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Posts posted by Shane_B.

  1. 20 minutes ago, Fret Flintstone said:

    I totaly agree, but as I see it, the problem with BMD, was that a majority of people kept coming back here, old friends, familiarity, not being seen by others to have left the Cakewalk family etc. I think to make a go of it, everyone would have to make a determined effort to cut this place off altogether, and build the new. Also I think BMD had way to many sub forums for it's own good. But there you go.

    The only problem I had with BMD was I couldn't get the site to work on any android device. My laptop died and at the time my PC was in the basement not easily accessible.

    If it comes back I hope there is a way to make it work on android.

  2. Twitch or similar avenues seems to be the way to go. It astounds me how much people will donate. Some of the ones I follow have thousands of subscribers. If they are all Tier 1 ($4.99) and they have 5000 that's $12.5K a month after Twitch takes their cut. Plus all the Bit donations. Streamers get 100% of those. 100 bits is $1 dollar. Plus patreon. Plus paypal. Amazon wish list.

    Some of the big gamers have 10s of thousands of subs.

    Seems to me live streaming is the way to go. Youtube is done. They have gone corporate.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 9 minutes ago, craigb said:

     it would suck to have to leave just because of some power-high mods

    Unless I misunderstood it's not the mods here. It's coming from elsewhere.

    If I had to guess it's more about avoiding upsetting the sjw/canc.cult. crowd than it is about silencing us. Total speculation but it's the only thing that makes sense to me.

    I wouldn't be surprised to hear they are changing the name to Sonar by Bandlab ...

  4. 38 minutes ago, Bapu said:

    I have three threads delete in the last two week.

    The CH. meh!

    It ain't what it used to be.

    Your threads and others make this miserable world a little happier and I'm sad this is happening. I'm sorry I said anything about it. I should have just shut the funions up.

  5. 29 minutes ago, craigb said:

    And I see that "C" is apparently for Censorship (again)... 🙄

    Those couple paragraphs at the top of the forum we all skip over ... the details are in there. 😁 And it appears to have been updated recently. 

    fwiw I see nothing wrong with anything that's been posted since I started hanging out here again. I haven't even seen a single post by anyone that has upset me in the least. I do know it's coming from above the mods and they have nothing to do with it.

    I'm just happy to be alive and here with like minded folks. If they want it strictly music related I'm ok with that but there are ways around it. For example start a Humble Pie thread and post a vid. Then go off with the pie pics.

    I'd consider myself lucky (special?) that a couple of the huge OT threads are still there based off what I've seen happening lately and the updated TOS.

    I still can't believe my thread with the pic of a stupid box with a clown on it got axed. LOL. How much pull do the clownies have? They're like .0000002% of the population. What are they gonna do retaliate by spritzing us in the eye with seltzer water? Nail us with a hand buzzer? Make an anatomically incorrect balloon animal?

    Clowngate 2021.


    • Like 1
    • Great Idea 1
  6. Here is part of the soundtrack if anyone is interested. This is actual game footage. It looks better than this compressed video and there are mods to where you can make it look even better but still, this is pretty incredible. There is also a Day version of this too. The music is excellent. It's an actual real orchestra, no midi. This is what is included on that 4 LP set.


    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, InstrEd said:

    The teacher did and plenty of students took to reading.  The AP teacher now says that was a great idea as the majority of the students did and the discussions are more in-depth.

    That's great!

    3 hours ago, InstrEd said:

    I wouldn't mind an XBox, but I know better to get into PC-gaming.  Sometimes it is nice to shoot things up and not go to jail 😀

    I get that. I'm more in to the graphics and story aspect of it now. I like to shoot IRL but the old style cap and ball black powder. I keep the real ones locked away. I like the process you have to go through to load and be accurate with the old school black powder arms. Lot's of smoke and noise.

  8. 19 hours ago, InstrEd said:

    I'm sort of glad I never got into gaming.

    PC gaming is more of a money pit than DAW PC's and requires a never ending array of tweaking patches and adjustments. A DAW you just set it and forget it for the most part. The hardware required to keep up with the ever changing graphics requirements is a never ending money drain also. It's going to change in the near future though. Everything is going to streaming. Internet speeds are getting to the point where it's better to have the game run in a dedicated high powered server and you simply play it remotely via your ISP. Amazon and Sony are doing it now and it works pretty good with less graphically intense games at the moment.

