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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. For me, this one’s another Dawesome marvel, together with Novum. I consider both Myth and Novum must-haves. As for Myth, the re-synthesis approach is quite captivating. The only other re-synthesis plugin I know (and love) is Zynaptiq’s Adaptiverb.
  2. Chromaphone 3 is just so good. Listen to this Kalimba model:
  3. Always have the feeling I’m somewhat traveling with you, Larsy.
  4. Just got this sound pack in. Pretty pretty good at $19. https://www.applied-acoustics.com/exodus/
  5. Gewd stouph as always from Zynaptiq.
  6. That saturator looks interesting. Also some freebies available apparently https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2023/08/17/platone-studio-plugins/
  7. Come to mama! Love this guy’s Love. And Novum. And Abyss. And Kult.
  8. I don’t know how Saverio’s company continues to thrive at these prices, but if so, it seems he’s got this end of the market covered with cheap but sweet little plugins.
  9. With this kind of deals, I’m getting closer than ever to order a Console Channel MkIII.
  10. Welcome back, brother from another mother
  11. Only had Wasted Space. Got it for $3 with the Swedish glitch. Now got the rest for $39. No brainer indeed. Thanks @jngnz
  12. $199 for everything, now that was a deal (I missed).
  13. Exactly. There’s something rotten in the state of Denmark.
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