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kevin H

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Everything posted by kevin H

  1. I’ll wait for the more attention getting...”Yo”.
  2. kevin H


    Too bad you replied to clarify, I was just about to start a rumor he was giving away Ampitude 5 Max licenses hehhe
  3. How is this not a deal...those presets cut through mix like no other synth..
  4. He is not only a user but also the president...cakewalk plugins for men (and women since it’s 2021)
  5. $5 normally, free for subscribers and pro users. update to version 1.0.7 or later to use https://account.vital.audio
  6. Everything bundle has definitely paid for itself. Got a great deal when I bought it. If we could only have Synthmaster 3.0
  7. Ethera Gold is different library. Same producer and singer but different flavor. Ethera Gold 2.5 also has a new male singer. We can ask the man himself for insight into main differences from his perspective between Ethera Soundscapes and Ethera Gold. @Stefano Maccarelli Also he just released amazing Unify libraries for Ethera Gold 2.5, Ethera EVI, & Ethera Soundscapes 2.0.. Here is the Ethera Gold 2.5 Unify live stream.
  8. Misread title as “synthmaster, one new patch” and thought, kind of excited for one single new patch haha So far I’ve liked previous Natlife preset banks. Will check these out. Thanks.
  9. Agree, beside the built in modulation, it’s pretty much a clone. Even the color scheme is similar. Little Alter Boy to me is smoother. But it you don’t have sound toys and make edm/hip hop and are on a budget at $39 it is cheaper than $99 for Alter Boy. Although no WUP with sound toys. For comparison, check out this video of a good example of Alter Boy (@3:30min) being used for modem vocals. May help someone decide:
  10. I’m curious myself as I already have Alterboy and Ovox....this video goes into a few more details. Modulation is interesting add. Not expected but doesn’t have pitch correction so this is one difference with ovox. So would need real-tune in same chain.
  11. One would think that after owning 30 tuners I would have perfect pitch but I think I need to get to 40 for that
  12. I’d also like to see them update bx_tuner. I think I own 20 or 30 of them.
  13. Using everyplugin link you posted I see it for $74 which is basically the 59 euros you posted about. Maybe price came down?
  14. Geez no wonder they are sold out of some of the colors, limit 20 per customer...
  15. Does your instant pot go to 11? Mine does...hard rock edition...
  16. I don’t have any kids yet so my suggestion is blow his college fund, get him the $300 laptop, enroll him in some free online programming classes so he can pay his own education, and get yourself a new fully packed studio....this may not be the best advice but just exploring other side of coin to give you more options
  17. I took advantage of this sale without really understanding the v6 improvements. Was curious after Zo’s post. Here are some details: SSL Native V6 is the result of our software engineering team re-building the Duende Native V5 plug-ins from scratch using a new coding framework (JUCE). JUCE is now an industry framework used by many other leading plug-in manufacturers. This change of framework will future-proof our plug-ins so they can continue to be used and enjoyed for years to come. Along the way we've been refining the underlying algorithms and making a series of changes; the most obvious improvement being the enhanced GUIs optimised for HD and Retina screens. SSL Native V6 will install alongside V5, so you can use both versions in a DAW. Other improvements include the addition of preset management to the Channelstrip and Bus Compressor plug-ins, which we hope you will enjoy. One thing to note is that the X-Verb will not be making it's way over to v6. https://solidstatelogic.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360022908072-Is-SSL-Duende-Native-the-same-as-SSL-Native-
  18. Knifonium is $39.99 until tonight with Larrys’s coupon above ...so you can buy two things with that voucher if you dont wait
  19. Thank goodness no WUP yet for these
  20. I was looking at this before and at this price seems like a really fun synth to play with. This demo video is what sold it for me:
  21. I can’t be the only one wondering why they named it GAS hehe
  22. Updated topic to add an end date based on newly announced Feb 23 release date. Thanks Larry for the heads up.
  23. I really like knif and fully supports NKS which is really nice.
  24. I had same issue. I right clocked on lock and this opened authorization manager. Then I entered serial number again and this fixed it for me.
  25. Also see updates for PX Memories, Synth Anthology 3, and World Suite 2 (older one I ignored before). PX Memories and Synth Anthology downloads are to address cpu usage so really debating if I want to download almost 50GB for what should be a 100MB download per library to address...
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