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Posts posted by Keni

  1. 2 hours ago, Noel Borthwick said:

    The program has a lease that we set to about 6 months. It needs to be periodically updated to keep running. As mike mentioned, we release updates frequently so if you get updates you will normally never see this prompt. Also if you do run into it, simply logging out and back into BandLab assistant will give you a new lease.
    One important reason for a handshake with our servers is to prevent people from putting the app on mirrors where someone can get a virus injected easily. Its a small inconvenience to put up with considering that the app is completely free now. 

    Thanks for explaing Noel.


    I understand and it makes good sense, but I have a situation where my studio is off grid. There is no internet available there.

    This makes it a bit of a chore. I don't recall as it wasn't an issue for me before, but I remember people inquiring about offline activation.


    Is such a thing available?


  2. Especially as it's free. I can understand an original authorization, but why ever after?


    Some machines don't have easy web access even at this point in time (technology). This makes it a much more difficult update regime to maintain.


  3. How can I resolve this on a machine that no longer has web access?


    Pain to move it elsewhere for this. It was working fine. What caused it to revert to demo mode?


  4. 28 minutes ago, Misha said:

    Erik, I believe you did not understand what I was referring to....  I was talking about new material being recorded on previously muted take lanes.

    see attached.


    Yes Misha.


    I agree that this is obviously in need of attention. I too have run into it. IMHO, I belueve the system needs to restrict new recordings on muted lanes. Very counter-intuitive.


  5. 1 hour ago, azslow3 said:

    Can someone explain me why "free" DAW can revert itself to Demo Mode?

    And even in case that is a secret, is there any hint inside the program about WHEN that is going to happened next time?

    Yeah... i just ran into this as well.


    The machine at rehearsal studio which has no internet. Hasn't been touched since the week before Christmas.

    On boot up I was shocked to see it suddenly in demo mode and no way to connect to web to attempt correction.


    what's going on?


  6. 9 minutes ago, micv said:

    Perhaps I can suggest a small change that could further enhance Lanes and not alienated the Layers camp:

    Currently if the lanes are collapsed, the 'parent' track shows all clips (including muted clips)  for any lane that is not muted.  Which makes the track view cluttered, confusing (active clip could be hidden below muted clip) and thus not useful for editing.

    What if the track only shows active clips?  So after you have selected the clips you want to keep in the lanes, you can use the track to do editing.  Yes you can use Flatten Comp, but I almost never use Flatten Comp since it's destructive process.

    I'm with you 100% here. Track gfx vs. lane gfx is a big issue for me. The situation you describe is one of them.

    Another being the user ability to disable the track view gfx when lanes are exposed. That extra image is incredibly confusing to my eye. I can easily see which clips are promoted as the are full color next to the muted color.


    Then the issue of zoom? If i have the lanes open, why would i want the track image larger than the clips? I am editing the clips in the lanes. Currently if i zoom an area of lanes, i get a zoom of the track with small lanes beneath it.



  7. 14 minutes ago, Starship Krupa said:

    Mark, I tried this last night and for whatever reason wasn`t seeing a waveform in the track as I was recording.

    It recorded fine, and I wound up with tidy clips as you said, but I really missed the visual feedback. As talent and engineer, those waveforms are a comfort.

    Also, when I tried it with a MIDI track, I couldn`t get it to record at all.

    Something I want to ask about is Overwrite mode. At first when I read the Help page it seemed unsuitable because it sounded as if it would discard all previous takes, but digging deeper, it looks like it might work just like I want it to.

    What`s the difference with Overwrite mode? It looks like it keeps your previous takes in their own separate lanes, but mutes them, which is what I want. I`m going to try it with a "check one two" project, but I`d like to hear what the collective wisdom says.

    Sorry... i just noticed this...


    I'm sure you have the display icon selected amongst the track widgets?


    I'm not in front of my machine right now but I think a mouse over shows a name like waveform display or confidence display as I think it might once have been called?


  8. 8 minutes ago, Chilldanny said:

    Same here, no joy.



    I'm using Safari here, but I think I'm running ios 10.3.3? I wonder if that matters.


    Have you been able to access this forum from ios before or has this always been the case?

  9. 51 minutes ago, scook said:

    I thought clip gain in the edit filter displays the clip gain envelopes for clips in a track making them available for edit. If the clip gain  was not previously modified by the user, it is shown at 0db not the current volume setting.



    That's what I see too.

    Enabling it displays all clip envelopes of kind for the track and all default to 0 until edited

  10. 6 minutes ago, Misha said:

    Hi Noel. Thank you for trying!

    For very simple tasks that might work. Take a look in attachment. This track with all of the "takes" is in the middle of the project. To select clips and drag them with mouse all the way to the bottom  would not be very easy... to keep them at the right time, unless some hard snap is involved.  I am not saying it is critical, there is also "copy special" feature too, but I think right click on clip(s) and have a choice:  move to a new track (where their positions in timeline would be preserved) seems logical :)

    P.S. I tried it the way you described, but it is not dragging well and retaining positions. Kind of freehand movement.


