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telecode 101

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Everything posted by telecode 101

  1. How do you like it as a DAW
  2. interesting. the pedals are up my alley. demoing them,
  3. believe it or not. stock ST are pretty good. Lots of usable stuff in there. can't complain at all. and now that IK have done away with their download date limit restrictions for sounds, all i can say is, they are kickin' NI's ***** when it comes to listening to customer feedback and requests. I have been playing around with this audio stuff for decades, and I never ever thought I would ever see the day that IK actually rises above NI in product downloader efficiency and customer feedback.
  4. how you getting it free?
  5. hmm. i see bus processor is on sale too $75 https://www.audiodeluxe.com/products/audio-plugins/softube-bus-processor
  6. quick question for the TT expert, if i still have EZK 1 and I get one of these EZK expansions, will they work, or it all not for EZK 2?
  7. what sounds to like is a personal preference. i can share the ones i use the most often: - shipwrecked - Fractured - Malletension - Malletopia
  8. good find. you can search here of descending order. https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/?S1=470&S2=568&sorting=price_asc FWIW.. I am a heavy ST user. I really dig the ST ecosystem. Shipwrecked and Fractured are my most used. I can also see they are releasing a whole bunch of new ones. @Peter - IK Multimedia.. you been holding out some info!! 🙂
  9. is rock and roll tone is what you need, then TX is for you. 🙂
  10. yes. you can use TX inside AT5. from what little i tried TX, i still feel its for guys that want to play their favorite hard rock riffs. i seem to get better mileage from AT5 as a sound design type approach to guitar sounds in a DAW. fwiw.. it seems fripp uses fractals these days. but i still like to experiment mixing weird combinations to get tones.
  11. I don't think so. These aren't sims. They are sort of captures in time of an amp and whatever effect (except reverb -- IIRC, it doesn't do time effects very well). I sort of see this as good for people in cover bands and people who like famous traditional electric guitar sounds. For me, I am into the werido Fripp/Eno thing where you try to make a guitar sound very weird and synthy... so for me, AT5 is still my go to tool for that. To play around in an all encompassing virtual environment of simed amps and effects and go in there and see what happens when you mix marshalls, rolands, and 10 delays.
  12. what do you mean? the pre-paid serials expire?
  13. tempting for me too. but i am heavily invested in softube as my premium effects plugins. but i have been seeing so many people using Pro Q and Pro C. The essentials bundle for me if I were to get it.
  14. yeah. this is no good. does not apply to upgrades.i will ask them. as i might have considered EZK upgrade with an expansion. update: they sent out 20% off coupon via email for upgrades. now I am tempted. I havnet bought anything yet for BF.
  15. anyone check or notice if its being included with TX Max s/w purchases?
  16. yup. this is the only reason i am looking at the upgrade. K7 is proving to be a door stopper to some things i do. K7 full may work better. i am just hesitant to add more things on my DAW when I probably won't ever use. of the new stuff, the only thing that i may use are GR6 for the effects.
  17. it should be one level up. a few bundles on there. pretty nice deals but not really my thing . I am looking around and doing cals. The new Ableton jump is not looking that bad for me. When I start comparing prices and what I may want to use and get into, an upgrade to K14 and a sonicue bundle I want would cost me about as much as a upgrade to Ableton 12 suite. hmm.. decisions decisions...
  18. Strezov is on NI https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/nks-partners/strezov-sampling/exclusive-choir-bundle/
  19. cool. but why is this chicha popular? i dont get it?
  20. my offer is $99 for V Col 9 upgrade and $69 for FX4. tempting. very temping. but still lots of time. I will wait to see what Softube and Soniccouture will bring up next.
  21. This is an interesting take on this. I usually hear moon kits is the most realistic drum library on the market for the genre its meant for.
  22. This looks really interesting.. may be my next move.. as its seems Steinberg are hosing it
  23. Yup. great company. Looking forward to seeing if they will offer any discount codes.
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