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Michael Vogel

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Posts posted by Michael Vogel

  1. You may need to click somewhere in the Track window to activate that view, then as suggested above, Press keys Ctrl+A (Windows Shortcut for Select All) then select Export > Options there will be further options in the Dialog box that opens in regard to file name and type etc

    In any case when exporting to Audio, you need to select at least one track or highlight a section of a track by click and drag select. Hope that helps.

  2. At number 8 Cakewalk is placed about the same as Sonar when featured in polls when it was a paid for program.

    I don’t attach a lot of importance to polls like this. For those DAWS where a purchase price is involved I’d say the only relevant factor would be units sold. And that only relevant to the developer.

  3. On 6/12/2020 at 6:35 AM, Noel Borthwick said:

    Right this is incorrect information. Of course audio benefits from multiprocessing. Turn off the multiprocessing engine and run a moderately large project and see what happens :)

    Sorry for my poor explanation. I’ll try again and hopefully do it right. 

    Often times the subject of what is better, CPU speed versus number of CPU cores comes up and from what I understand, CPU speed wins out over number of cores.  

    My original comment, corrected in bold  

    Audio does not lend itself to multi core processing so benefits more from processor speed than core numbers.

    Please re-educate me if necessary. Thanks. 

  4. Quote

    Could my GTX 1050 GPU cause any performance  issues in Cakewalk because it is under-powered?


    The simple answer is, NO!

    Though I’m sure someone will soon be here to provide greater detail on why thats the case. Cakewalk is not a graphics intensive program nor does it offload audio threads to the GPU.

    The single most significant bottleneck, all other things being OK, is, CPU speed. Audio does not lend itself to multithreaded processing so benefits more from processor speed than thread numbers. There is a recommended PC spec (Check the Reference Manual) that Cakewalk issues and it usually identifies a very modest GPU. Hope that helps.

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    • Meh 1
  5. Be patient. There’s far more questions than people who have your specific answer ready at their finger tips. It might take a while. 

    Do you remember the name of the Preset/s? Maybe try doing a search for the file that naming the preset would have created. Or perhaps a Registry search for the Preset name. 

    I’m on a phone at the moment but when I get back to my PC I can have a look for some clues. 

  6. On 5/9/2020 at 1:33 AM, Alan Tubbs said:

    Rene, but with an accent.  He wrote and ended up selling zeta and then working for /with cakewalk on it and the original dimension for p5.  That was a big selling point for p5 And outlasted the daw.  Dimension became dimension pro, a stand alone rompler,  followed by rapture, with a smalll sample set geared for electronics. Rene left somewhere in there but before rapture pro was released.  All this is from memory, but the sequence is Correct.

    there are plenty of free synths out there but no evergreened list I know of.  Any list will quickly be outdated and the best bet is ask it on a site like this and whichever other music sites you are registered at:  NI, gearslutz, kvr, magazines, etc.

    Thanks for the extra info regarding René. 

  7. In this thread alone there have been opposing views of a couple of VSTis. That indicates the subjective nature of what constitutes a great synth or fx plugin. 

    That being the case, having access to a list of freely available plugins is about as good as it gets.  Google (or other search engine of your choice) is your friend. In just a few posts here, several suggestions have been made but I’d suggest there are thousands to pick from. 

    A forum like this is one of many places where suggestions can be found that will help to provide a short list to direct your search. 

    I’m glad Cakewalk isn’t connected to a bunch of plugins and the necessary development that would distract the small dev team from devoting exclusive attention on Cakewalk. 

    I think there’s some issues about further developments with plugs like Rapture Pro etc, that go back to the original creator. Not sure but was it Rene Caballos, who was with Cakewalk at some time. I don’t remember the details. Just a vague recollection about picking up from the previous devs work??

    • Like 1
  8. I have SO4 Pro and Cubase10 10.5.  I don’t think they’re particularly similar. 

    I got Cubase when Sonar sank as the cross-grade price was too good to pass up.

    However, 2 years down the track I don’t use either and would be happy to get rid of them for a reasonable offer. 

    CUBASE- No longer for sale  


  9. I remember way back around Sonar 4 release, having discussions with Ron Kuiper about a feature request for a composition organiser based around using markers to define regions which could in turn be used like a play list for auditioning parts in selected orders. 

    it just seemed so obvious at the time but it never happened... until now sort of. 

  10. 19 hours ago, Jon White said:

    Hmmm, well, not correct if you broaden what he may really mean: that adding anything complex (plugins) to an already-unstable (at times) Sonar/Cakewalk just tips the scale to overload and flaky behavior.  Funny, 'cause just this afternoon I created a simple three-channel Kontakt setup and the audio started segmenting like a machine gun when I started the second instrument.  I saved the file, restarted and it worked for a bit.  It just adds up to frustration.  I went to Nuendo and setup a 16-channel Kontakt project, loaded big pianos, orchestrals and whatnot into ten of the channels, added busses for group effects and even put Izotope 9 in the master bus and not one single glitch or hesitation, as usual.  I don't like ProTools (but have to use it at times for group work), but it never fails, either, but for once every four months just closing abruptly.  

