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Everything posted by HIBI

  1. Update installation did not start after BandLab Assistant showed "Installing..." so I had to install with manually run ’Cakewalk_by_BandLab_Update_Setup_26.08.0.100.exe’. This happened similarly on my other PC. (Windows 10, fully patched 1909) FYI: It happens regardless of whether BandLab Assistant is v5.2 or v6.0
  2. HIBI

    I have returned!!!

    Welcome back, Larry! and hope all goes well.
  3. @scook I got the same error, but there seems to be presets and I can choose in BREVERB 2 Cakewalk UI. C:\ProgramData\Overloud\BREVERB 2 Cakewalk is empty. BREVERB 2 maybe loads presets from %AppData%\Roaming\Overloud\BREVERB 2 Cakewalk ???
  4. He is trying to export with the Export module instead of File > Export > Audio.
  5. @Starship Krupa Boost 11 Peak Limiter comes standard with Cakewalk. Actually, Cakewalk which is installed on my secondary PC (SONAR is not installed) also has it. Seems it comes standard since April 2018. So Kurre's claim in the old thread seems correct. Boost11 be listed as both "Enabled" and "Excluded" in the Plugin manager. (In short, there are two Boost11 in different locations and one of them is listed as "Excluded".)
  6. @Tyler Cline As scook said, MP3 Export Options dialog appears after clicking [Save] in your pic.
  7. [Track view] Options > Click Behavior > Double Click > Audio Clips >
  8. Change the bit rate in MP3 Export Options dialog box that appears when trying to export audio as mp3.
  9. The "S" means "(Area) Selection". It's respected in the case of Copy selected area and Split at selection, etc. If I remember correctly, you can not turn it off for now. You can clear it with keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+Shift+A (anytime anywhere) or Shift+Esc (only when track view is active) or Clicking empty area in the clips pane.
  10. If you have Melodyne 5 license, download latest installer (currently v5.0.2) from your Celemony account and install it. Melodyne 5 installer replaces Melodyne 4 to version 5 (If reactivating Melodyne is required, restart Cakewalk after reactivating). And if VST scan is set to manual, re-scan at the preference in Cakewalk. To make sure the version of Melodyne, make a Melodyne region FX clip (Anything is okay) and open it and then open "About..." from the Help menu on the Melodyne.
  11. So you can not open the synth UI from either the synth rack or the track header icon? Same result of all projects? or only that project? or only that track?
  12. Supposing that you have the piano roll view in the MultiDock. Click the [X] button of Piano Roll tab at the bottom to close the piano roll view.
  13. HIBI

    Instaling Cakewalk Error

    Check this similar thread:
  14. I couldn't get out of "Please wait..." but it was works when accessed to User Area (https://www.ikmultimedia.com/userarea/) directly, not My Products page etc.
  15. HIBI

    Deleting Measures/Bars

    @scook The link that on your comment takes you to "Selecting clips" page. Is that ok?
  16. とりあえず、ロールバックで解決したようで何よりです。 その後、再度最新版にアップデートしてみましたか? 再度最新版にアップデートする事で、問題のプロジェクトが同様の状態に陥った場合、そのプロジェクトをサポート(開発陣)に提出する事を検討して下さい。
  17. The toast notification is stopping at "Almost done..." after passing "Creating UI..." in actual fact.
  18. @Yuka 問題のプロジェクトをクリックしてから、どの段階で読み込みが止まるのか(右下のトースト通知内容がどこまで進むか等)、具体的な状況説明があると問題点が見えてくるかもしれません。 また、何かエラーメッセージが表示される場合、エラーメッセージをキャプチャーして画像を投稿してみて下さい。その際、一時的に環境設定で表示言語を英語にし、英語のエラーメッセージを投稿する方が良いでしょう。 ちなみに、1つ前のバージョンに戻すロールバックインストーラーが用意されていますので、ロールバックして問題が解決するかどうかを確認する事も出来ます。(Current Release: 2020.05 スレッドにロールバックインストーラーのリンクがあります)
  19. I'd like to mention to clarify the purpose of this thread. The point is users do not notice that there is an update of BandLab Assistant because no update message is displayed when running v5.2.0. I am just concerned what will happen when the next CbB update available. Will CbB be updated without any problems via old BandLab Assistant, or find no update?
  20. I may be misunderstanding but does it mean that the drums sound (e.g. Cymbals) is cut off at the end of the song?
  21. Your BandLab Assistant v5.2.0 had shown an update message? I'm still running v5.2.0 but there is no update message.
  22. Just wondering... No update message is displayed when starting BandLab Assistant v5.2.0, however, there is new BandLab Assistant installer version 6.0.0 on https://www.bandlab.com/products/cakewalk. Why no update message on BandLab Assistant?
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