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Everything posted by lawajava

  1. I always used Gulfoss within Ozone in the stand-alone version as part of the final icing. Puzzling why they did not continue the stand-alone.
  2. Bapu - you beat me to it but I’m close behind on this one.
  3. I just thought of my new workaround for not having a stand-alone. Still export my song file. Have another song file with nothing in it except Ozone. Then bring in the exported file. Amounts to the same thing. Why not just have Ozone in the original file? I suppose that’s fine for lots of producers - unless the song file is chock full of effects that are pretty much maxing out the CPU. (That’s a description of my usual song file situation at the final mix point.) Having Ozone separate allows for a final mastering cycle with no CPU considerations. That’s why for me anyway. Also, I’m going to write iZotope with an objection to their decision.
  4. I installed Ozone 10 Advanced this morning - first thing I looked for is the stand-alone app. Re-installed trying to see if I missed a step. Then came here to see if others had the same issue. I can't believe it. The stand-alone was the natural place for it in the process for me anyway. Bummer. I like what they have updated for version 10, but this one aspect is very disappointing.
  5. I had gathered the majority of PA’s items over the various years and sales. Hadn’t picked up anything new for a while until a couple months ago when I grabbed their three AMEK products. Outside of the AMEK items I was in PA burn-out mode like many of the comments above - even though there are some very good items I already have. The AMEK products I recently picked up are great. I’ve used them on my last couple songs and they are keepers for regular use. Kind of “wow!” My input - if you don’t have the AMEK items yet go look into them.
  6. I’m glad for this. Nice gesture from Heavyocity!
  7. I’ll “buy” into your argument!
  8. I also remember it. Mike is a lark. He’s had some funny ads in the past.
  9. OMG - Black Friday is not far off. We won’t even know it’s happening this year!
  10. So far no one has mentioned two very interesting (older) Kontakt library developers: Hollow Sun - Stephen Howell was super interesting, creating unique synth libraries. Unfortunately he passed away and his company Hollow Sun stopped at that point. But the libraries are still there, and still work and sound great: http://hollowsun.com/ Pulstar from the many libraries is a first good one to look at if unfamiliar with Hollow Sun: http://hollowsun.com/HS2/alien_devices/pulstar/index.htm Hideaway Studio - Dan, who worked with Stephen on some Hollow Sun projects, started Hideaway Studio which has a number of low-cost, fantastic sounding libraries. I have used a fair number of patches from these libraries in my songs because they sound quite nice and hit the spot. It appears Dan is now selling his products officially through Loot Audio: https://hideawaystudio.net/ From Hideaway Studio a good first one to check out is the Blue Zone collection: https://hideawaystudio.net/category/the-blue-zone/ Here's one sound example from the Blue Zone:
  11. The audio examples for the new EZBass expansion arriving in mid September seem to address a gap in Toontrack’s existing EZBass sounds. I might beat Bapu to the cash register on this one!
  12. I thought I was in the same boat. Have Mercury, updated etc. I called Waves support. It was actually in my list right there in view. It’s called Waves Harmony in the list, not just Harmony.
  13. The PSP Stomp Filter demo clip does make a good case for allocating $17 for it.
  14. I’ve used the SSL plugins I obtained recently on my recent songs. I like the results. I am going to continue to use them. Borrowing a phrase from Arturia, “these are effects I’ll actually use.” Glad for this set now being on a flash sale.
  15. Probably very affordable. I have it and it does sound great. For the Wurli connoisseur though ultimately Broken Wurli by Soniccouture compares very well on sound (but not on price).
  16. I particularly use Sonicouture’s Broken Wurli. Not free, not necessarily low cost although sales do occur. A terrific sounding Wurli - even including the torn speaker mode. Very Supertramp sounding, or Steely Dan.
  17. I saw it separately. He’s a talented and interesting guy.
  18. I’ve used this on a lot of songs. Certain bus presets help a lot and the dry/wet mix allows to dial as appropriate.
  19. This is a "you snooze you lose" deal. Just grabbed it at this price. Thanks @Abstract !! A number of "yep, it's worth it" videos out there. Here's one.
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