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Carl Ewing

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Everything posted by Carl Ewing

  1. FFS! Own literally everything on the list except the PA Ampeg SVT-VR. Although PA and iZotope have given away a few of these before. That Shadow Hills and HG-2 are huge giveaways though. Man o man.
  2. Assuming you paid $20 for each of those plugins...erring on the low side, that's about $1860 spent. Which is about 10 years of subscription which would also give you $2000 in annual sub vouchers, and $1000s in monthly vouchers. If anyone has doubts, this is why the PA subscriptions are a no brainer.
  3. Curious - for those into Amp sims, which do you feel are the better sims from PA? I have BX_Rockrack V3 and BX_Bassman but looking for some guitar sims geared towards metal / heavy tones. Already have Amplitube 5 and most collections, but the CPU hit is enormous on mobile rig, so trying to find decent stand alone sims. Also have the Mix & Master bundle, but it excludes all the amp stuff of course. Currently looking at Suhr PT100, Diezel VH4 / Herbert and Friedman BE-100. But have heard good things about the Fuchs as well. Anyone recommend these or others?
  4. Some native plugins still destroy even the best systems. I'll be running a UAD card for years to come still - absolutely need to conserve CPU resources with some of these more recent synths, sample libraries and stuff like Abbey Roads reverbs. Even a 16-core CPU doesn't mean much if a couple plugins aren't well optimized for multi-core.
  5. I'm skeptical of anyone with that many synths in their studio.
  6. Run installer to update installer to install the update. This is the way of the future.
  7. Vocalsynth's Vocoder is pretty weak, and not that versatile. Yes, it's handy when you want a multi-effect with other non-vocoding features, but for straight vocoding Vocodex all the way. It would be like pulling up Byome for saturation distortion - sure it's got a bunch of other effects that are handy, but if I only want saturation distortion I'm going to open a dedicated plugin that is the best in its class. Having said that, I really like Vocalsynth, but not really for strictly vocoding duties.
  8. Use in Cubase without issue. (VST / Windows) But yes, it's only available for Mac inside FL Studio.
  9. How is a vocoder with literally more options than any other vocoder ever made "too limited". I don't think people really understand how complex that plugin is. It's a mainstay in EDM sound design for a reason. This guy spends 15 minutes covering what is probably 5% of it's capabilities - and just those features blow most vocoders out of the water:
  10. Imageline's 'Vocodex'. No real competition. But it takes a month of manual reading to understand it. It's a very deep plugin with enormous customization and modulation options. But it sounds absolutely incredible when you get the hang of it.
  11. Well yes. When you've bought everything you need, why would this sale interest you? Why would you even post this?
  12. The free versions can only be used for personal use - commercial use is not allowed. Not sure how they would ever keep track of that though - but that is the message on each free product page.
  13. Last month Serpent completely saved my ***** on a project where I didn't have access to my guitars and needed them for a deadline. I do a lot of remote work on mobile rig and I'm continually amazed at the quality of virtual instruments these days. Was very skeptical of virtual metal guitars, but client didn't even know I did the guitars virtually. Although it took 8 hours of learning the interface and and getting the right tone / performance . It took some serious midi / Kontakt time to get it all working realistically. But seriously - very happy I bought these a while back. Would have be totally hooped without them, and they've now more then paid for themselves.
  14. This thread is a good reminder why so many musicians are broke. Musicians consistently fail to understand that the modern music business is a MULTI-transaction volume industry. One that relies on sustained / repeated engagement across the largest consumer population possible. That's why you should be focused on platforms like Spotify, Apple Music and Youtube, and NOT on platforms that are built on a SINGLE-transaction volume model like Bandcamp, with an extraordinary small userbase (especially internationally). You will go completely broke relying on the psychology offered in that Tweet screenshot above. It totally fails to understand that the music business has changed. The resources required to consistently generate $1000 of sales per month on a platform of Bandcamp are many orders of magnitude greater than sustaining that same revenue on platforms like Spotify and Apple Music - which are specifically built to capitalize on enormous userbase + repetition on small value transactions. Y'all will understand this eventually, likely when you're begging for social security inflation adjustments. Now - you can say that "I don't care about any of this, I don't agree with Spotify's business model!". That's fine. You're likely misinformed (like Taylor Swift - who has now generated well over $100 million in revenue from Spotify's 'failed' and 'unfair' streaming model...and done so with relatively minimal resources spent), but that's your right.