    I switched to Playstation many years ago but they slowly turned in to a function limited, GPU deprived, vastly slower PC and ruined it. Every game now on release day has a patch some the size of the original game install. If you want to access any aspect of the game online such as in game purchases, mods, dlc, playing against others, Sony forces you to do the update and locks you out of doing anything online until you do update. Same with their system software.

    I'm a PS fanboi. Now that the studio (Bethesda) that makes the only games I play just got bought by Microsoft all future games are Xbox and PC only so I'm jumping ship. 

  9. I wouldn't hesitate to grab that as long as the neck is good and can be adjusted. Checking for adjustability is the hard part though. You can't tell until you take strings off and actually try to adjust the rod. If it's stuck you're screwed.

    I bought a used Sheraton II at G.C. about 10 years ago. I love it. $245 iirc with Epi logo'd hardshell case. Like new. Lefty.

    Craig is right about the electronics. They were all loose and crackly. I dripped a tiny amount of denatured alcohol in the pots and switch and worked it in really good. I also took apart the jack and cleaned, sanded, tightened, and greased it. So far so good 10 years later.

    I also recommend going to Epiphone's web site and downloading the setup instructions for it. It made an enormous difference and it felt like a completely different guitar afterwards.

    • Great Idea 1
  10. 2 hours ago, paulo said:

    Yeah, I cold swear that it switches itself off sometimes.

    But then again, that might be me as I find myself adjusting the eq or compression for the wrong track and wondering why it's not making any difference more often than I should.

    There was a time when you could create a repeatable scenario to make it happen. The global On/Off button on the Pro Chan. came about from my and others discussions about it on the old forum.

    It was only when "real" people in "real" studios started saying "yeah we're seeing it happen too" that they even attempted to do anything about it. Prior to that it was the stock "works here and for the fanboi's. Must be your system.".

    I haven't seen it happen in CbB but I avoid the Pro Chan like the plague. I never trusted it after all that with X1 and X2.

  11. 40 minutes ago, craigb said:

    Too bad there's no good band that starts with the letter "L..."

    (Or so I've been Led to believe! 😁)

    Oh, and I'm expecting Shane to correct this entry too! 😜

    (The) Lettermen

    • Haha 1
  12. 14 minutes ago, craigb said:

    I'd rather have 4k at a higher refresh rate than 8k!

    After all these years being stuck at native 120Hz I'm starting to think there must be some kind of hardware/technical limitation as to why it's not better.

    When I hook my 4K player up to my old 1080P LCD TV and play a 4K disc it is smoother than my 4K player to my newer 4K TV. And it looks great. Both TVs set to native refresh (120). I'm assuming the smoother playback is due to the downscaling. That's why I'm guessing going from an 8K source to a 4K or 1080 TV would yield the same benefits with even better resolution.

    Good point about the size of 8K. Makes we wonder if it would be a streaming thing only or if they have advanced lossless compression. Youtube has some 8K videos now. I can stream them as well as 4K but they don't play properly on my older hardware.

  13. 1 hour ago, craigb said:

    I wonder when people will realize that we actually can't see the difference between 4k and 8k except on a stadium sized screen...

    The benefit is more to do with motion rates I think. They still have a hard time with motion blur. 4K is smoother downscaled to 1080p so I would assume 8K downscaled to 4K or 1080p would be even better but I don't really know??

    I pre-ordered the brand new 4K scan and restoration of Dawn Of The Dead. Should be here by the end of the week. I cannot wait.

  14. 6 hours ago, craigb said:

    Never played it...  Still need to finish Crysis 3 someday...

    I normally don't even touch my DAW/PC from spring till fall. But the prices on this stuff just keep going up. I figure if I'm ever going to buy something I should probably do it now. I've been waiting all winter for gpus to go down but they've been consistently going up.

    They recently remastered Crysis ... in 8K. Allegedly it will run on  PS4 Pro with ray tracing.


  15. It really is an incredible game. That is a video from the original release I think. It can look a lot better.

    I'm waiting now for a quote for a gaming system that can play this, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, and Fallout 4 modded with high res textures. Can't wait to get it. It takes a lot to run these hi res even though they are older.

    It can take years to play these games. Especially modded on a PC. That's why they are all still so popular and people are still making advanced mods for all of them.

    That link to the LPs says it's out of stock but they just re-released it on their site in a different section. The new listing didn't have the track list so I posted the old one.


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