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PhonoBrainer last won the day on February 22 2020

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  1. . . . unless it's a new musical instrument.
  2. Epilogue: you'll still die broke. At least the way down will be interesting!
  3. Yes, when the first one breaks down on the way to the cemetery.
  4. I own v1 and could still ask the q I asked in 2022 - dous v2 do a better job with presets and patches? The v1 gui is a horrible nested menu fest, just to get at a patch. Maybe I should watch Simeon's vid !!!
  5. Perhaps our language's inadequacy at having the proper word for it is the best definition of all.
  6. How old are you? Just curious. Music has been your lifelong love, I can assume. Has it been your main job as well, or a sideline? I've heard a bit of your opus and found it quite good IMHO, for what it's worth! Anyway, if you no longer love doing it, I don't blame you for eschewing that hamster wheel. There are no hamster wheels in labors of love.
  7. Looking for musical crimes. I can't believe everyone involved just stood by in complicit silence. Did anyone say anything? Would you have spoken?
  8. MK. "It Never Rains" (g solo starts about 4 min in, if you are pressed for time and need to skip the excellent song!)
  9. Perhaps the 90's were better. For you 😀 and chalk up another cultural win for STTNG. Well done there. In actual fact, having lived through both and enjoyed both, I can say with unassailable authority that the 90's were a mere capitalistic refresh of the vibes and patterns of the original 80s aesthetic. The core cultural principles of the 80s found their way from the streets and the cul-de-sacs into the boardrooms where clever upper-middlemen harnessed the ethos, and monetized it. Proof? OK. Max Headroom got a filter and some polish and became Ryan Seacrest. We can't live in the past. But we can certainly argue about it 😀
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