    Actually it's pretty easy,

    create a track immediately below the last lane

    select each clip you wish to move

    hold down shift-click and dragging one of the selected from the lowest lane to move all while constraining the movement to keep the time locked. (Ctrl-shift-click to drag copy instead of move if you wish to lave the original track for archiving)

    when using shift-click to constrain, note that if you move left/right it will constrain track/lane or up/down to constrain time.


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  11. 1 hour ago, micv said:


    I'm talking about Clip env.  In Clip env, the env is created for the entire take lane.  If you then later move/copy that clip to another lane or track, you cannot edit the env for the copied or moved clip.  What I'm saying is to have those env part of the clip and not the lane.

    I must be missing something.


    if you use Clip Envelopes, they copy/move with your clips.


    that said, if you use copy special and select envelopes, it will copy that portion of the track envelope.


  12. 53 minutes ago, micv said:

    After all that said, what I really work on are clips.  Would be great if the clip object can be part of the Take Lane or whatever.  My issue is the envelopes in the Take Lane.  For example, when I create a gain envelope for a clip, that envelope should be only for that clip and not the entire lane and all of the other clips in that lane.

    Hi micv...


    you have that choice. Select clip envelope followed by type. Track envelopes are intentionally for track.

    • Like 2
  13. 31 minutes ago, Noel Borthwick said:

    Take lanes was essentially built on top of the layers infrastructure. "Rebuilding layers" automatically happens behind the scenes and is no longer required as an explicit operation.

    The main reason why Take lanes was built was to provide an actual UI dedicated to take management. Lanes allowed you to do that but had a lot of manual requirements operations that were non intuitive to the main task of take management that many other platforms offered. Hence we had to make changes.

    I do agree that take lanes was a change of workflow for people who were used to simply recording lanes and manually comping them later but it was a trade off we had to make to add tools that were more current. And it would have been way too difficult to maintain both the old layers workflow and take lanes simultaneously in the UI. We'll try and improve on this feature in the future. The next release also has a small tweak to take lanes...

    Thanks Noel!


    I disliked Lanes for quite some time, but now find it quite easy to work with other than the viewing/zoom issues, so here's hoping some progress happens in this direction soon. For me, that would clear up the issue...



    • Like 1
  14. 8 hours ago, marled said:

    Received a message from Celemony support (wow, very swift). It is all very simple:

    In the detection mode Melodyne displays the pitch values per default not in relation to 440 Hz, but in relation to the detected tuning (e.g. 439.2 Hz)! Very odd! But when you change the tuning (in detection mode) to 440 Hz it matches the values of the edit mode.

    But even if it is that simple, it may help us to find out how much our recordings are detuned, at least if the detuning is not more than 50 cents or in the other case it helps to find out the fine-tuning value. Well, that's another use case for Melodyne.

    Hmmm... How could it know the tuning standard of the source if the source is askew?

  15. 56 minutes ago, scook said:

    This  plug-in


    Should be listed in clip context menu under Process Effect > Audio Effects

    It is not listed in any other plug-in list. It is an offline effect. The plug-in is not bundled with CbB but should be available if SONAR is installed.

    Thanks once again scook!


    this may solve my current dilemma!


    happy new year! Wishing you the very best!

  16. Trying to get the tempo/pitch stretch to work. I've gone back as far as 8.5 on a vista 32bit install.

    plugin manager shows it active and i manually added it to my menus as it appears in none.

    ...but it is not in the menu when i try to use it.

    is there any way to correct this?



  17. 12 minutes ago, marled said:

    2 days ago I made an even more strange discovery with Melodyne! In my case the files come from an 8-track 1/2 inch recorder, so I have different tracks for the instruments. As I know the song keys I checked the bass track with Melodyne (IMO this is easiest to check pitches). When I compared the Melodyne analysis in the detection mode with the one of the edit mode I noticed about 48 cents difference. It seems that the detection mode shows about the original values played on the instruments (although the wave file is too low) and the edit mode shows the values caused by the slower playing! Hell, like a miracle! Thereafter I checked other recordings that should be correct (recorded via USB or VSTi) in Melodyne and noticed also there pitch differences (only small in this case)! IMHO this should not be the case, so I wrote an email to the Melodyne support and I am curious what will be there answer.

    That is strange. I'm guessing the different algos have disceet reasoning behind them. Melodyne seems to discreetly consider many aspects separately and differently. All documented of course.


    for me most of the issues are of little importance as i really use pitch correction for small location edits. I don't auto correct anything. So my primary focus is on those tools, but it is still daunting. V-Vocal is far easier and requires almost zero learning curve.


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