  15. The thread is about raising money for Ukraine, asking people to support the military of a foreign nation. Were you expecting the discussion to be apolitical? Lol.
  16. I think this one might be more "what can it replace". Been using it a few days, and it might replace quite a few of my stand alone plugins, since it handles a bunch of tasks I usually have to open multiple plugins for. Especially EQ Tilt, up/down compression, transient shaping. This thing is incredible so far, but just not sure how versatile is it is yet to perform all tasks well. Autogain might seal the deal - as it's a feature missing on so many plugins where it should priority feature.
  17. Would prefer to keep voicing my opinion this till these topics are gone. Now I'll just do it to defend smaller developer sales, who should take priority on this "deals" topic over people shamelessly promoting their totally unrelated Youtube channels. This content doesn't belong here - there's a proper category for it on these Cakewalk forums already. Poster should consider that he's shameless self-promoting on a popular forum that can be quite important for developer sales.
  18. This makes no sense - "not a deal" topics are generally about software / hardware business info that will affect products people use directly, or about something at least partially related to audio / music business news that DIRECTLY affects what people are buying or using every day. And ya, very occasionally jokey meme posts - usually during sales season. But these videos don't belong here at all. Looking around the forum, they belong exactly in the "Coffee House" category. That's what that forum is for. Like you said, you're using this forum because you have friends here, and your posts weren't catching traction elsewhere. I'm sorry that's the case, but these posts do not belong here. All the people responding can always respond in the Coffee House category, which is a click away. Literally. This deals forum is extremely popular for people across the internet, who are looking for up to date deals, most of whom don't post here. I'm sure, like me, they'd appreciate the forum to be as to the point as possible. If there is a place for this content - which there is - it should be posted there. Also consider that that when off-topic post like these are on the 1st page, it potentially means that smaller developers running sales are getting kicked to the 2nd page, and losing visibility. And those developers can use all the visibility they can get.
  19. Sorry to be rude - but can these posts be moved to another forum section? Forum topics should be about "deals" (and related audio / music software updates), and I keep seeing notifications about posts that are totally off topic. Why are these even being posted here?
  20. Lol. Funny to hear that without sarcasm. This is EPIC GAMES they are talking about. Haha. Too bad about Bandcamp. Instead of focusing on creative marketing and promoting the artists on their platform, and improving the UI / UX of their platform (still insisting on only Paypal revenue payments....in 2022!), they will just partner with more corporations to get some of that sweet easy cash. Bandcamp continues on its path to irrelevancy along with Soundcloud.
  21. Looks they added the entire Cableguys ShaperBox as default functionality. And midi integration and new logical editor looks very interesting. Can't wait to try this in a year when they fix all the bugs.
  22. Didn't the US facilitate a coup in the Ukraine in 2014 that led to the events of today, partnering with literal neo Nazis in the Maidan coup? lol. And have since then risked sparking a horrific civil war by doing everything possible to inflame tensions with half the population + it's military superpower neighbor? So much for sovereignty. Lol. Always reminded why I left the West. The propaganda is nauseating. But hey, while Americans are suddenly compassionate about war victims, maybe they can stop financing the genocide in Yemen, and gtfo of Syria and stop bombing Somalia. But those people ain't white, so nobody cares I guess.
  23. Can't think of any music software on my computer that gives me warnings "you don't own modules necessary to load this preset" when scrolling through presets, or has features locked off in the UI because I haven't purchased that feature. A plugin / instrument that does this won't be on my computer longer than a day. If I can't use something, I don't want to see it on the screen while I'm working...ever. Luckily, IK is one of the few devs that insist on this annoying AF marketing nonsense.
  24. It's a business practice that helps clear out the clutter. Just uninstalled Mododrum (got in on group buy) . IK clearly aiming at casuals when you open an instrument and you're greeted with locked features that require additional purchase. Last thing I want to see when I own a product and working on deadline is to open / click on something and see "you don't own this feature", or see download timelocks on shit I need to install. Uninstalled Amplitube for this reason as well. Always feel bad for the engineers - who likely spend 1000s of hours making these products, only for some execs to turn it into a arcade game. Speaking of games, IK should make one. They got the business practices down pat.
  25. Nothing exciting about installing a new Cubase version and becoming an unsuspecting beta tester. I wouldn't touch a new Cubase release with a 10-foot poll. Especially an update that complete revises their software protection. Will wait a year.
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