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Posts posted by Beagle

  1. Hi all!  here's a remake of a song I wrote a few years ago.  I wrote the song as a tribute to a friend who had lost his life due to depression and addiction.  some of the folks of this forum helped me on the original and some of you may remember the original version.

    thanks for listening!  critiques are welcome!

    Lead Vox, drum programming, B3, mixing: Reece Beagle Bain
    Rhythm Guitar, Bass, BGVs: Michael Hanson
    Lead Guitar, Rhythm Guitar, BGVs: Sean Peifer
    Additional BGVs: Beverly Bain, Diana Hudson


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  2. On 12/12/2020 at 6:07 PM, Johnbee58 said:

    Beagle-You know I hear and I understand and I appreciate where you're coming from.

    Nice mix too. 😉

    🙂 John

    Thanks so much John!  glad you appreciate it!

    On 12/14/2020 at 9:13 AM, Starise said:

    Great mix on this. Sounded good for this genre.  Not sure if this is just me but I keep wanting it to go just a little bit faster. It's probably me. 

    Thanks for sharing. Nice work.


    Thanks Tim!  I always struggle with tempo.  did I do it too fast?  too slow?  IDK.  if we ever redo this one I'll consider a faster version!  thanks 

    On 12/21/2020 at 12:49 PM, Paul Bush said:

    Great catchy chorus, loved all instuments

    Appreciate it Paul!

  3. Hey Tim - this is really great!  I love the guitar and flute and really nice instrumentation.

    if I could critique a little, though, your vocals sound "distant" - as if you were singing too far away from the mic.  

    the sound of your voice is great, you have a good voice - but the recording of your vocals is very different from the instrumentation.  they sound like 2 completely different things that have been put together.  

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  4. On 12/12/2020 at 12:28 PM, David Sprouse said:

    This is a good one.  Nice to hear higher, alto and soprano harmonies.  

    Thanks so much David!

    yeah, I love having the ladies sing with us, but it makes mixing a lot harder! lol!

  5. On 12/9/2020 at 11:46 AM, freddy j said:

    This is a wonderful and uplifting song.  Kudos to all on a job well done.  My headset is a bargain basement variety and all sounds good.  However, on my set the lead vox was a bit low especially near the beginning.

    Thanks so much Freddy!  I'll look into the levels on the lead vox.  appreciate it!

  6. On 11/23/2020 at 2:09 PM, Lynn Wilson said:

    Michael, your inner Bon Jovi is coming through in your voice.  This is a fine production and song, and I believe that it reflects the growth I've been hearing from you guys over the last few years.  Well done!

    Ha!  that's a cool compliment Lynn!  I wish I could sound like Bon!

  7. On 12/5/2020 at 6:49 AM, Douglas Kirby said:

    It's a good song and I enjoyed the listen.  I thought the mix was excellent - sounded quite good through my headphones - plenty of depth and separation of all the instruments. The drums were just right.

    Nice job on the lead vocal as well - there's a bit of soul in the performance - well done.

    Thanks so much Douglas!  appreciate the great review! 

  8. On 12/5/2020 at 1:03 AM, bjornpdx said:

    I listened thru headphones. I don't always trust my aging ears to make comments but anyway...
    Overall a very good production with an engaging melody.  The strong lead voc is impressive but the lyrics seemed to get drowned out in places  eg ~1:15 (however that could just be me.) 


    Thanks so much, Bjorn!  I had a really hard time mixing the vocals with the extra voices.  I'll look into your suggestion, thanks so much!

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