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Craig N

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Everything posted by Craig N

  1. Harold Faltermeyer foretold the arrival of this one
  2. No longer satisfied with simply being in the room, now it brings the room to you
  3. I've been playing with the free one this evening. It is quite different to Valhalla and Exponential Audio's reverbs. The closest parallel I can think of is EastWest Spaces II, although it's not quite as diverse as that in the selection. But the quality - even in the Lite edition - sounds higher to my ears than Spaces II. I'm pretty surprised at how good it is, considering they gave this Lite version away for free.
  4. Sorry I just realised it's 193 gigs for the download now. LOL. 193 gigs. Take that SoundPaint!
  5. https://www.bestservice.com/deals/inspired_acoustics_flash_sale_50_off_4038.html Looks like it's valid for all of one day. I've only just got around to installing the Lite one I picked up for free ages ago, but in testing it, it does sound incredible. I thought EastWest Spaces II was good, but this sounds quite a bit clearer. Only $ 45.25 to upgrade from Lite to Personal for those who got Lite for free way back when. I will note that the first 12 gig download was easy enough this afternoon (completed in about 45 minutes), but some people seem to have trouble downloading the 140 gig set of sampled spaces that the larger editions come with.
  6. I just realised I do have one Eventide freebie, so my upgrade price is only $679.15 which is even better than the price I was contemplating at PluginDiscounts.com of $689. In case anyone else is interested, ThomannMusic.com has it even cheaper again at $659 currently.
  7. Still pondering this one. Do you think this is as good a price as it will get for this bundle, given that I don't own any Eventide plugins at present? Or if I wait a few month or till Black Friday is it likely to drop any lower?
  8. Wow this is definitely the cheapest I've seen it. What a bargain! When I was testing reverbs a while back this was one I thought I really should get when it next went on sale but I don't think I've seen it go below about $49 before. I've bought a few since then, it'll be interesting to see how it holds up.
  9. Btw when they first announced this, I don't think the discounts were being applied yet at Thomann, because it didn't seem any cheaper than I could get it directly from Martinic themselves. But now it's actually significantly discounted. $54 for AX73 for example.
  10. Oh.... I have 11 Standard. Maybe it's an upgrade for people running earlier versions rather than to go from 11 Std to suite. I didn't really want to fork out for the upgrade to suite anyway haha. But I'd probably bite at 30% off.
  11. No discount email for me. Anyone else miss out?
  12. Craig N

    PA Amp Alarm

    PA cottoned on to the volume discount method being used with the tuner and has increased the price of the bx tuner to $19 You can probably still get a pretty good deal by buying six amps, combined with the loyalty voucher. $7.83 per amp with a $25 loyalty voucher if you stick to the $29 price point. Or 5 amps and AMEK 200 EQ if that deal is still going.
  13. Edit: I see on the other thread PA has disabled dynamic discounts now so nevermind what I just wrote 😊
  14. Craig N

    DiBiQuadro Sale

    I've been checking these out all morning. Seem to be pretty high quality stuff. The Saturn (Soldano) makes the Helix model sound like trash.
  15. Hah, I'm not going crazy. Their little message bubble still mentions the $199.99 crossgrade price.
  16. Hmm yeah you're right, I didn't get an email either. Must have have been the banners on IK's site. They're different to the ones I saw earlier.
  17. Thomannmusic.com is the one I visit, no translation required. USD too.
  18. MODO Bass 2 Maybe there'll be a T-Racks 6 with the tapes and other new stuff (Tascam?) added. The Sunset Sound Studio and Fame reverbs are also considered T-Racks but not in any existing bundle. Anyone notice the email about this deal says crossgrade 199 but then the crossgrade is 399? And the crossgrade price is the same as the price for new customers?
  19. I'd read previously that there had been a relationship between the United Plugins developers and Melda due to geographical proximity, I think Melda helped them out with some code sharing and website resources... but I just noticed UP is now listed as part of the Melda portfolio! https://www.unitedplugins.com/about "Thanks, Melda UnitedPlugins live and create because of the help of another strong and experienced brand MeldaProduction, in the past. The UP brand is now a proud part of MeldaProduction company portfolio."
  20. They seem to use this as a teaser to get you to buy the LX 480 complete but I'm not sure it's a very cost effective way to do so. So have a think about whether you're sure you'll be happy to stay with the Essentials product or if you're going to upgrade down the track anyway. The upgrade seems to be $175 or so (on top of the $29 for Essentials), whereas you can get the full version straight away for $158 at Bestservice, and then upgrade to the bundle via Relab's website for a further $99 (perhaps when the upgrade is on sale, this is what I paid) https://www.bestservice.com/lx480_complete.html
  21. bbhg2mskjdckjdnv is the upgrade code for Black Box HG-2MS that brings it down to $0.09 with the combination of JOINSOUNDWIDE and SOUNDWIDE2022. When you enter the code, it will likely add the plugin to your cart directly, so if it's already there you might end up with a cart total of $60 ish and a quantity of two. Just set it to one and it should drop back to $0.09
  22. Cleverly priced to prevent any one using a loyalty voucher on it At that price it's great value though. I paid double this when it was on sale (maybe $37 at JRR with coupon code).
  23. I bought the Oddity in the hope that if it generates them some revenue they might add a scalable UI in future. Probably overly naive of me.
  24. OK so as a couple of examples you could get Purple MC77 for free, or HG-2MS for $10ish
  25. I don't have much time but if you haven't redeemed the offer don't rush! If you add the 10% off voucher to your cart and another plugin as well you can get it really cheaply due to the dynamic discounting! It's too late for me but maybe this will help someone else. See the other post for codes etc.
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