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Eusebio Rufian-Zilbermann

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Everything posted by Eusebio Rufian-Zilbermann

  1. I've been paying with a credit card and using this option extensively in recent years (after I switched to a credit card that didn't charge for "foreign transaction fees", also a key point if you often buy goods from other countries) I hate that PayPal makes you choose the option every single time and it won't let you save the option as a default for future purchases.
  2. If you have another version/edition (except free?), the upgrade to premium is currently $50 Launch the product to get the offer.
  3. I purchased my 2nd Group Buy entry today and I was just installing all the new software. Something that I want to give thanks for is the IK Installation Manager. It has worked really well and it makes a tremendous difference in the installation and authorization process compared to how cumbersome it used to be a couple of years ago
  4. @Luc Regarding Amplitube, you'd be missing the new impulse response functionality that is in AT5 "full" but not AT5 CS In general I would use a combination of looking in Custom Shop and checking in the DAW whether the plugin opens or it complains about a license being required Custom Shop gets pretty close to being accurate but I am coming across strange edge cases with items that I do have a license for, but CS is not showing them with the green checkmark. Some examples are the Classic T-Racks Equalizer or the Opto Tremolo Stomp. Also, for collections it seems random whether they'll show the checkmark or not. For many of these collections (e.g., Amplitube Leslie, Fender 2, etc.) they don't show the checkmark but, if I click on them to get the details about the included items, all of them are checkmarked (or all but one, that I do have a license for anyway). I have tried the "restore my purchases" multiple times but it didn't make a difference
  5. Our money is on you that we won't be disappointed once the solution to the mystery of the final tiers is revealed
  6. I regret not buying Soundforge 14 when Larry had it on sale at kvr. I was looking at it and trying to decide when to get it, and someone else was quicker (and this "deal" is unlikely to return, well, maybe until the next Samplitude upgrade) Which reminded me, I wanted to buy NI Stradivari Violin that I had seen on that same forum a few days back (and I was hesitant because of the IK Group Buy already being a large purchase for the month). Let me head over there asap...
  7. @cclarry it doesn't have to be a removal of a 1000 entry tier or a spacing in the last few tiers to be more than 1000, it can be that a tier has something else other than a free item
  8. Thank you @Peter - IK Multimedia. It has been clear from the beginning that not every increase in 1000 entries was associated with a free item from the list, and that there are plans that will be announced when we get closer to the end but I wasn't thinking too much and made a mistake when writing my entry and realized it as soon as I saw the response from Jacques Boileau Here is an idea: when we get to a plateau you could announce something like "instead of a free item, if we get to 21000 entries IK MM will add [gear credits|resonator|something else] to the list of items to choose from". That could encourage even more multi-dip ๐Ÿ˜‰
  9. If I already have T-Racks 4 Max and T-Racks 5 CS, what are the advantages in getting "regular" T-Racks 5? is there anything besides the Classic EQ and the "non-full" metering? (is there some "full version only" feature like it happens in Amplitube where the new impulse response features are available if you have the full version but unavailable if using the CS version?)
  10. In addition to the Eq's already mentioned, they also have an Auto-EQ for under $10 https://www.hornetplugins.com/plugins/hornet-thirtyone-mk2/
  11. Note that the suite has been changing over time (e.g., it used to include Xfer Serum but not anymore). For reference, it currently includes: Exclusive Vita Solo Instruments Vintage Effects Suite The Brainworx Plug-in Package including: bx_oberhausen bx_townhouse bx_rooMS bx_delay 2500, bx_clean sweep pro VariVerb II plug-in coreFX mastering effects
  12. I'll be the optimistic one and say it'll reach 25, as the deal keeps getting better and better
  13. In my non-musical life I invest and trade (it helps "pay for the hobbies"). In this case, IK MM is privately owned so it's not possible to easily buy/sell its stock and I'm not planning anything, but I just find it interesting this kind of quick financial analysis.
  14. Just out of curiosity I was trying to figure out the impact of the Group Buy to total revenue at IK MM and I came across this page https://www.owler.com/company/ikmultimedia If we estimate an average spending of $100 for the Group Buy, at 10K participants that would be +$1M sales a) From the info at the owler page, Waves is ahead of IK MM in terms of yearly sales, not by much, but more than $1M b) Group Buy sales are below the average $1.8 M ($22M divided by 12) monthly revenue for IK MM although, the average includes more products (hardware, other products excluded from the GB) and considering seasonality and e.g., how much Black Friday can contribute to yearly sales, the Group Buy probably contributed to a pretty good number for August sales compared to previous years (on the other hand, the challenge in evaluating promotions like the GB is figuring out how much the results are an increase in total sales and how much it is just a redistribution from future months into the current one).
  15. @Peter - IK Multimedia here is a bug report for your Group Buy Webpage developers: the code for updating the "days remaining" in the page after reaching 10000, it didn't work, it's still at 1 ๐Ÿ˜œ
  16. Now that going past 10 freebies looks quite possible maybe you want to take a look into getting a better deal through Gear Credits. Buy 300 GC (or more?) lower the price using JamPoints . Download the free Custom Shop if you don't have it already), use the credits to get Amplitube (and something else?) then t-racks & t-racks-se, then the individual t-racks modules not included in the previous to complete your collection
  17. Yes, confirmed by Peter "at the other place" https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=568853&p=8180332&hilit=custom+shop#p8180332 and by various people
  18. They do show up in the Custom shop client 2.0.0, in the Sampletank section (do you have an older custom shop or maybe you're looking at a different section?)
  19. Will we see some flash sales soon, to give a final push towards that 10K line?
  20. E.g., SampleTron 2 is not in TS3M I haven't done all the calculations but if the GB is extended a month and gets close to the 20 range, 2 or 3 entries in the GB at the right price points and using all the right tricks already mentioned earlier in this thread (buying something that will let you qualify for crossgrades first, gear credits, the Groove3 coupon, jampoints), this GB may be a better deal than TS3M at BF prices
  21. Heads-up. If you got Amplitube SVX from the Audio Plugin Deals promotion a year ago, and you haven't registered it yet (e.g., because of already having TS2Max which was my case) you probably want to register it now and get a nice surprise ๐Ÿ™‚ (keep that counter going up!)
  22. Free with issue 299 of Computer Music magazine (in your newsstand, magzter, zinio, etc) Minimal Audio Rift Filter Lite, plus 5 sample packs: Transmute, Microtech, Erode, Oxide & Convolve
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