    C'mon Bandlab, let's see why this softwawe is touchy for some.  And posters, don't feel that it it logical to claim that it doesn't happen to you, because that's not the point.  It has to be how Cake coordinates with ASIO drivers and hardware flow/logic.  To really tickle a tough topic, I also believe that Sequoia/Samplitude SOUNDS better.  I've tried to deny it, but time after time I believe I hear it, and I don't want to, believe me. I want Cake to be everything it can be, because I love the layout and workflow.

    Isn’t Nuendo a MAC only DAW?

  11. On 3/24/2020 at 8:50 PM, David Sprouse said:



    I think there's a career in psychology ahead of you!

    Very insightful there, but it’s actually behind me.

    I had a 30 year career in nursing. Of that time, most by far was  spent in psychiatric nursing in just about every form imaginable. The shift work made it possible to lead another life focussed on music. 


  12. Thanks guys. I really appreciate the comments thus far. In particular the advice to sit on my decision for a while. Thanks @Jim Roseberry.

    @Starise, your comment regarding instruments, hardware and software has helped me see that I’m really talking about hardware and software. Not the instruments but the “gear”. 

    This discussion has awakened memories of how my interest in gear even started. 

    Long before there ever was gear in my life, I was studying music and learning how to play a number of musical instruments. Lap steel at 8, and brass/woodwind instruments from age 12 (in high school) onwards. In those earliest of days, “gear” comprised very little of what it took to make music. Music was acoustic, live and played solo, or in orchestral and brass band settings. Gear was music stands and maybe a metronome or conductor’s baton or drum major’s staff and of course uniforms. There were no gadgets. Maybe a stop watch?

    The lure of “gear” and a bite from the tech bug got me at age 14 when the brass band in which I played at school, was invited to record an EP over 2 days at the ABC’s Sydney studios. Not much later, I was invited to play in a combined youth orchestra, performing at the Sydney Town Hall and recorded live, again, over 2 days. 

    I have such vivid memories of those few days. It was 1968, music was everywhere, and suddenly all these other prospects for making it my life were dropped in my lap. While my fellow musicians were excited by the occasion and playing music, I was also intent on exploring all I could, behind the scenes. How were music recordings made? Like having the secrets behind a magic trick revealed, I started to see how the trick was performed and I wanted to know more. I hadn’t really looked behind that curtain before but its interesting to have made the connection between those events and how my music life played out. A lifelong connection between music and gear was forged in those 2 events.

    So that’s the history. Now the present.

    When I think about it, it’s really the trappings, the gear that is the focus of my want to be rid of it all.

    I don’t think I could get rid of my acoustic guitar. I’ve had it since the late 1970s In fact it’s been with me everywhere I’ve been since, and seen everything I’ve seen. I’m not much for attachment to material things, however, there’s a special connection to that instrument. I think because of the music its helped me express and play. Other instruments are simply music playing tools and they don’t elicit such an emotional response from me. I probably wouldn’t sell them though, as I can still see me making music for myself with them. Namely my electric guitar, full size keyboard and of course amps, fx boards and speakers to run them all through. 

    BUT, I also have a very extensive collection of studio gear and a ton of software that I don’t use. After all these words I guess that was it all along. Gear goes, instruments stay. The complexity in the whole recording process no longer appeals, however the simplicity of picking up my acoustic guitar or sitting at the Piano/keyboard and playing a tune does.

    Thanks for helping me get some clarity. I wonder of I’ll actually make a decision and follow through?

    • Like 3
  13. For the first time in my life, I’m giving serious thought to selling all my music related hardware and software. 

    Like many of us, I’ve bought and sold gear before and had breaks from music for one reason or another. BUT, I’ve never really felt like this. For a long time I’ve been looking at the gear and just seeing the waste in it not being used and I no lone’er have the slightest interest in making music. The interminable updating of software in response to software and web related reminders, has become a pointless chore. 

    I just don’t use any of it. Over the years, I’ve invested 10s of thousands of dollars (ie Australian banana republic micro dollars) in my gear. 
    I know I can’t recoup anywhere near that amount but who of us can’t use a little extra cash.

    I’m 66 now so don’t really expect a sudden need for music gear and I’ve never really been one to get buyer’s or seller’s remorse regarding a purchase or sale. 

    Anyone else think like that or been in this sort of situation?

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  14. On 3/4/2020 at 5:31 AM, Starise said:

     Kite I think it's because they have a market with the gamer crowd, though I have seen studios where they dress up the computer case. Goes along with the running light leds under the recording desk . When I bought a case it was primarily about noise suppression for me. I don't even have a lava lamp.😥

    Intel/AMD....that's a can of worms I won't open. Mainly because once it's open I don't know if I can close it :) Competition is good though.

    Not much surprises or shocks me these days BUT I’m absolutely astounded that you don’t have a Lava Lamp. Incredible and shocking to say the least.

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