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Posts posted by scook

  1. The plug-in works but there are still issues with algorithm detection, tempo detection and audio to midi not being smooth as previous releases.


    The Melodyne Studio trial (CbB does  not include Melodyne Essentials) is not part of a CbB install or upgrade. It is a separate install on the  add-on menu.

    Upgrade order does not matter.

  2. Yeah, that is why I revived this one. Prior to CbB, any mod to Mercury whether large like Tungsten or a single change resulted in giving up strip colors. For many running Mercury this was to big a loss. Fortunately CbB supports strip colors across the board making themes like this one more attractive. To me, it still looks a little odd with a dark Control Bar and have started a new version with light grey Control Bar.

  3. Just updated my original SONAR Platinum theme called "Mercury Light Green" (mostly Mercury with green highlights replacing the blue ones) to CbB.


    It was a pretty quick pass through the theme and there may be some things I missed or did not get the shade just right. If so, let me know. The theme may be found on my google page along with the rest of my CbB stuff.


    I will try to keep it current but since it is not my everyday theme there are no guarantees.


    edit: updated for 2020.04

    edit: updated for 2021.01

    edit: updated for 2021.04

    edit: updated for 2021.12

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 4
  4. Please refrain from name calling.


    There is  history behind the "excluded" plug-ins. This was discussed some time ago when the subject originally came up. The "4 hidden treasures" are dlls that provide the functionality for the Style Dials. There is no guarantee the full versions of the old Boutique Suite plug-ins will be used in the future. Given there status, if one uses them outside of their intended design, it might be a good idea to bounce the tracks that use them so there is no project dependency that may fail some time in the future.

    • Thanks 3
  5. I updated my original SONAR Platinum theme called Tuncury (a blue highlight Tungsten w/ Mercury style buttons) to CbB.



    It was a pretty quick pass through the theme and there may be some things I missed or did not get the shade just right. If so, let me know. The theme may be found on my google page along with Tuncury Light Green (the theme I use).  Also planning to update Mercury Light Green soon.


    I will try to keep it current but since it is not my everyday theme there are no guarantees.


    edit: updated for 2020.04

    edit: updated for 2021.01

    edit: updated for 2021.04

    edit: updated for 2021.04 Update 1

    edit: updated for 2021.12

    • Like 6
    • Thanks 7
  6. Tuncury needs a fair amount of work to update it for CbB. With the Theme Editor (available off the CbB Add-ons menu in BandLab Assistant) it is possible to compare the modified colors and images between Tuncury and Tuncury Light Green to see what needs updating. The same is true for any of the other dark themes on my page.

  7. I believe Softube still includes the format for the plug-ins they created. I picked up TSAR-1R last year when they ported TSAR-1 to their modular. The Saturation  Knob also includes the PC version. Even though they stopped selling the Mix bundle the individual plug-ins are still sold.

  8. Got it

    Want to stretch and drop pitch. That is a Loop Construction View thing.

    1. Open the clip in the LCV
    2. From the LCV Clip menu enable Stretch On/Off
    3. Set the Threshold to 0
    4. To change the clip length modify the BPM
    5. Then adjust the Pitch/Fine Pitch as desired.

    For example, to create an effect like running tape at half speed: double the BPM and set Pitch to -12.

    Once it sounds right, bounce the clip for best fidelity,


    • Like 2
  9. Yes, user themes go in Cakewalk Content\Cakewalk Themes

    By default Cakewalk Content is in the root of C:\ but may be installed elsewhere.

    On a fresh install the folder is empty. CbB includes 2 themes but these are not in the Cakewalk Themes folder. Mercury is stored in a CbB resource file. Tungsten is in the program folder as a separate file but with a different extension from the user themes. All themes are a collection of images and color settings differences from Mercury (the theme in the resource file).

  10. It might be useful but very difficult to implement and the search might take some time. Presets could be in the registry or on disk, stored as individual files or in banks. The location may only be obvious to the plug-in using the presets.  Presets can have a variety of file extensions that do not follow any standard. The search tool would need to be updated when a plug-in gets installed with a new proprietary preset storage system. Some manufacturers may be reluctant to provide information about their implementation.  Some plug-ins have thousands of presets. For example, my install of Rapture Pro has over 19000 presets all stored in separate files.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 1 minute ago, Raj G said:

    I am currently trying out AutoHotKey (thanks for the suggestion!). I think it will work out. In preferences, I  added custom keyboard shortcuts for bringing the meter/key and tempo dialog boxes. Now, I can send those keyboard shortcut from AutoHotKey script to Cakewalk and send the key input. I am still in the process of working it out - but I think this will work.

    I usually navigate the menu with autohotkey instead of adding shortcuts to CbB. It seems to be more reliable. Here is an old example of a GUI to switch a time signatures I wrote a few years ago updated for CbB. It may give you some ideas. The script is missing a hot key to bring up the UI and lacks a tempo settings.

    Gui, tSig:New
    Gui, tSig:Add, Radio, vMyRadio, 4/4
    Gui, tSig:Add, Radio, , 6/8
    Gui, tSig:Add, Radio, , 7/8
    Gui, tSig:Add, Button, w60 default xm,OK
    Gui, tSig:Show

      If Not WinExist("ahk_exe i)Cakewalk.exe")
        MsgBox, 16, Error, Cakewalk not running
      Gui, tSig:Submit
      Gui, tSig:Cancel
      If myRadio = 1
        Send, !jm{Tab}4{Tab}4{Enter}
      Else if myRadio = 2
        Send, !jm{Tab}6{Tab}8{Enter}
      Else If myRadio = 3
        Send, !jm{Tab}7{Tab}8{Enter}
      Gui, tSig:Destroy

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