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Everything posted by pseudopop

  1. The site has a total of 35 different freebies available at the moment. Might be worth checking them out. https://reflektaudio.com/freebies/
  2. The download speeds are all over the place. In the past hour I got from 10% to 76% and now we're back to downloading at < 100 kB/s. I think the downloader is built around Syncthing, a file synchronization software. Not sure if that explains any of it.
  3. Maybe it means that those artists (whose authentic sound you will capture) have over 10,000 presets? 🙂
  4. What: Zenhiser Booms & Breakdown FX: "breakdown fx, transitions, drops and heavenly booms" How much: $1 AUD Where: https://www.zenhiser.com/collections/fx-sounds-samples/products/booms-breakdown-fx-sounds When: Available till 11th Dec at 11:59pm AEST
  5. Is this the same that was on sale for $1 just a while ago?
  6. Is that you, mibby? Surely you're not talking about us? 😉
  7. They customer service replied: Which I suppose translates to "we have no idea".
  8. Was there some kind of subscription deal for this, or are you buying single issues?
  9. I wrote a little bookmarklet to help with printing the course notes. It adjusts and removes some of the elements on the page and makes the page more printer-friendly. I used Google Chrome's "save as PDF" option to try this out and the result looks ok for what it is. Here's how to use it: Copy the code below. Make sure that no line breaks creep in accidentally. Add a new bookmark in your browser. Set the title to something sensible and paste the code in the location field. I find it easiest to use the bookmark bar for these. Open the recipe page you want to print. Click the bookmark you just added. You should see that the video and the spoiler image on top disappeared and the whole page has become scrollable. Print the page as you normally would, though I like to use Google Chrome's "save as PDF". Repeat for each page you want to print/save. You need to use the bookmarklet each time the page reloads - the changes are only temporary. And here's the code: I have tested this in Firefox and Chrome and it works in both. If someone is interested in fine-tuning it or adding functionality, I can post the unminified code. Now, about downloading the videos... I googled "download wistia videos" and found some instructions that worked for me, but they require some effort. I'm not going to post any of them here because they are easy enough to find and I want to steer clear of the possible moral/legal discussion that it might raise. But, FYI, it can be done. Edit: I updated the code so that the grey download boxes don't get cut in half if a page break happens in their middle.
  10. My crossgrade offer from from Elevate to Generate was $69 and the discount showed in the shopping cart as a coupon. I then copied that coupon code, emptied the cart and added Generate again with the Groove3 perk with the total price of $79. Adding the crossgrade coupon removed the Groove3 perk and the price was again $69. If I could have applied them both the price would probably have been about $58.65.
  11. I would have put it there but the page doesn't show the end date. 🙂 I sent them an email, let's see what they say.
  12. Holy sheet music! A million thanks, ZincT! *does a little happy dance*
  13. Crossgrade price from Elevate to Generate is $69. Interesting. I would've expected it to be lower. Edit: Looks like you can't stack the crossgrade offer with Groove3 discount. ☚ī¸
  14. I think the lowest price before this has been $50, so I guess I should get it... â‚Ŧ39 for EU citizens, by the way.
  15. Are the plugins in the Elevate bundle still good today? I have often thought about getting them but I'm suspicious about the fixed bands. Having the bundle would qualify me for crossgrade, though I'm not yet sure how much that would be.
  16. I could get it for $75 with the Groove3 perks, but that's still almost twice as much. It's funny how the brain readjusts. Now anything over $40 is going to be too much. 🙂
  17. I had it in the shopping cart when price was lower, but then someone called and I had to step away from my computer. When I later clicked "continue" the price had gone up again. Bummer. ☚ī¸
  18. Looks like it. â‚Ŧ149 in cart. Edit: the coupon applies to the whole shopping cart, so I could get Pigments and FX Collection for â‚Ŧ218.
  19. What: 5, 11 or 26 sound packs containing loops How much: Tier 1: â‚Ŧ1.00 - Tier 2: â‚Ŧ10.20 - Tier 3: â‚Ŧ20.40 (I think the numbers are same for USD) Where: https://www.fanatical.com/en/bundle/soundtrack-loops-bundle
  20. Here are the Black Friday deals that I succumbed to: Sonuscore Trinity Drums Kirk Hunter Virtuoso Ensembles Neural DSP Archetype Plini & Fortin Cali Suite All Samples From Mars (a yearly purchase for me, it seems) ToonTrack Indiependent SDX VirtualCZ (+ free Mastering The Mix Animate) SynthMaster Player (+ free D16 Drumazon) AAS Professional Series (Chromaphone 3, Ultra Analog VA-3, String Studio VS-3, Objeq Delay, Strum GS-2 and Lounge Lizard EP-4) Cableguys Shaperbox 2 Bundle (they made me an offer I couldn't refuse) ...and loads of free stuff that I'll probably never use. I'm still on the fence about a Melda bundle, but at the moment I feel I should just work with what I have for a while and figure out what my actual needs are. I want a Melda bundle and some Fabfilter plugins, for sure, but I don't think I need them at the moment. That Orchestration Recipes intro video really hit a nerve. 😐
  21. Yup, it's finally happened. Larry has become so fast that he's faster than himself:
  22. Whoo! Boy, did it get hot in here... 😅
  23. Yeah, I get that. But if Chromaphone has a better string model it sounds like it does some things better than String Studio.
  24. Are you saying that Chromaphone somehow replaces String Studio?
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