful! Can't wait to hear the SONG!
  4. Ya, ozone 9 master assistant. I think it's best used to get loudness right, rather than mix right, no? Thanks for listening.
  5. wow, hope you can hit the bulls eye every time now. Otherwise, was it worth it?
  6. Evocative 6 minutes of music. The first half up to the vocals reminded me of Verklaerte Nacht (schoenberg) Thank you for taking the time to post here. There are so many things to learn from your music.
  7. David Sprouse

    3 am

    This one took me places. You have so many thoughtful elements to it.
  8. David Sprouse


    What a great song! I enjoyed that :D:D
  9. From a musical I wrote in the 80's. Not really happy with the drums throughout. And Ozone's master assistant squeezed it. :D:D https://davidsprouse.bandcamp.com/track/gossip-song-2
  10. The kazoo sound reminds me of someone smiling sardonically. What's the title mean?
  11. Again, love your voice. This could be a song for stage; your lyrics are so vivid. Also, you give a nod to the entertainment side which is sometimes lost on media creators :D:D
  12. I can relate to michael. They're not laughing WITH me.... Bluegrass does the same thing. Bro's can sing about the most dire, awful things and still make it sound cheerful. Very inventive!
  13. like a summer breeze. Boz Scaggs influence?
  14. all good insanity done right. Love David
  15. I'm a bit of an also ran when it comes to baroque music. Just noticed the last note is cut off
  16. This is my new, dystopic snoopy theme based on maj 2nds (caveat, the rhythm is wack) https://davidsprouse.bandcamp.com/track/last-rays-of-ancient-sunlight
  17. David Sprouse


    wookie, do you have a modular set up or are these just traditional synths? Loved this through and through.
  18. I got a *serial* feel to this. Like progressing through a scene. You said alot in 2'33"! Nice one!
  19. Thx Paul. My pieces are getting shorter and shorter! Why doesn't Craig listen and comment?
  20. NIgel, I just listened to Inca Road for the first time. I could only wish to be as brlliant as that. I get the reference though about the sudden twists and turns.
  21. I envy your ability to write lyrics. Really excellent.
  22. Jerry, This was ez on the ears. Very enjoyable. what's the connection to a passaglia though (I thought they were slow)?
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